

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


昨天,我们学习了如何在节日季送出真正的“好”礼物,今天,我们接着来看纽约时报(The New York Times)2018年的这篇关于送礼的学问,送礼物真的越重越好吗?

Why Is Everyone So Bad At Giving Gifts (The Atlantic)



Want Your Gift to Impress? Buy Something Heavy

The 17th-century French tragedian Pierre Corneille wrote: “The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.”

He had a point, according to Charles Spence, head of the Crossmodal Research Laboratory at the University of Oxford.

The professor’s work focuses on how our brains perceive the world around us. His research has demonstrated that high-frequency sounds and curved shapes seem to enhance the sweetness in food, and a wine tastes better if it is heralded by the popping sound of a cork and drunk from a heavy glass. He has partnered with chefs like Ferran Adrià and Heston Blumenthal to create multisensory food experiences, and worked with advertising agencies and marketers at many international brands.

So, what’s his advice if you want to impress this holiday season?

①Bulk it up

“We’ve just published research on eating a box of chocolate,” Mr. Spence said. “If you hide a 30-gram (1 ounce) weight in a box of chocolate, that weight translates to a significant increase in perceived quality of the chocolate.”

There are exceptions, but the association between weight and the perception of luxury applies to numerous items including tableware, cutlery, perfume and wine, Mr. Spence said. “That’s why in a restaurant, a sommelier might subtly give you the bottle to weigh in your hand,” he added.

②Black is basic

Black is the color most associated with luxury because, Mr. Spence said, “it seems to be the color that we perceive to be the heaviest.”

Such luxury cues are learned, rather than innate, so they can change over time. “I’m doing a lot of work on transparency at the moment; premium packaged goods should have a transparent window because it conveys freshness or quality,” he said.

But the trend is recent, the professor added, because “traditionally luxury goods used to have opaque packaging. I think it has to do with the current desire for authenticity.”

③Layer it on

Unnecessary wrapping can be an ecological concern but, when it comes to luxury goods like wine in a presentation case, it does make an impression.

“Tissue layers are really good,” Mr. Spence said, “because the crinkle adds an extra sense to the experience.”

Consider a squirt of fragrance in the box or wrapping, and, if you want to cover all sensory bases, work out some way for classical music to be playing when the gift is opened because we associate it with quality.

Engaging several senses at once is beneficial. “The brain combines the inputs from each sense, both to determine what something is, but also to determine a hedonic or reward value,” Mr. Spence said. Also, the more stimuli to the senses, the more activity is produced in the orbitofrontal cortex, a small part of brain situated just behind the eyes. And the more activity there, the more rewarding something is perceived to be.

④You can go too far

“Engaging one sense is more effective, but you can potentially have an incongruence if that extra sense doesn’t match the others,” the professor said.

He offered as an example the Portuguese denim brand Salsa, which embedded its jeans with microcapsules of perfume chosen to match the color of the item — a lemon scent to match yellow jeans — and to diffuse over time.

“It totally backfired,” said Mr. Spence — who had no part in the project. “It proved too much for consumers.”

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Want Your Gift to Impress? Buy Something Heavy


The 17th-century French tragedian Pierre Corneille wrote: “The manner of giving is worth more than the gift.

17世纪的法国悲剧作家皮埃尔·高乃依(Pierre Corneille)写道:“送礼在于送,不在于礼。”

He had a point, according to Charles Spence, head of the Crossmodal Research Laboratory at the University of Oxford.

牛津大学跨模态研究实验室(Crossmodal Research Laboratory)主任查尔斯·斯宾塞(Charles Spence)称,高乃依此话有理

have a point

表示“有道理,说的没错”,英文解释为“One's point of view or opinion makes sense and is worth considering.”举个🌰:

That's true. You have a point there.


The professor's work focuses on how our brains perceive the world around us. His research has demonstrated that high-frequency sounds and curved shapes seem to enhance the sweetness in food, and a wine tastes better if it is heralded by the popping sound of a cork and drunk from a heavy glass. He has partnered with chefs like Ferran Adrià and Heston Blumenthal to create multisensory food experiences, and worked with advertising agencies and marketers at many international brands.

斯宾塞的研究领域是关于我们的大脑如何感知周遭的世界。他的研究表明,高频声音和弯曲的形状,似乎能增强食物中的甜味;软木塞拔出时的爆裂声和沉重的酒杯,能让葡萄酒口感更佳。他与费朗·阿德里亚(Ferran Adria)和赫斯顿·布卢门撒尔(Heston Blumenthal)等大厨合作,打造多感官的美食体验,此外,与广告公司和众多国际品牌的营销人员也有合作。


1)表示“感知,察觉,注意到,意识到”,英文解释为“to see something or someone, or to notice something that is obvious”举个🌰:

He perceived a tiny figure in the distance.


