

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Queen Elizabeth's Christmas Message in Full 2020

Every year we herald the coming of Christmas by turning on the lights. And light does more than create a festive mood —light brings hope.

For Christians, Jesus is ‘the light of the world’, but we can’t celebrate his birth today in quite the usual way. People of all faiths have been unable to gather as they would wish for their festivals, such as Passover, Easter, Eid, and Vaisakhi. But we need life to go on. Last month, fireworks lit up the sky around Windsor, as Hindus, Sikhs and Jains celebrated Diwali, the festival of lights, providing joyous moments of hope and unity — despite social distancing.

Remarkably, a year that has necessarily kept people apart has, in many ways, brought us closer. Across the Commonwealth, my family and I have been inspired by stories of people volunteering in their communities, helping those in need.

In the United Kingdom and around the world, people have risen magnificently to the challenges of the year, and I am so proud and moved by this quiet, indomitable spirit. To our young people in particular I say thank you for the part you have played.

This year, we celebrated International Nurses’ Day, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. As with other nursing pioneers like Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale shone a lamp of hope across the world. Today, our front-line services still shine that lamp for us - supported by the amazing achievements of modern science - and we owe them a debt of gratitude. We continue to be inspired by the kindness of strangers and draw comfort that - even on the darkest nights - there is hope in the new dawn.

Jesus touched on this with the parable of the Good Samaritan. The man who is robbed and left at the roadside is saved by someone who did not share his religion or culture. This wonderful story of kindness is still as relevant today.  Good Samaritans have emerged across society showing care and respect for all, regardless of gender, race or background, reminding us that each one of us is special and equal in the eyes of God. 

The teachings of Christ have served as my inner light, as has the sense of purpose we can find in coming together to worship. 

In November, we commemorated another hero – though nobody knows his name. The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior isn’t a large memorial, but everyone entering Westminster Abbey has to walk around his resting place, honouring this unnamed combatant of the First World War — a symbol of selfless duty and ultimate sacrifice. The Unknown Warrior was not exceptional.  That’s the point. He represents millions like him who throughout our history have put the lives of others above their own, and will be doing so today.  For me, this is a source of enduring hope in difficult and unpredictable times. 

Of course, for many, this time of year will be tinged with sadness: some mourning the loss of those dear to them, and others missing friends and family-members distanced for safety, when all they’d really want for Christmas is a simple hug or a squeeze of the hand. If you are among them, you are not alone, and let me assure you of my thoughts and prayers.  

The Bible tells how a star appeared in the sky, its light guiding the shepherds and wise men to the scene of Jesus’s birth. Let the light of Christmas — the spirit of selflessness, love and above all hope — guide us in the times ahead. 

It is in that spirit that I wish you a very happy Christmas.

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Queen Elizabeth's Christmas Message in Full 2020

Every year we herald the coming of Christmas by turning on the lights. And light does more than create a festive mood —light brings hope.



herald /ˈhɛrəld/ 1)作动词,表示“预告;宣传;宣布”,英文解释为“If an important event or action is heralded by people, announcements are made about it so that it is publicly known and expected.”举个🌰:

Her new album has been heralded by a massive media campaign.


2)作动词,表示“预示…的来临”,英文解释为“Something that heralds a future event or situation is a sign that it is going to happen or appear.”如:the sultry evening that heralded the end of the baking hot summer 预示着炙热的夏天即将结束的那个闷热的夜晚。

3)作名词,表示“预兆”,英文解释为“Something that is a herald of a future event or situation is a sign that it is going to happen or appear.”举个🌰:

I welcome the report as a herald of more freedom.


📍The Sydney Morning Herald 悉尼先驱晨报

For Christians, Jesus is ‘the light of the world’, but we can't celebrate his birth today in quite the usual way. People of all faiths have been unable to gather as they would wish for their festivals, such as Passover, Easter, Eid, and Vaisakhi. But we need life to go on. Last month, fireworks lit up the sky around Windsor, as Hindus, Sikhs and Jains celebrated Diwali, the festival of lights, providing joyous moments of hope and unity — despite social distancing.



📍Passover:a Jewish celebration in March or April every year to remember the escape of the Jews from Egypt (犹太人的)逾越节

📍Easter:a Christian religious holiday to celebrate Jesus Christ's return to life after he was killed 复活节(基督教纪念耶稣复活的节日)

📍Eid:the name of two Muslim holidays. The more important of these is called Eid ul-Fitr and is celebrated to mark the end of Ramadan. 尔德节(穆斯林节日,指开斋节和宰牲节,其中开斋节更为重要)

📍Vaisakhi:the festival which celebrates the founding of the Sikh community, the Khalsa, in 1699. It was originally a harvest festival in the Punjab until it became Sikhism's most important festival. 丰收节(锡克教)

📍Diwali:a Hindu festival in October/November that is a celebration of light and of hopes for the following year 排灯节(印度教秋季节日)

Remarkably, a year that has necessarily kept people apart has, in many ways, brought us closer. Across the Commonwealth, my family and I have been inspired by stories of people volunteering in their communities, helping those in need.


In the United Kingdom and around the world, people have risen magnificently to the challenges of the year, and I am so proud and moved by this quiet, indomitable spirit. To our young people in particular I say thank you for the part you have played.



表示“不屈不挠的;勇敢坚定的”,英文解释为“used to say that someone is strong, brave, determined, and difficult to defeat or frighten”如:a woman of indomitable will 一个有着不屈意志的女人。

📍十九大报告中,提到:中华民族是历经磨难、不屈不挠的伟大民族,The Chinese nation is a great nation; it has been through hardships and adversity but remains indomitable.

