

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Lantern Festival night gala at Central China’s Henan Museum goes viral, honoring PLA martyrs who sacrificed in China-India border clash

Global Times

Do you want to travel back in time and celebrate the Lantern Spring Festival with Chinese ancestors? Pottery figurines of arts maids in Tang Dynasty (618-907) have been brought back to life by a beautiful tune of a flute and led audiences to visit the Henan Museum in Central China for a wonderful Lantern Festival.

The 2021 Henan Lantern Festival Gala, premiered on Thursday evening and produced by Henan Satellite Station, hit the internet once again, following the dance show "Night Banquet in Palace of Tang Dynasty" going viral on Spring Festival. It has been watched millions of times, with the number of audiences on China’s Twitter-like Sina Weibo reaching a staggering 400 million as of press time.

It is the first time in China a gala was shot in a real museum. It took only five days to reshoot the variety show of new creativities in six different places in Henan province.  

Following the exploration of the reborn maids, audiences saw national treasures such as Lotus and Crane square pot, the gold slip of Empress Wu Zetian, as well as traditional Chinese opera and martial arts.

Audiences were transferred with the maids to the Yingtian Gate of Luoyang City in Sui and Tang dynasties to enjoy the splendor of the Tang Dynasty and jumped into the painting of Riverside Scene on Qingming Festival to experience how ancient people celebrate the festival.

“This is the perfect combination of ancient Chinese elements with modern advanced technology and creativity. It's an interesting idea to link the whole gala with reborn maids visiting the museum,” 29-year-old Gao Linsen, a PhD student in Harbin, Northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, told the Global Times on Saturday.

Songs, dances, martial arts and drama, each program was full of Chinese cultural elements. After watching, Gao felt that people should cherish the traditional Chinese culture and also respect the new culture.

Exquisite songs and dances dazzled the audience, while a Henan opera brought them to tears.

“Young people look forward to guarding the border and old people are happy to see the loyalty of the next generation,” four actresses playing She Saihua, a legendary heroine from ancient China's Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), sang.

“Why there are four actresses playing the role?” An audience asked through the bullet-screen comments. 

“It must be representing our four Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) martyrs who sacrificed their lives to safeguard China's national sovereignty and territory in the Galwan Valley skirmish with India in June 2020,” others replied.

Martyr Xiao Siyuan and Wang Zhuoran were from Henan Province.

“This seems to express the inheritance of the spirit of defending the country from ancient times to the present. It strengthens my pride to be a Chinese,” 28-year-old Chinese woman Luo Linqi who has been working in Japan for three years, told the Global Times on Saturday.

Luo failed to return to China for Spring Festival this year due to COVID-19. She said she is happy there was such a fantastic Lantern Festival for her since she was spending the night alone in Tokyo. She recommended the show to her Japanese friends.

“I’m proud of the broad and profound Chinese traditional culture, which is the stem of our cultural confidence,” Luo said, “looking forward to visiting Henan museum.”

Henan is a major province of martial arts, and the festival set off a battle between traditional martial arts and modern fighting at the Star Observatory in Dengfeng, which is the oldest stargazing platform in China. 

A team of about 400 martial artists performed traditional martial arts under the star-watching stage. The unity of man and nature was like a rainbow, showing the heroic spirit of the Chinese people.

The cultural identity that flows in the blood of every Chinese is inspired by the Tang Palace Banquet and the magic night gala of the Lantern Festival. The application of science and technology brings history to life. It’s not about the exquisiteness of the festival, but the fact that people can see our culture and history in a whole new way, Shi Wenxue, a Beijing-based cultural critic and an industry analyst, told the Global Times.

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Lantern Festival night gala at Central China's Henan Museum goes viral, honoring PLA martyrs who sacrificed in China-India border clash

Global Times

Do you want to travel back in time and celebrate the Lantern Spring Festival with Chinese ancestors? Pottery figurines of arts maids in Tang Dynasty (618-907) have been brought back to life by a beautiful tune of a flute and led audiences to visit the Henan Museum in Central China for a wonderful Lantern Festival.



gala表示“节日盛会;演出”,英文解释为“A gala is a special public celebration, entertainment, performance, or festival.”如:a gala evening at the Metropolitan Opera House 大都会歌剧院的庆祝晚会,Spring Festival Gala即“春节联欢晚会”。

pottery figurine

pottery figurine 陶俑,pottery表示“陶器,陶土,制陶”,英文解释为“You can use pottery to refer to pots, dishes, and other objects made from clay and then baked in an oven until they are hard.”

figurine /ˌfɪɡəˈriːn/ 表示“(人、动物的)小雕像,小塑像”,英文解释为“a small statue of a person or an animal used as a decorative object”。


1)表示“女仆;侍女;(旅馆里的)女服务员”,英文解释为“a female servant in a house or hotel”;

2)表示“少女;年轻姑娘;未婚年轻女子”,英文解释为“a young woman who is not married”。


表示“长笛”,英文解释为“A flute is a musical instrument of the woodwind family. You play it by blowing over a hole near one end while holding it sideways to your mouth.”

