

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26





The 5 Best Summer Fruits, Ranked

The New York Times

I’ll wait for the five charmers below. They earned their positions by their versatility, although each one can be perfect if you just, you know, pick it up and eat it.

5. Raspberries

They have the cheeriest and most hopeful flavor of the berries, but act fast. What looked like a basket of jewels at the market can turn to mush by the time you get to your front door. Americans seem to be forgetting how good fresh raspberry purée can be. Left alone with some sugar for 15 minutes they will also give you a topping for shortcake or angel food cake, whose only near rival is a mound of macerated strawberries. Unlike strawberries, though, raspberries don’t lose their spirit when you cook them. If you can get it at a decent price, make jam right away. It won’t keep long, but it will taste like the morning sun.

4. Peaches

A peach is almost impossible to screw up. Eaten out of hand, it is the best kind of mess. Before they’re ripe, peaches can slip into a salad or a skillet, where after a few minutes with butter and seasoning (allspice? fennel seed? saffron? sage?) they are ready to meet grilled duck, pork chops or a sliced ham. Once they’re soft all over, eat or cook without delay. Even a few hours in a fruit bowl on a summer afternoon is enough to fur them with mold, after which emergency measures may or may not help.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries are the only big-deal summer fruit that is native to North America. They earn their high ranking in part by appearing so often in the wild, spread across valley meadows and mountaintop clearings. Big portions of blueberries alone can be a luxury. The other trait that raises them high on the list, though, is that even a handful pitched into anything made with stone fruits, or other berries, produces tiny explosions of flavor and color.

2. Cherries

Nobody shares a cherry. Its pleasures are private, from the way it rolls loose in your mouth once you pluck the stem to the sudden rush of juice — which in your first taste of the year is always more lush and complicated than you remember — to the quiet, propulsive exit of a stripped-clean pit. Boil them with sugar and maybe a vanilla bean, and you have a base for sodas, lime rickeys, any number of cocktails, or best of all an ice cream sauce so bright and intense that other toppings can stand down.

1. Watermelons

You could call its flavor plain. Or one-dimensional. You could say it’s boring and still not get much argument. But complex aromatic compounds did not make the watermelon the champion of summer fruits. No, it is the watermelon’s eagerness to join any party in sight. Dinner without cooking? A half-tomato, half-watermelon gazpacho, don’t be shy with the vinegar. All-grilled dinner? Hmm, grilled watermelon is sort of nasty. Just keep it cold and cut it up for dessert.

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The 5 Best Summer Fruits, Ranked


The New York Times

I'll wait for the five charmers below. They earned their positions by their versatility, although each one can be perfect if you just, you know, pick it up and eat it.



原意指的是“使人着迷的人;有吸引力的人;施展魅力的人”,英文解释为“a person who acts in a way that makes them attractive to other people, sometimes using this to influence others”。


versatility /ˌvɜːrsəˈtɪləti/ 作名词,表示“用途广泛,万用,多才多艺”,英文解释为“the quality of being versatile (= able to change easily or to be used for different purposes)”,其形容词形式为:versatile /ˈvɜːsəˌtaɪl/ 同样表示“多才多艺的;有多种用途的,多功能的,万用的”,举个🌰:

Never before has computing been so versatile.


5. Raspberries 覆盆子

They have the cheeriest and most hopeful flavor of the berries, but act fast. What looked like a basket of jewels at the market can turn to mush by the time you get to your front door.



raspberry /ˈrɑːzbərɪ/ 表示“覆盆子;山莓;树莓”,英文解释为“a small soft red fruit, or the bush on which it grows”。


jewel /ˈdʒuːəl/ 原意表示“宝石;珠宝,首饰”(a precious stone that is used to decorate valuable objects),等同于jewellery;此外,也可以指“宝贝;珍贵的东西”英文解释为“something that is very beautiful or valuable”。


表示“烂糊食物;糊状的东西”,英文解释为“any unpleasant thick soft substance, such as food that has been cooked for too long”举个🌰:

If you overcook the cabbage it'll turn to mush.


Americans seem to be forgetting how good fresh raspberry purée can be. Left alone with some sugar for 15 minutes they will also give you a topping for shortcake or angel food cake, whose only near rival is a mound of macerated strawberries. Unlike strawberries, though, raspberries don't lose their spirit when you cook them. If you can get it at a decent price, make jam right away. It won't keep long, but it will taste like the morning sun.



purée /ˈpjʊəreɪ/ 表示“(水果或蔬菜压制成的)酱,泥,糊”,英文解释为“a thick, smooth sauce made by crushing fruit or vegetables”如:apple purée 苹果酱。


表示“水果奶油蛋糕;水果奶油酥饼”,英文解释为“Shortcake is a cake or dessert which consists of a crisp cake with layers of fruit and cream.”

angel food cake

表示“天使蛋糕,安琪儿蛋糕(用面粉、蛋白等做成的脱脂松软蛋糕,常为环状)”,英文解释为“a light cake made with the white part of eggs without fat, often baked in a ring shape”。


mound表示“土堆,沙石堆;小丘”,英文解释为“a large pile of earth, stones, etc. like a small hill”;a mound of表示“(一)堆,一(垛)”(a large pile of something),如:a mound of potatoes/papers 一堆土豆/报纸。


macerate /ˈmæsəˌreɪt/ 动词,表示“(把食物)浸软;浸渍”,英文解释为“to leave food in a liquid so that it absorbs the liquid and becomes soft, or to become soft in this way”举个🌰:

Mix together all the ingredients and leave them to macerate in the fridge overnight.