This year, we celebrated International Nurses' Day, on the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. As with other nursing pioneers like Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale shone a lamp of hope across the world. Today, our front-line services still shine that lamp for us - supported by the amazing achievements of modern science - and we owe them a debt of gratitude. We continue to be inspired by the kindness of strangers and draw comfort that - even on the darkest nights - there is hope in the new dawn.

今年,在弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔(Florence Nightingale)诞辰200周年之际我们庆祝了国际护士节(International Nurses' Day)。与玛丽·西科勒(Mary Seacole)等其他护理先驱一样,弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔(Florence Nightingale)为全世界点亮了希望之灯。今天,在现代科学惊人成就的支持下,我们的一线服务人员仍在为我们照亮这盏灯,我们对他们心存感激。我们不断被陌生人的善意所鼓舞,并从中得到安慰,即使在最黑暗的夜晚,新的黎明也会有希望。

front line

表示“(战争)前线”,英文解释为“a place where opposing armies face each other in war and where fighting happens”举个🌰:

Tens of thousands of soldiers died on the front line.


Jesus touched on this with the parable of the Good Samaritan. The man who is robbed and left at the roadside is saved by someone who did not share his religion or culture. This wonderful story of kindness is still as relevant today.  Good Samaritans have emerged across society showing care and respect for all, regardless of gender, race or background, reminding us that each one of us is special and equal in the eyes of God.



表示“(尤指《圣经》中的)寓言故事”,英文解释为“a short story that teaches a moral or spiritual lesson, especially one of those told by Jesus as recorded in the Bible”。

a good Samaritan

特指表示“乐善好施者,乐于助人者”,英文解释为“someone who gives help to people who need it”。好撒马利亚人(The Good Samaritan)是基督教文化中一个很著名的成语和口头语,意为:好心人、见义勇为者。



除了表示“分享,共用”,此处熟词僻义,表示“有同样的感觉(或性质、经历)”,英文解释为“If two or more people or things share a feeling, quality, or experience, they both or all have the same feeling, quality, or experience.举个🌰:

I don't share your views/beliefs.


We share an interest in computer science.



也可以指“有价值的;有意义的”,英文解释为“having ideas that are valuable and useful to people in their lives and work”举个🌰:

Her novel is still relevant today.


The teachings of Christ have served as my inner light, as has the sense of purpose we can find in coming together to worship.



复数,特指“教导;学说,教义;主义”,英文解释为“moral, religious, or political opinions, especially of a famous leader”如:Christ's teachings 耶稣基督的教义。

worship /ˈwɜːʃɪp/

可作名词也可以作动词,表示“(对上帝或神的)崇拜,敬仰,礼拜”,英文解释为“the practice of showing respect for God or a god, by saying prayers, singing with others, etc.; a ceremony for this”如:ancestor worship 对祖先的崇拜,举个🌰:

On the island the people worshipped different gods.


In November, we commemorated another hero – though nobody knows his name. The Tomb of the Unknown Warrior isn't a large memorial, but everyone entering Westminster Abbey has to walk around his resting place, honouring this unnamed combatant of the First World War — a symbol of selfless duty and ultimate sacrifice. The Unknown Warrior was not exceptional. That's the point. He represents millions like him who throughout our history have put the lives of others above their own, and will be doing so today. For me, this is a source of enduring hope in difficult and unpredictable times.

11月,我们纪念了另一位英雄--虽然没有人知道他的名字。无名战士之墓并不是一个大型的纪念碑,但每个进入威斯敏斯特教堂(Westminster Abbey)的人都要绕着他的安息地走一圈,纪念这位第一次世界大战中的无名战士--向他象征的无私责任和伟大牺牲致敬。无名战士并不特殊。这就是关键所在。他代表着千千万万像他这样的人,在我们的历史上,他们将他人的生命置于自己的生命之上,即使今天也是如此。对我来说,这是在困难和不可预知的时代中带来持久希望的源泉。


表示“纪念”,英文解释为“To commemorate an important event or person means to remember them by means of a special action, ceremony, or specially created object.”举个🌰:

One room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments in baseball history.



combatant表示“战斗人员,战士,斗士”,英文解释为“a person who fights in a war”。


📍contestant表示“参赛者,选手”,英文解释为“A contestant in a competition or game show is a person who takes part in it”。

Of course, for many, this time of year will be tinged with sadness: some mourning the loss of those dear to them, and others missing friends and family-members distanced for safety, when all they'd really want for Christmas is a simple hug or a squeeze of the hand. If you are among them, you are not alone, and let me assure you of my thoughts and prayers.



表示“(使)带有一点;略带…感情(或性质)”,英文解释为“to contain a slight amount of”如:a look of surprise tinged with disapproval 带有几分不满的惊奇神情。

The Bible tells how a star appeared in the sky, its light guiding the shepherds and wise men to the scene of Jesus's birth. Let the light of Christmas — the spirit of selflessness, love and above all hope — guide us in the times ahead.



shepherd /ˈʃɛpəd/ 表示“牧羊人,羊倌”,英文解释为“a person whose job is to take care of sheep and move them from one place to another”。

作动词时,表示“带领(一群人),引导(人群)”,英文解释为“to lead or guide a group of people somewhere, making sure that they go where you want them to go”,用法:shepherd sb into/out/towards sth,举个🌰:

The tour guides shepherded the rest of the group onto the bus.


It is in that spirit that I wish you a very happy Christmas.









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