

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,知名说唱歌手米克·米尔(Meek Mill)和Lil Baby合作的歌曲在网上泄露,歌词中提及科比的直升机事故:“如果我缺少(爱),我会坐着直升机出去,成为另一个科比。”(Yeah, and if I ever lack, I'm goin' out with my chopper, it be another Kobe.)

今天,科比遗孀瓦妮莎(Vanessa Bryant)在个人社交媒体发文,对这一不尊重行为进行批评:“亲爱的米克·米尔,我觉得这句关于科比的歌词极其冷漠和不尊重,我对你的音乐并不熟悉,但我相信你能做得更好。如果你是科比的粉丝,那一定会有更好的方式来表达你对我丈夫的喜爱。但现在这样缺乏尊重,很没分寸。”


Vanessa Bryant slams Meek Mill’s ‘disrespectful’ Kobe Bryant helicopter lyric: ‘You can do better’


Vanessa Bryant has branded Meek Mill ‘extremely disrespectful’ over his insensitive lyric about her late husband Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crash.

Earlier this month, a snippet of Meek’s song with Lil Baby leaked on social media and featured him making reference to the helicopter crash that killed Kobe, 41, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven other people in January 2020.

Meek raps: ‘If I ever lack I’m goin’ out with my chopper, it be another Kobe.’

Vanessa, 38, has now addressed the controversial line and held Meek, 33, to account.

In an Instagram story, the mother-of-three wrote: ‘Dear @meekmill, I find this line to be extremely insensitive and disrespectful. Period. 

‘I am not familiar with any of your music, but I believe you can do better than this. If you are a fan, fine, there’s a better way to show your admiration for my husband.’ 

She added: ‘This lacks respect and tact.’ 

Meek did not directly respond to Vanessa but coincidentally tweeted just minutes after her post: ‘I’m going back savage in this s**t … f#%k ya feelings!

‘Ion trust people gotta play it raw ……’

However, Meek’s followers hit back at the rapper for again seemingly being insensitive to Vanessa and her family.

‘No way this is how you respond to a widow who said your lyrics were disrespectful to her husband,’ one responded.

Another criticised: ‘Not even 20 minutes after Vanessa Bryant made her post. You need to be apologizing Meek.’ 

‘I hope this aint ya Response to Kobe bryants [sic] wife if so you wild,’ another reacted.

One other Twitter user weighed in: ‘F**k the feelings of the persons family? Going out sad meek.’

Fans around the world marked the first anniversary of Kobe and Gianna’s death last month. They are survived by Vanessa and her three other daughters Natalia, 18, Bianka, four, and Capri, one.

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Vanessa Bryant slams Meek Mill’s ‘disrespectful’ Kobe Bryant helicopter lyric: ‘You can do better’


Vanessa Bryant has branded Meek Mill ‘extremely disrespectful’ over his insensitive lyric about her late husband Kobe Bryant's helicopter crash.

瓦妮莎·布莱恩特(Vanessa Bryant)因米克·米尔(Meek Mill)在冷漠的歌词中提及她已故丈夫科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)直升机坠毁事件,谴责其“极度不尊重”。


表示“(人或其行为)未意识到(他人感受)的;漠不关心的”,英文解释为“not feeling or showing sympathy for other people's feelings, or refusing to give importance to something”举个🌰:

The police have been criticized for being insensitive to complaints from the public.



作动词,熟词僻义,表示“加污名于;谴责”,英文解释为“to say that you think someone is the sort of person that is stated”举个🌰:

Because of one minor offence he was branded (as) a common criminal.


Earlier this month, a snippet of Meek's song with Lil Baby leaked on social media and featured him making reference to the helicopter crash that killed Kobe, 41, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven other people in January 2020.

本月早些时候,米克·米尔与Lil Baby的歌曲片段在社交媒体上泄露,他提到了2020年1月41岁的科比、他13岁的女儿吉安娜(Gianna)和其他7人的直升机坠毁事件。


snippet /ˈsnɪpɪt/ 表示“片段”,英文解释为“A snippet of something is a small piece of it.”如:snippets of popular classical music 流行古典音乐的片段。

Meek raps: ‘If I ever lack I'm goin' out with my chopper, it be another Kobe.



helicopter的非正式说法,表示“直升机”,还可指“大砍刀;小斧头”,英文解释为“a large heavy knife or small axe”。复数choppers则可以表示“牙齿”(teeth, especially a set of artificial teeth)。

Vanessa, 38, has now addressed the controversial line and held Meek, 33, to account.