2)表示“认为;看待;视为”,英文解释为“to come to an opinion about something, or have a belief about something”举个🌰:

How do the French perceive the British?


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述比特币的文章中提到:Scarcity is a trait of many things that are perceived to have value. 稀缺性正是许多被视为有价值的事物共有的特征。


表示“显示;表明”,英文解释为“to show or make make something clear”举个🌰:

These numbers clearly demonstrate the size of the economic problem facing the country.



herald /ˈhɛrəld/ 1)作动词,表示“预告;宣传;宣布”,英文解释为“If an important event or action is heralded by people, announcements are made about it so that it is publicly known and expected.”举个🌰:

Her new album has been heralded by a massive media campaign.


2)作动词,表示“预示…的来临”,英文解释为“Something that heralds a future event or situation is a sign that it is going to happen or appear.”如:the sultry evening that heralded the end of the baking hot summer 预示着炙热的夏天即将结束的那个闷热的夜晚。

3)作名词,表示“预兆”,英文解释为“Something that is a herald of a future event or situation is a sign that it is going to happen or appear.”举个🌰:

I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom.


📍The Sydney Morning Herald 悉尼先驱晨报

cork /kɔːk/

表示“(尤指酒瓶的)软木瓶塞”,英文解释为“a short, cylinder-shaped piece of cork, plastic, or rubber that is put into the top of a bottle, especially a wine bottle, to close it”。

So, what's his advice if you want to impress this holiday season?


①Bulk it up


“We've just published research on eating a box of chocolate,” Mr. Spence said. “If you hide a 30-gram (1 ounce) weight in a box of chocolate, that weight translates to a significant increase in perceived quality of the chocolate.”



除了表示“翻译”,也可以指“转变,变为;转化(尤指将计划变为现实)”,英文解释为“to change something into a new form, especially to turn a plan into something real”举个🌰:

So how does this theory translate into practical policy?


There are exceptions, but the association between weight and the perception of luxury applies to numerous items including tableware, cutlery, perfume and wine, Mr. Spence said. “That's why in a restaurant, a sommelier might subtly give you the bottle to weigh in your hand,” he added.



sommelier /ˈsʌməlˌjeɪ/ 表示“伺酒师”,英文解释为“someone whose job is to serve and give advice about wine in a restaurant”。

②Black is basic


Black is the color most associated with luxury because, Mr. Spence said, “it seems to be the color that we perceive to be the heaviest.”


Such luxury cues are learned, rather than innate, so they can change over time. “I'm doing a lot of work on transparency at the moment; premium packaged goods should have a transparent window because it conveys freshness or quality,” he said.



1)表示“(素质)天生的,与生俱来的”,英文解释为“an innate quality or ability is something you are born with”,举个🌰:

Children have an innate ability to learn language.


2)表示“(信仰)根深蒂固的”,英文解释为“an innate belief is something you feel strongly about and are unlikely to change”,如:the innate conservatism of the farming community 农业社区固有的保守主义。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述判断力问题的文章中提到:Some people think that good judgment is innate. 有些人认为良好的判断力是与生俱来的

premium /ˈpriːmɪəm/

1)作形容词,表示“高昂的;优质的;高端的,英文解释为“very high (and higher than usual); of high quality”,如:premium prices/products 奇高的价格;优质产品。

2)作名词,表示“附加费”,英文解释为“A premium is a sum of money that you have to pay for something in addition to the normal cost.”举个🌰:

Even if customers want "solutions," most are not willing to pay a premium for them. 


But the trend is recent, the professor added, because “traditionally luxury goods used to have opaque packaging. I think it has to do with the current desire for authenticity.”



opaque /əʊˈpeɪk/ 表示“不透明的;不透光的”,英文解释为“preventing light from travelling through, and therefore not transparent or translucent”如:opaque glass 不透明的玻璃。


表示“真实性;确实性”,英文解释为“the quality of being genuine or true.”

③Layer it on


Unnecessary wrapping can be an ecological concern but, when it comes to luxury goods like wine in a presentation case, it does make an impression.


“Tissue layers are really good,” Mr. Spence said, “because the crinkle adds an extra sense to the experience.”



此处作名词,表示“褶痕;皱纹”,英文解释为“a very thin fold or line made on paper, cloth or skin”,也可以作动词,举个🌰:

He shrugged whimsically, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses.


