
平安是福 健康是福

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


幸福和健康是可以买到的,用什么买呢?今天我们来看看《今日心理学》(Psychology Today)的这篇文章:如何购买幸福和健康(How to Buy Happiness and Health),文中的观点很有意思,值得一看。


How to Buy Happiness and Health

Psychology Today

As we enter the time of year most focused on material possessions, it is important to remember that life’s most valuable “possessions”—such as happiness, health, and love—have no price tag. The roots of this wisdom run as deeply as the Bible, as broadly as philosophies from ancient civilizations, and as eloquently as the works of Shakespeare.

Sometimes, the limitations of money have even been expressed with a sense of humor. “You can’t buy love,” wrote the 16th-century poet Christopher Marlowe, “but it improves your bargaining position.” Groucho Marx said, “While money can’t buy happiness, it certainly allows you to choose your form of misery.” The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu recognized that health was our “greatest possession” more than 500 years before the birth of Christ. Yet two millennia later, health, happiness, and love remain unavailable on Amazon, E-Bay, or any other 21st-century marketplace.

The refreshing truth, however, is that happiness, health, and love have always been available for purchase, even by those with limited financial resources. This apparent contradiction with the conventional results entirely from the limited way we are taught to think about resources such as money and the process of buying valuables. Somewhere along the way, in the upbringing of a child, they are usually taught the narrow perspective that things of value can be purchased only with money.

Money, it must be stated, can purchase many things. Unfortunately, the implied message is often that money is the resource with which we should expect to obtain all the valuables in life. This erroneous belief produces much disappointment, frustration, and heartbreak.

In truth, money is merely one resource we exchange for valuables. And it is critical that we learn how to match our resources to our valuables. It probably seems absurd, for instance, to use a single resource, such as food, to eat, drink, and breathe. Food, like money, is irreplaceable as a resource for certain valuables yet of little or no value for others.

Such examples make it clear that different resources are required to obtain different results. However, it somehow doesn’t strike most people as absurd to use a single resource such as money to obtain happiness and health alongside their new 4K TV. Happiness and health can be purchased; they simply require that you be willing to exchange for them resources even more precious than money.

What are these alternative resources? The complete list is long, but it is headed by time, effort, and a willingness to expand ourselves. Similar to money, we each possess a finite amount of these resources. The interesting feature that is exclusive to these kinds of nonmonetary resources, however, is that they are divided equally among us.

In contrast to debates over income inequality, for example, no person possesses more time in their day than another. Consider that each second, moment, and hour of your day are a form of currency, like the penny, dime, and quarter equivalents of time. These daily coins can be spent any way you choose, but they must be spent before they vanish with the new dawn. Spent wisely, the resources of time and effort can be exchanged for the specific types of knowledge, attitudes, and skills that form the foundation of happiness and health.

In the same way that a person seeking financial success must evolve into an improved version of themselves who uses their money more skillfully, a person desirous of happiness and health must likewise evolve to make more skillful use of their time and effort. The formula is the same, even if the resources and the goals are different. So, the next time you hear someone complaining that money can’t buy happiness, perhaps you can suggest that they try using a better currency.

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How to Buy Happiness and Health

Psychology Today

As we enter the time of year most focused on material possessions, it is important to remember that life's most valuable “possessions”—such as happiness, health, and love—have no price tag. The roots of this wisdom run as deeply as the Bible, as broadly as philosophies from ancient civilizations, and as eloquently as the works of Shakespeare.


price tag

表示“(挂在商品上的)价格标签;价格”,英文解释为“a piece of paper with a price that is attached to a product, or the amount that something costs”举个🌰:

How much is it? I can't find the price tag.



eloquently /ˈeləkwəntli/ 表示“善辩地;雄辩地;富于表现力地”,英文解释为“in a way that gives a strong, clear message”举个🌰:

She argued her point eloquently and persuasively.


