

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Tokyo 2020 Olympics president announces resignation following sexist remarks


Tokyo 2020 Olympics chief Yoshiro Mori said he will resign due to the fallout after sexist remarks he made at a meeting were leaked to the public.

Mori expressed his "deepest apologies" on Friday and said he would hand in his resignation by the end of the day, acknowledging that his "inappropriate statement has caused a lot of chaos."

"The important thing is that the Olympic Games are held in July," Mori said. "If I am going to be a distraction to organizing the Games by being in my position, I think that is a situation we should avoid."

News of his impending resignation was first reported by Japanese media on Thursday.

Mori, a former Japanese Prime Minister, has been under fire since last week, when he said that "board meetings with lots of women take longer" because "women are competitive -- if one member raises their hand to speak, others might think they need to talk too," according to reports in the Japanese press.

Speaking at a news conference last week, the 83-year-old confirmed he made the remarks behind closed doors and said he was sorry for doing so. He initially said he was not considering stepping down, but was forced to change course due to the continue public outrage in Japan, where women regularly face gender discrimination in the workplace and when seeking positions of power.

Japan's country's gender gap is "by far the largest among all advanced economies," according to the World Economic Forum's 2020 Global Gender Gap Report. The report ranked Japan 121 out of 153 countries, in part due to its findings that women only make up 5.3% of board members on listed companies and only 10% of parliamentarians, one of the lowest levels of female political representation in the world.

Mori said Friday that he "didn't mean for (my comments) to neglect the women but I guess that it was broadcasted in that way."

"I actually worked a lot to allow the women to voice out," said Mori, who is the head of the organizing committee for the Games. "I appointed the women to give them an opportunity to state what they wanted to state," he said. "I have no intention of neglecting women at all."

Mori did, however, say he took offense to people who called him a "rougai," a Japanese term that can be used to imply that the elderly are of no use and in fact a hindrance to society.

The term has become more popular in fast-graying Japan, where more than 20% of the population is older than 65. Birth rates have been declining for years, leaving society with fewer young and working-aged people to support an increasingly elderly population in need of healthcare and pensions.

"I don't like the word," he said. "The elderly have worked hard to support this society and it's quite frustrating when the elderly are neglected."

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Tokyo 2020 Olympics president announces resignation following sexist remarks


Tokyo 2020 Olympics chief Yoshiro Mori said he will resign due to the fallout after sexist remarks he made at a meeting were leaked to the public.

2020年东京奥运会主席森喜朗(Yoshiro Mori)表示,由于他在一次会议上发表的性别歧视言论被泄露给公众,他将辞职。


表示“不良影响,恶果”,英文解释为“the unpleasant results or effects of an action or event”举个🌰:

The political fallout of the revelations has been immense.


Mori expressed his "deepest apologies" on Friday and said he would hand in his resignation by the end of the day, acknowledging that his "inappropriate statement has caused a lot of chaos."


"The important thing is that the Olympic Games are held in July," Mori said. "If I am going to be a distraction to organizing the Games by being in my position, I think that is a situation we should avoid."



表示“分心的事;分散注意力的东西”,英文解释为“something that prevents someone from giving their attention to something else”举个🌰:

I can turn the television off if you find it a distraction.


News of his impending resignation was first reported by Japanese media on Thursday.



表示“即将发生的,逼近的”,英文解释为“An impending event is one that is going to happen very soon.”举个🌰:

She had a sense of impending disaster.


Mori, a former Japanese Prime Minister, has been under fire since last week, when he said that "board meetings with lots of women take longer" because "women are competitive -- if one member raises their hand to speak, others might think they need to talk too," according to reports in the Japanese press.

据日本媒体报道,森喜朗是日本前首相,自上周以来,他一直受到抨击,当时他说 “有很多女性的董事会会议需要更长的时间”,因为“女性是有竞争力的--如果一个成员举手发言,其他人可能会认为他们也需要发言”。

Speaking at a news conference last week, the 83-year-old confirmed he made the remarks behind closed doors and said he was sorry for doing so. He initially said he was not considering stepping down, but was forced to change course due to the continue public outrage in Japan, where women regularly face gender discrimination in the workplace and when seeking positions of power.


behind closed doors

表示“秘密地,不公开地”,英文解释为“If something happens behind closed doors, it is hidden or kept secret from public view.”举个🌰:

The deal was negotiated behind closed doors.



表示“愤怒;义愤;愤慨”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of shock and anger”举个🌰:

The judge's remarks caused public outrage.


Japan's country's gender gap is "by far the largest among all advanced economies," according to the World Economic Forum's 2020 Global Gender Gap Report. The report ranked Japan 121 out of 153 countries, in part due to its findings that women only make up 5.3% of board members on listed companies and only 10% of parliamentarians, one of the lowest levels of female political representation in the world.



表示“议会议员”,英文解释为“Parliamentarians are members of a parliament; used especially to refer to a group who are dealing with a particular task.”

Mori said Friday that he "didn't mean for (my comments) to neglect the women but I guess that it was broadcasted in that way."


"I actually worked a lot to allow the women to voice out," said Mori, who is the head of the organizing committee for the Games. "I appointed the women to give them an opportunity to state what they wanted to state," he said. "I have no intention of neglecting women at all."


Mori did, however, say he took offense to people who called him a "rougai," a Japanese term that can be used to imply that the elderly are of no use and in fact a hindrance to society.


take offense

表示“生气,见怪,动怒”,英文解释为“to become angry or upset by something that another person has said or done : to be offended by something”举个🌰:

He took offense when I suggested exchanging the gift.



hindrance /ˈhɪndrəns/表示“妨碍者;障碍物”,英文解释为“A hindrance is a person or thing that makes it more difficult for you to do something.”举个🌰:

The higher rates have been a hindrance to economic recovery.


The term has become more popular in fast-graying Japan, where more than 20% of the population is older than 65. Birth rates have been declining for years, leaving society with fewer young and working-aged people to support an increasingly elderly population in need of healthcare and pensions.



greying/graying,除了指变灰(白)色的(头发);头发变灰(白)色的(某人),还可以表示“老年人数增加的,老龄化的”,英文解释为“containing an increasing number of older people”举个🌰:

Japan's greying population will drive up medical and pension payments.


"I don't like the word," he said. "The elderly have worked hard to support this society and it's quite frustrating when the elderly are neglected."







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