Consider a squirt of fragrance in the box or wrapping, and, if you want to cover all sensory bases, work out some way for classical music to be playing when the gift is opened because we associate it with quality.


squirt /skwɜːt/

表示“喷出的液体(或气体)”,英文解释为“an amount of liquid or gas that is squirted out”举个🌰:

The door should stop squeaking once I've given it a few squirts of oil.




1)perfume表示“香水”,英文解释为“a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice”,如:a bottle of expensive perfume 一瓶昂贵的香水;还可以指「芳香;香味;馨香」(a pleasant, often sweet, smell)。

2)fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns/ 表示“香水”,英文解释为“a liquid that you put on your skin in order to make yourself smell nice”,如:an exciting new fragrance from Dior 迪奥推出的一款令人振奋的新香水;fragrance同样也可以指「香味」(A fragrance is a pleasant or sweet smell.)

Engaging several senses at once is beneficial. “The brain combines the inputs from each sense, both to determine what something is, but also to determine a hedonic or reward value,” Mr. Spence said. Also, the more stimuli to the senses, the more activity is produced in the orbitofrontal cortex, a small part of brain situated just behind the eyes. And the more activity there, the more rewarding something is perceived to be.

同时触及多种感官是有帮助的。斯宾塞说,“大脑把每种感官的输入综合在一起,这既可以判断是何物,也能决定享乐或者奖励的价值大小。”此外,对感官的刺激越多,眶额皮层(orbitofrontal cortex),也就是眼睛后方一小部分的大脑,就越活跃。那里越活跃,人们就会觉得越有价值。


hedonic /hiːˈdɒn.ɪk/ 表示“快乐的;享乐的”,英文解释为“connected with feelings of pleasure”举个🌰:

Many purchases are related to hedonic impulses.



很有意思的一个词,单数 stimulus /ˈstɪmjʊləs/,复数 stimuli /ˈstɪm.jʊ.laɪ/,没错有s的是单数。表示“刺激(物),激励(物);促进因素”,英文解释为“something that causes growth or activity; something that causes part of the body to react”。


表示“处于…的;位于...的”,英文解释为“in a particular situation; in a particular position”举个🌰:

The school is situated near the park.


④You can go too far


“Engaging one sense is more effective, but you can potentially have an incongruence if that extra sense doesn't match the others,” the professor said.



incongruence /ɪn'kɑŋɡrʊəns/ 表示“不一致;不协调”,英文解释为“the state of not being suitable or not fitting well with something else”。

He offered as an example the Portuguese denim brand Salsa, which embedded its jeans with microcapsules of perfume chosen to match the color of the item — a lemon scent to match yellow jeans — and to diffuse over time.

他以葡萄牙的牛仔服饰品牌Salsa为例,这个品牌在牛仔裤里嵌入了香水微胶囊(microcapsules of perfume),并且与不同的颜色搭配,比如柠檬味搭配黄色牛仔裤,而且它随着时间而慢慢释放。

denim /ˈdɛnɪm/

表示“蓝粗棉布;劳动布;牛仔布”,英文解释为“a type of strong cotton cloth that is usually blue and is used for making clothes, especially jeans”。

📍denims就等同于jeans,指“牛仔裤;工装裤”(clothes made of denim)

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)今年二月份一篇文章就专门介绍了美国牛仔服饰以及牛仔裤品牌李维斯(Levi's),副标题里用到了denim这个词。


表示“嵌入(插入、埋入)”,英文解释为“If an object embeds itself in a substance or thing, it becomes fixed there firmly and deeply.”举个🌰:

One of the bullets passed through his chest before embedding itself in a wall.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述拜登即将面临的经济挑战的文章中提到:as technology becomes more embedded in everyday life and in more industries 随着科技日益嵌入日常生活和更多行业,

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述人类基因组计划的文章中提到:Genomics is now so embedded in biology that it is hard to recall what things were like before it. 基因组学现在已深深根植于生物学,以至于很难回忆起在那之前是什么情形。


表示“(使气体或液体)弥漫,扩散,渗透”,英文解释为“to (cause a gas or liquid to) spread through or into a surrounding substance by mixing with it”举个🌰:

Oxygen diffuses from the lungs into the bloodstream.


“It totally backfired,” said Mr. Spence — who had no part in the project. “It proved too much for consumers.”



表示“事与愿违,(计划或行动)发生意外,产生事与愿违的结果”,英文解释为“if a plan or action backfires, it has the opposite effect to the one you intended”,举个🌰:

The company's new policy backfired when a number of employees threatened to quit.


🎬电影《被拒人生》(Freeheld)中的台词提到:Listen to me, listen to me, this is a circus, it's gonna backfire. 听我说,这有些儿戏了,会适得其反的。








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