

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26
近日,瑞典哥德堡国际电影节推出“隔离电影院”(The Isolated Cinema)活动,只邀请一位影迷,不允许携带手机等电子产品,在7天内可观看入围电影展的数十部电影。


Solitary cinema

A Swedish film festival has just one attendee

Not exactly paradise

WHEN THE Goteborg Film Festival offered the chance for a film fan to spend seven days alone on an island, with only 60 films for company, the organisers weren’t sure if anyone would want to apply. The pandemic has been isolating enough, even for Swedes, who have yet to lock down like other Europeans. The lucky winner would not be able to bring a phone or contact friends and family during a week of stormy seas and dark Swedish winter. No one was expecting that the festival would get over 12,000 applications from 45 countries.

The chosen castaway, a pink-haired Swedish nurse called Lisa Enroth, has been on Hamneskar island, 37km north-west of Gothenburg (as it is spelt in English), since January 31st. Sending her by boat to an “isolated cinema” was the best way to carry on the festival this year, says its chief organiser, Mirja Wester. A single person watching films cannot spread the virus (unlike the 160,000 at last year’s event). The solitary experience is also in keeping with how millions have watched movies of late. And like the lighthouse that towers over the island, streamed and downloaded films shine a ray of hope.

Still, some films are not meant to be watched alone. By day three, Ms Enroth was already rueing her lack of friends and wine. “I should have had someone there to cling onto,” she said in a video diary after watching “The Macaluso Sisters”, a tragic Italian drama. She confessed to having “started talking to the stove”. It is easy to understand how she feels, alone on a rocky outpost. Yet such sentiments have long been common all over Sweden. Half of Swedish households are single-person ones.

When lighthouse-keepers first came to Hamneskar, no one thought they could survive long in such desolation. Ms Enroth’s prospects are rosier. A psychiatrist is on standby in case she starts to struggle. And for an emergency nurse whose energy has been drained by the pandemic, solitude may even be a relief.

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WHEN THE Goteborg Film Festival offered the chance for a film fan to spend seven days alone on an island, with only 60 films for company, the organisers weren’t sure if anyone would want to apply. The pandemic has been isolating enough, even for Swedes, who have yet to lock down like other Europeans. The lucky winner would not be able to bring a phone or contact friends and family during a week of stormy seas and dark Swedish winter. No one was expecting that the festival would get over 12,000 applications from 45 countries.

当哥德堡电影节(The Goteborg Film Festival)为一位影迷提供了在一个小岛上独处七天的机会,只有60部电影相伴时,组织者不知道是否有人愿意申请。疫情已经够让人隔离的了,即便是瑞典人,虽然还没有像其他欧洲人一样封锁。幸运儿在一周的暴风骤雨和瑞典冬天的黑暗中,将无法带手机或联系亲朋好友。谁也没有想到,这个电影节会收到来自45个国家的12000多份申请。

The chosen castaway, a pink-haired Swedish nurse called Lisa Enroth, has been on Hamneskar island, 37km north-west of Gothenburg (as it is spelt in English), since January 31st. Sending her by boat to an “isolated cinema” was the best way to carry on the festival this year, says its chief organiser, Mirja Wester. A single person watching films cannot spread the virus (unlike the 160,000 at last year’s event). The solitary experience is also in keeping with how millions have watched movies of late. And like the lighthouse that towers over the island, streamed and downloaded films shine a ray of hope.

被选中去“荒野求生”的人,是一位名叫Lisa Enroth的粉色头发的瑞典护士,从1月31日开始,她就一直在哥德堡(英语的拼写)西北37公里的哈姆内斯卡岛(Hamneskar island)上。今年电影节的首席组织者Mirja Wester说,用船把她送到一个“与世隔绝的电影院”是延续今年电影节的最佳方式。一个人看电影是不会传播病毒的(不像去年活动的16万人)。隔离的体验也符合最近数百万人看电影的方式。而就像耸立在岛上的灯塔一样,流媒体和下载的电影照亮了一丝希望。


表示“(沉船后)逃生到孤岛(或荒僻之地)的人”,英文解释为“a person who has escaped from a ship that has sunk, and managed to get to an island or country where there are few or no other people”。


表示“独自的,唯一的,单个的”,英文解释为“A solitary person or thing is the only person or thing in a place.”举个🌰:

On the hill, a solitary figure was busy chopping down trees.


of late


We haven't spoken of late.



表示“灯塔”,英文解释为“a tall building near the coast or shore with a flashing light at the top to warn ships of rocks and other dangers”。


熟词僻义,作动词,表示“高耸,矗立”,英文解释为“to be very tall or large, usually in a way that makes people feel respect”举个🌰:

We turned the corner and there was the cathedral, towering in front of us.


Still, some films are not meant to be watched alone. By day three, Ms Enroth was already rueing her lack of friends and wine. “I should have had someone there to cling onto,” she said in a video diary after watching “The Macaluso Sisters”, a tragic Italian drama. She confessed to having “started talking to the stove”. It is easy to understand how she feels, alone on a rocky outpost. Yet such sentiments have long been common all over Sweden. Half of Swedish households are single-person ones.



rue /ruː/ 表示“后悔”,英文解释为“If you rue something that you have done, you are sorry that you did it, because it has had unpleasant results.”举个🌰:

He was probably ruing his decision.



📍rue the day表示“追悔莫及”(to feel very sorry about an event)举个🌰:

She'll rue the day (that) she bought that house.



表示“坦白;供认,招认;承认(错误或罪行)”,英文解释为“to admit that you have done something wrong or something that you feel guilty or bad about”举个🌰:

She confessed to her husband that she had sold her wedding ring.



1)表示“前哨(基地)”,英文解释为“a small military camp away from the main army, used for watching an enemy's movements, etc.”;

2)表示“偏远村镇;孤零住区”,英文解释为“a small town or group of buildings in a lonely part of a country”。

When lighthouse-keepers first came to Hamneskar, no one thought they could survive long in such desolation. Ms Enroth’s prospects are rosier. A psychiatrist is on standby in case she starts to struggle. And for an emergency nurse whose energy has been drained by the pandemic, solitude may even be a relief.



表示“光明的;有希望的;美好的”,英文解释为“If a situation is described as rosy, it gives hope of success or happiness.”举个🌰:

Our financial position is rosy.



psychiatrist /saɪˈkaɪətrɪst/表示“精神病医生”,英文解释为“A psychiatrist is a doctor who treats people suffering from mental illness.”


表示“使减少;使降低;消耗”,英文解释为“to reduce or cause something to reduce”举个🌰:

The long war had drained the resources of both countries.


This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline "Solitary cinema" (Feb 6th 2021)






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