

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


今天,我们一起来看看《纽约时报》(The New York Times)让你在新的一年里过得更健康的9条建议。

10 Habits of Healthy People - How To Live Longer


9 Ways to Live Healthier in 2021

The New York Times

By Tim Herrera

We all should eat better, exercise regularly and get more sleep. We hear those three pieces of advice so often it can be easy to drown them out. But there’s a reason this advice has become so cliché: Combined, they truly can result in a healthier life, physically and mentally.

But where should you begin? We’re here to help.

Below is the best advice from The Times on ensuring that your body and mind are in top shape in 2021, whatever that means for you. Whether you’ve been trying to sleep better, establish an exercise routine or finally give your house the deep clean it deserves, we’ve got you covered.

◉ Finally fix your sleeping hygiene

It seems like such a simple problem to fix: Get more sleep. But how? In this Times guide to getting a better night’s rest, you’ll learn how to create and maintain positive sleep habits, find a nighttime ritual that works for you, figure out when you should even be sleeping and much, much more.

◉ Try biking to work

Yes, biking to work can be a daunting prospect. But in this simple how-to guide, we’ll teach you the rules of the road and the best ways to stay safe. 

◉ Learn to manage your stress

Stress can impact both your mental and physical health, so as you move into the new year it’s important to get a handle on yours.

◉ Never done a downward dog? Give it a try

Like stress, yoga is something that can impact both your mental and physical well-being, but in an incredibly positive way.

◉ Clean home, clean life

A new year means new beginnings, so give your home a makeover with our comprehensive guide to cleaning out every room, nook and cranny. 

◉ Save time on your workouts

Working out certainly can end up consuming large chunks of your day or week, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

◉ Conquer your negative thinking

Here’s a New Year’s challenge for the mind: Make this the year that you quiet all those negative thoughts swirling around your brain. 

◉ Strengthen those muscles

Strength training can be crucial to your health goals, but it’s not always easy to know where to start. This guide to strength training solves that problem, giving you a simple-yet-effective nine-minute routine you can do practically anywhere. 

◉ Go for a run

A recent study found that runners tend to live about three years longer than nonrunners, even if they run slowly or sporadically and smoke, drink or are overweight. No other form of exercise that researchers looked at showed comparable impacts on life span. Get out there! 

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9 Ways to Live Healthier in 2021


The New York Times

By Tim Herrera

We all should eat better, exercise regularly and get more sleep. We hear those three pieces of advice so often it can be easy to drown them out. But there's a reason this advice has become so cliché: Combined, they truly can result in a healthier life, physically and mentally.


drown sth out

表示“(声音/噪音)压过;盖没;淹没”,英文解释为“to be louder than other sounds so that you cannot hear them”举个🌰:

She turned up the radio to drown out the noise from next door.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述美国股市投机者的文章中提到:As noisy as Mr Portnoy and his ilk are, they have been almost drowned out by the tut-tutting of jowly investors. 虽然波特诺伊这类人话挺多,但他们的声音几乎那些脸颊松垮的投资者不耐烦的啧啧声淹没了。


表示“陈词滥调,老生常谈,老套的话”,英文解释为“a saying or remark that is very often made and is therefore not original and not interesting”举个🌰:

My wedding day - and I know it's a cliché - was just the happiest day of my life.


But where should you begin? We're here to help.


Below is the best advice from The Times on ensuring that your body and mind are in top shape in 2021, whatever that means for you. Whether you've been trying to sleep better, establish an exercise routine or finally give your house the deep clean it deserves, we've got you covered.


in top shape

shape作名词,熟词僻义,指“状况,情况;健康状况”,英文解释为“condition, or state of health”举个🌰:

He bought up businesses that were in bad/poor shape, and then sold them off piece by piece.


"How are you?" "Oh, I'm in great shape."


◉ Finally fix your sleeping hygiene 彻底调整好你的睡眠习惯

It seems like such a simple problem to fix: Get more sleep. But how? In this Times guide to getting a better night's rest, you'll learn how to create and maintain positive sleep habits, find a nighttime ritual that works for you, figure out when you should even be sleeping and much, much more.



hygiene /ˈhaɪdʒiːn/ 不可数名词,表示“卫生;保健法”,英文解释为“the practice of keeping yourself and your living and working areas clean in order to prevent illness and disease”,如:food hygiene 食品卫生,personal hygiene 个人卫生。


表示“例行公事,老规矩;(尤指)仪式”,英文解释为“a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially as part of a ceremony”举个🌰:

Coffee and the newspaper are part of my morning ritual.