Sometimes, the limitations of money have even been expressed with a sense of humor. “You can't buy love,” wrote the 16th-century poet Christopher Marlowe, “but it improves your bargaining position.Groucho Marx said, “While money can't buy happiness, it certainly allows you to choose your form of misery.” The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu recognized that health was our “greatest possession” more than 500 years before the birth of Christ. Yet two millennia later, health, happiness, and love remain unavailable on Amazon, E-Bay, or any other 21st-century marketplace.

有时,人们甚至用幽默感来表达金钱的局限性。“你买不到爱情,”16世纪的诗人克里斯托弗·马洛(Christopher Marlowe)写道,“但它能提高你的谈判地位。”格劳乔·马克斯(Groucho Marx)说:“虽然钱买不到幸福,但却可以让你选择自己的痛苦形式。”中国哲学家老子(Lao Tzu)在基督诞生前500多年就认识到,健康是我们“最大的财富”。然而两千年后,健康、幸福和爱在亚马逊、E-Bay或任何其他21世纪的市场上仍然无法买到。


millennia 是 millennium /mɪˈlɛnɪəm/ 的复数形式,表示“一千年,千周年;千周年纪念日”,英文解释为“a period of 1,000 years, or the time when a period of 1,000 years ends”。

The refreshing truth, however, is that happiness, health, and love have always been available for purchase, even by those with limited financial resources. This apparent contradiction with the conventional results entirely from the limited way we are taught to think about resources such as money and the process of buying valuables. Somewhere along the way, in the upbringing of a child, they are usually taught the narrow perspective that things of value can be purchased only with money.



1)表示“令人耳目一新的;别具一格的”,英文解释为“pleasantly different and interesting”举个🌰:

It's a refreshing change to see a losing team shaking hands and still smiling after a match.


2)表示“使人凉爽的;消除疲劳的;提神的”,英文解释为“making you feel less hot or tired举个🌰:

There's nothing more refreshing on a hot day than a cold beer.



contradiction /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkʃən/表示“(事实、看法、行动等的)不一致,矛盾,对立”,英文解释为“If you describe an aspect of a situation as a contradiction, you mean that it is completely different from other aspects, and so makes the situation confused or difficult to understand.”举个🌰:

There is a contradiction between the two sets of figures.



表示“传统的;常规的;普通的”,英文解释为“traditional and ordinary”如:conventional behaviour/attitudes/clothes 传统行为/态度/服装。


表示“抚养,养育;教育,教养”,英文解释为“the way in which you are treated and educated when young, especially by your parents, especially in relation to the effect that this has on how you behave and make moral decisions”举个🌰:

Is it right to say all the crimes he committed were simply the result of his upbringing?


Money, it must be stated, can purchase many things. Unfortunately, the implied message is often that money is the resource with which we should expect to obtain all the valuables in life. This erroneous belief produces much disappointment, frustration, and heartbreak.



erroneous /ɪˈrəʊnɪəs/ 表示“错误的,不正确的”,英文解释为“wrong or false”如:an erroneous belief/impression 错误的信念/印象。

In truth, money is merely one resource we exchange for valuables. And it is critical that we learn how to match our resources to our valuables. It probably seems absurd, for instance, to use a single resource, such as food, to eat, drink, and breathe. Food, like money, is irreplaceable as a resource for certain valuables yet of little or no value for others.



absurd /əbˈsɜːd, -ˈzɜːd/ 表示“荒谬的;荒唐的;怪诞不经的”,英文解释为“completely ridiculous; not logical and sensible ”举个🌰:

Of course it's not true, what an absurd idea.



表示“不可替代的,独一无二的”,英文解释为“too special, unusual, or valuable to replace with something or someone else”举个🌰:

No one's irreplaceable in the workplace.


Such examples make it clear that different resources are required to obtain different results. However, it somehow doesn't strike most people as absurd to use a single resource such as money to obtain happiness and health alongside their new 4K TV. Happiness and health can be purchased; they simply require that you be willing to exchange for them resources even more precious than money.