1)表示“对…讲话,对…发表演说,致词;给…写信,致函”,英文解释为“to speak or write to someone”一般用address sb. 或者address sth. to sb. 举个🌰:

He addressed a few introductory remarks to the audience.


2)表示“设法解决;处理;对付”,英文解释为“to think about a problem or a situation and decide how you are going to deal with it”举个🌰:

We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution.


In an Instagram story, the mother-of-three wrote: ‘Dear @meekmill, I find this line to be extremely insensitive and disrespectful. Period.

在Instagram Story中,这位三个孩子的母亲写道:“亲爱的@meekmill,我发现这句话极其冷漠和不尊重。就这样。”


表示“(人或其行为)未意识到(他人感受)的;漠不关心的”,英文解释为“not feeling or showing sympathy for other people's feelings, or refusing to give importance to something”举个🌰:

The police have been criticized for being insensitive to complaints from the public.



用于一句话的结尾,表示某一话题已讨论完毕,不愿再继续,可以译为“到此为止,就这样”,英文解释为“said at the end of a statement to show that you believe you have said all there is to say on a subject and you are not going to discuss it any more”举个🌰:

There will be no more shouting, period!



📍period还可以表示“句号”(the symbol . used in writing at the end of a sentence or at the end of the short form of a word)

🎬电影《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happyness)中的台词提到:If you want something, go get it. Period. 如果你想要什么,就努力去追求。就这样。

‘I am not familiar with any of your music, but I believe you can do better than this. If you are a fan, fine, there's a better way to show your admiration for my husband.’


She added: ‘This lacks respect and tact.’



表示“: (处事、言谈等的)得体,乖巧,机敏;外交手腕”,英文解释为“the ability to say or do the right thing without making anyone unhappy or angry”举个🌰:

He's never had much tact and people don't like his blunt manner.


Meek did not directly respond to Vanessa but coincidentally tweeted just minutes after her post: ‘I'm going back savage in this s**t … f#%k ya feelings!

米克·米尔没有直接回应瓦妮莎,但巧合的是,在她发文后几分钟他就发了推特。“I'm going back savage in this s**t … f#%k ya feelings!

Ion trust people gotta play it raw ……

However, Meek's followers hit back at the rapper for again seemingly being insensitive to Vanessa and her family.


hit back

表示“反击,反攻”,英文解释为“to attack or criticize someone who has attacked or criticized you”举个🌰:

In tonight's speech, the minister is expected to hit back at critics who have attacked her handling of the crisis.


No way this is how you respond to a widow who said your lyrics were disrespectful to her husband,’ one responded.


Another criticised: ‘Not even 20 minutes after Vanessa Bryant made her post. You need to be apologizing Meek.


I hope this aint ya Response to Kobe bryants [sic] wife if so you wild,’ another reacted.



置于括号内,表示前面引用的文字原文有错误,相当于在括号内加上“原文如此”的说明,英文解释为“a word written in brackets after a word that you have copied to show that you know it has been spelled or used wrongly”举个🌰:

The notice outside the office said "Closed on Wedensday" (sic).

电影院外的布告上写着 Closed on Wedensday(原文如此)。

One other Twitter user weighed in: ‘F**k the feelings of the persons family? Going out sad meek.’


weigh in

1)表示“(在讨论、辩论等中)发表有分量的意见,发挥作用”,英文解释为“to join in a discussion, an argument, an activity, etc. by saying sth important, persuading sb, or doing sth to help”举个🌰:

We all weighed in with our suggestions.


2)表示“(尤指赛前)测体重”,英文解释为“to have your weight measured, especially before a contest, race, etc.”举个🌰:

Both boxers weighed in at several pounds below the limit.


📺美剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)第6季第5集中谢尔顿就说到:Care to weigh in? 可以理解为想参与讨论,想说点什么吗(To put your opinion into a matter or situation),字幕组将其解释为:有何高见?

📺还是《生活大爆炸》第7季第9集中提到:Can I weigh in here? 所以我能插一句吗?

📺还有如第7季第21集中也提到了:And yet you get to weigh in. 可是你还有话语权啊。

Fans around the world marked the first anniversary of Kobe and Gianna's death last month. They are survived by Vanessa and her three other daughters Natalia, 18, Bianka, four, and Capri, one.







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