◉ Try biking to work 试着骑车上班

Yes, biking to work can be a daunting prospect. But in this simple how-to guide, we'll teach you the rules of the road and the best ways to stay safe.



daunting /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/ 表示“使人气馁的,吓人的;使人畏缩的;令人发怵的”,英文解释为“frightening in a way that makes you feel less confident”举个🌰:

The trip seemed rather daunting for a young girl.


📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:and those standards can at first seem daunting. 这些规矩起初令人望而生畏。

📺美剧《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)中的台词提到:Just the idea of owning a car wash seems daunting, 收购洗车房的主意听起来不切实际。

◉ Learn to manage your stress 学会管理压力

Stress can impact both your mental and physical health, so as you move into the new year it's important to get a handle on yours.


◉ Never done a downward dog? Give it a try 从没试过下犬式?试试吧

Like stress, yoga is something that can impact both your mental and physical well-being, but in an incredibly positive way.


downward dog

表示“(瑜伽的)下犬式”,英文解释为“a position in yoga in which the hands and feet are on the floor, the hips are high and the head is low, making an an upside-down V shape”。

◉ Clean home, clean life 干净的家,干净的生活

A new year means new beginnings, so give your home a makeover with our comprehensive guide to cleaning out every room, nook and cranny.



表示“(个人形象的)大变样,改头换面;(地方的)翻新,改造”,英文解释为“a set of changes that are intended to make a person or place more attractive”举个🌰:

One of the prizes was a makeover at a top beauty salon.


nook & cranny

📍nook /nʊk/表示“角落;隐蔽处;幽深处”,英文解释为“a small space that is hidden or partly sheltered”如:a cosy/sheltered/quiet nook 舒适的/不受风雨侵袭的/僻静的角落。

📍cranny表示“裂缝,缝隙”,英文解释为“a small, narrow opening in something solid”


📍every nook and cranny表示“处处,到处”(every part of a plac),举个🌰:

Every nook and cranny of the house was stuffed with souvenirs of their trips abroad.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述数据经济的文章中提到:Similarly, for every warehouse-sized data centre, there will be an endless network of cables and connections, collecting data from every nook and cranny of the world. 同样,对于每个仓库大小的数据中心,将有数不胜数的电缆和连接构成网络,收集来自世界各个角落的数据。

◉ Save time on your workouts 节省锻炼的时间

Working out certainly can end up consuming large chunks of your day or week, but that doesn't have to be the case.



chunk /tʃʌŋk/ 表示“大块;厚块;一部分;(尤指)大部分,一大块”,英文解释为“a roughly cut piece;a part of something, especially a large part如:a chunk of cheese 一大块奶酪,a chunk of meat 一大块肉,a chunk of text 一大段文字,a substantial chunk of profits 利润的很大一部分。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述中资银行崛起的文章中提到:If recent form is a guide, a chunk will be recycled into developing countries. 如果近期的情况可作为一种参考,那么其中的一大块又会被收集利用,流向发展中国家。

🎬电影《冰河世纪4:大陆漂移》(Ice Age: Continental Drift)中的台词提到:Now get this chunk of ice seaworthy by sundown 太阳下山前把这块浮冰给我找来。

◉ Conquer your negative thinking 克服你的负面想法

Here's a New Year's challenge for the mind: Make this the year that you quiet all those negative thoughts swirling around your brain.


swirl /swɜːl/

1)表示“使(液态、流动的物质)快速旋流;(液态、流动的物质)快速旋流”,英文解释为“If you swirl something liquid or flowing, or if it swirls, it moves around and around quickly.”举个🌰:

The fog swirled thickly around us.



Rumours have swirled for years that he is on the point of retiring.


📍circulate有“传播;流传;散布”的含义(if a story, an idea, information, etc. circulates or if you circulate it, it spreads or it is passed from one person to another),举个🌰:

Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.


◉ Strengthen those muscles 锻炼肌肉力量

Strength training can be crucial to your health goals, but it's not always easy to know where to start. This guide to strength training solves that problem, giving you a simple-yet-effective nine-minute routine you can do practically anywhere.


◉ Go for a run 去跑步

A recent study found that runners tend to live about three years longer than nonrunners, even if they run slowly or sporadically and smoke, drink or are overweight. No other form of exercise that researchers looked at showed comparable impacts on life span. Get out there!



sporadically /spəˈrædɪkli/ 表示“零星地;偶发地”,英文解释为“sometimes, but not regularly or continuously”举个🌰:

Though she likes to work, she has only done so sporadically.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情下的经济拯救措施的文章中提到:Today these policies are being sporadically announced, and their implementation is uncertain. 现在这些政策都是零星宣布的,具体实施情况还不确定。
















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我的2020 与你分享



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