表示“给人以…感觉;让…觉得;使产生…想法”,英文解释为“to cause someone to have a feeling or idea about something”举个🌰:

Doesn't it strike you as odd that he never talks about his family?


What are these alternative resources? The complete list is long, but it is headed by time, effort, and a willingness to expand ourselves. Similar to money, we each possess a finite amount of these resources. The interesting feature that is exclusive to these kinds of nonmonetary resources, however, is that they are divided equally among us.



alternative本身可以作名词也可以作形容词,表示“可替代的,供选择的(事物)”;alternative medicine/therapies表示“非西方传统医学/疗法,替代性的疗法”,英文解释为“Alternative medicine uses traditional ways of curing people, such as medicines made from plants, massage, and acupuncture.”如:alternative health care 替代性保健,举个🌰:Acupuncture is widely used by practitioners of alternative medicine.



finite /ˈfaɪnaɪt/ 表示“有限的;有限制的;有尽的”,英文解释为“having a limit or end”举个🌰:

We only have a finite amount of time to complete this task - we can't continue indefinitely.



📍 infinite /ˈɪnfɪnɪt/


1)表示“昂贵的;高档的;豪华的”,英文解释为“expensive and only for people who are rich or of a high social class”,如:an exclusive private club 豪华私人俱乐部。

2)表示“专用的,专有的;独有的,独占的”,英文解释为“limited to only one person or group of people”,如:an exclusive interview 独家采访,举个🌰:

This room is for the exclusive use of guests.



📍dedicated表示“专用的”,英文解释为“You use dedicated to describe something that is made, built, or designed for one particular purpose or thing.”举个🌰:

Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes.


In contrast to debates over income inequality, for example, no person possesses more time in their day than another. Consider that each second, moment, and hour of your day are a form of currency, like the penny, dime, and quarter equivalents of time. These daily coins can be spent any way you choose, but they must be spent before they vanish with the new dawn. Spent wisely, the resources of time and effort can be exchanged for the specific types of knowledge, attitudes, and skills that form the foundation of happiness and health.


penny, dime, quarter

📍penny 表示“(美国和加拿大的)分(币);(英国)便士(最小的货币单位,100便士为1英镑)”;

📍dime /daɪm/表示“10美分硬币”,英文解释为“A dime is a U.S. coin worth ten cents.”

📍quarter 表示“(美国和加拿大的)25分硬币”,英文解释为“in the US and Canada, a coin worth 25 cents”。


1)作名词,表示“等同物;等价物;对应物”,英文解释为“something that has the same value, purpose, job etc as something else”。

2)作形容词,类似的,表示“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”,英文解释为“equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc.”举个🌰:

Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles.



🧣Weibo, China's Twitter-like service (SCMP)

🧣Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter (NPR NEWS)

🧣Twitter-like Weibo (Reuters)

🧣Weibo, a Twitter-like platform (NYT)

📍类似的表达还有:sb/sth's answer to sb/sth 表示“与…相当(或同样好)的人(或物);…的对应物”,英文解释为“If something or someone is the answer to another thing or person, it is or they are considered to be similar or as good.”举个🌰:

The Space Needle is Seattle's answer to the Eiffel Tower.



表示“(尤指突然)消失,灭绝”,英文解释为“to disappear or stop being present or existing, especially in a sudden, surprising way”举个🌰:

The child vanished while on her way home from school.


In the same way that a person seeking financial success must evolve into an improved version of themselves who uses their money more skillfully, a person desirous of happiness and health must likewise evolve to make more skillful use of their time and effort. The formula is the same, even if the resources and the goals are different. So, the next time you hear someone complaining that money can't buy happiness, perhaps you can suggest that they try using a better currency.



表示“(使)逐渐形成,逐步发展,逐渐演变”,英文解释为“to develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complicated form; to develop sth in this way”举个🌰:

The company has evolved into a major chemical manufacturer.



表示“想要的,渴望的,有欲望的”,英文解释为“wanting something”举个🌰:

He is desirous of meeting you.







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