4. Peaches 桃子🍑

A peach is almost impossible to screw up. Eaten out of hand, it is the best kind of mess. Before they're ripe, peaches can slip into a salad or a skillet, where after a few minutes with butter and seasoning they are ready to meet grilled duck, pork chops or a sliced ham. Once they're soft all over, eat or cook without delay.


screw up

1)表示“弄糟;破坏”,英文解释为“To screw something up, or to screw up, means to cause something to fail or be spoiled.”举个🌰:

You can't open the window because it screws up the air conditioning. 


2)表示“(因痛苦、光太强等)锁起(眼睛、脸)”,英文解释为“If you screw up your eyes or your face, you tighten your eye or face muscles, for example, because you are in pain or because the light is too bright.”举个🌰:

She had screwed up her eyes, as if she found the sunshine too bright. 


3)表示“把(纸片)揉成团”,英文解释为“If you screw up a piece of paper, you squeeze it tightly so that it becomes very creased and no longer flat, usually when you are throwing it away.”举个🌰:

He would start writing to his family and would screw the letter up in frustration. 



表示“(果实或庄稼)成熟的”,英文解释为“(of fruit or crops) completely developed and ready to be collected or eaten”举个🌰:

Those bananas aren't ripe yet - they're still green.



skillet /ˈskɪlɪt/ 表示“平底煎锅”,英文解释为“A skillet is a shallow iron pan which is used for frying.”


表示“调味品,作料”,英文解释为“a substance, especially salt or pepper, that is added to food to improve its flavour”。


表示“(在火焰或是烧热的煤上)烧烤的(食物)”,英文解释为“(of food) cooked over fire or hot coals, usually on a metal frame”如:grilled shrimp 烤虾。

3. Blueberries 蓝莓

Blueberries are the only big-deal summer fruit that is native to North America. They earn their high ranking in part by appearing so often in the wild, spread across valley meadows and mountaintop clearings. Big portions of blueberries alone can be a luxury. The other trait that raises them high on the list, though, is that even a handful pitched into anything made with stone fruits, or other berries, produces tiny explosions of flavor and color.



表示“(常指有野花的)草地,牧场”,英文解释为“a field with grass and often wild flowers in it”。


表示“林中空地”,英文解释为“A clearing is a small area in a forest where there are no trees or bushes.”


表示“特征,特性,品质”,英文解释为“a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behaviour”举个🌰:

His sense of humour is one of his better traits.


2. Cherries 樱桃🍒

Nobody shares a cherry. Its pleasures are private, from the way it rolls loose in your mouth once you pluck the stem to the sudden rush of juice — which in your first taste of the year is always more lush and complicated than you remember — to the quiet, propulsive exit of a stripped-clean pit. Boil them with sugar and maybe a vanilla bean, and you have a base for sodas, lime rickeys, any number of cocktails, or best of all an ice cream sauce so bright and intense that other toppings can stand down.

没人会分享一颗樱桃。它的乐趣是私人的,从把它摘下后,它在你嘴里滚动的方式,到突然涌出来的果汁,在你一年的第一次品尝中,果汁的味道总是比你记忆中的更浓郁、复杂。用糖和香草豆(vanilla bean)一起炖煮,你会得到苏打、酸橙酒、各种鸡尾酒的调料,或者是一种鲜亮而浓郁的冰淇淋酱。


1)表示“拔”,英文解释为“to pull something, especially with a sudden movement, in order to remove it”举个🌰:

He plucked the letter from/out of my hand, and ran off with it. 他从我手中抢过信后就跑开了。

2)表示“摘(花)”,英文解释为“to collect flowers by breaking or cutting their stems; pick”。


表示“美味的;愉悦的,使感官愉快的”,英文解释为“very attractive to look at, taste, smell, etc.”如:the lush taste of the ice cream 冰激凌的美味。


表示“(浇在食物上的)配料,浇汁(尤指酱汁、奶油等)”,英文解释为“a substance, especially a sauce or pieces of food, that is put on top of other food to give extra flavour and to make it look attractive”。

1. Watermelons 西瓜🍉

You could call its flavor plain. Or one-dimensional. You could say it's boring and still not get much argument. But complex aromatic compounds did not make the watermelon the champion of summer fruits. No, it is the watermelon's eagerness to join any party in sight. Dinner without cooking? A half-tomato, half-watermelon gazpacho, don't be shy with the vinegar. All-grilled dinner? Hmm, grilled watermelon is sort of nasty. Just keep it cold and cut it up for dessert.



aromatic /ˌærəˈmætɪk/ 表示“有香味的,有香气的,芳香的”,英文解释为“having a pleasant smell”如:aromatic herbs 气味芬芳的药草。


vinegar /ˈvɪnɪɡə/ 表示“醋”,英文解释为“a sharp-tasting liquid, made especially from sour wine, malt, or cider, that is used to add flavour to or to preserve food”。








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