The 2021 Henan Lantern Festival Gala, premiered on Thursday evening and produced by Henan Satellite Station, hit the internet once again, following the dance show "Night Banquet in Palace of Tang Dynasty" going viral on Spring Festival. It has been watched millions of times, with the number of audiences on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo reaching a staggering 400 million as of press time.



premiere /ˈprɛmɪˌɛə, ˈprɛmɪə/ 可以作动词和名词,表示“首映,首演,首次上演/映”(the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment)。

📍这里要注意的是这个词去掉末尾的 e 就变成了 premier“首相,总理”;另外,premier作为形容词则表示“首位的,首要的”(best or most important),举个🌰:

He's one of the nation's premier scientists.



go viral字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:

Within days the film clip went viral.



表示“令人震惊的”,英文解释为“Something that is staggering is very surprising.”如:a staggering $20 million in short- and long-term debt 令人震惊的两千万美元的短长期债务。

🎬电影《迷失东京》(Lost in Translation)中的台词提到:- Just staggering, unbearable pain. - Ooh, that's too bad. - 疼得难以忍受 - 真不走运。

🎬电影《电锯惊魂6》(Saw VI)中的台词提到:and the subsequent cost to you will be staggering. 代价将会非常大/惊人。

as of

表示“自…起;到...时候为止”,英文解释为“used to indicate a time or date at which something begins or ends”举个🌰:

As of next month, all the airline's fares will be going up.


It is the first time in China a gala was shot in a real museum. It took only five days to reshoot the variety show of new creativities in six different places in Henan province.


Following the exploration of the reborn maids, audiences saw national treasures such as Lotus and Crane square pot, the gold slip of Empress Wu Zetian, as well as traditional Chinese opera and martial arts.



作名词,表示“纸条;便条;小纸片”,英文解释为“a small piece of paper, especially one for writing on or with sth printed on it”举个🌰:

I wrote it down on a slip of paper.


Audiences were transferred with the maids to the Yingtian Gate of Luoyang City in Sui and Tang dynasties to enjoy the splendor of the Tang Dynasty and jumped into the painting of Riverside Scene on Qingming Festival to experience how ancient people celebrate the festival.



splendor/splendour表示“壮丽;雄伟;豪华;华丽”,英文解释为“grand and impressive beauty”举个🌰:

The palace has been restored to its former splendour.


“This is the perfect combination of ancient Chinese elements with modern advanced technology and creativity. It's an interesting idea to link the whole gala with reborn maids visiting the museum,” 29-year-old Gao Linsen, a PhD student in Harbin, Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, told the Global Times on Saturday.


Songs, dances, martial arts and drama, each program was full of Chinese cultural elements. After watching, Gao felt that people should cherish the traditional Chinese culture and also respect the new culture.


Exquisite songs and dances dazzled the audience, while a Henan opera brought them to tears.



1)表示“精美的,精致的”,英文解释为“extremely beautiful and very delicately made”,如:the most exquisite craftsmanship 最精美的工艺。

1)表示“细致的,敏感的”,英文解释为“very sensitive and delicate in the way you behave or do things”,举个🌰:

She has exquisite taste in art.




表示“(美貌、技能等)使倾倒,使赞叹不已,使眼花缭乱”,英文解释为“to impress sb a lot with your beauty, skill, etc.”举个🌰:

He was dazzled by the warmth of her smile.


Young people look forward to guarding the border and old people are happy to see the loyalty of the next generation,” four actresses playing She Saihua, a legendary heroine from ancient China's Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), sang.



legendary /ˈlɛdʒəndərɪ/ 表示“非常著名的;享有盛名的;传奇的;传说的”,英文解释为“very famous and talked about a lot by people, especially in a way that shows admiration;mentioned in stories from ancient times”,如:a legendary figure 大名鼎鼎/名扬四海的人物。


heroine和hero相对;heroine可以表示“女主角,女主人公”,英文解释为“the woman or girl who is the main character in a book, film, play etc”, 也可以指“女英雄(a woman who is admired for doing something extremely brave)”,以及“受崇拜的女人,女偶像(a woman who is admired very much for a particular skill or quality)”等,同理hero则可以指“男主角,男主人公”。

Why there are four actresses playing the role?” An audience asked through the bullet-screen comments. 




B站的一大特色就是「弹幕」。先看官方介绍,Our pioneered community feature - bullet chatting - transforms viewing experience by allowing audience to share thoughts and feelings real-time with others viewing the same video.

Bullet chatting,或者说是,Bullet Chat. 弹幕,弹幕,到底是dàn,还是tán呢?看英文译文,Bullet chatting“子弹式聊天”,那就是dàn了,不要搞错了哦。百度百科介绍提到“弹幕,...,指的是在网络上观看视频时弹出的评论性字幕。”)那么,读作tán幕似乎也没毛病。

另外,还有bullet commentbullet screen的说法,都离不开bullet一词。此处就用了bullet-screen comments.

“It must be representing our four Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) martyrs who sacrificed their lives to safeguard China's national sovereignty and territory in the Galwan Valley skirmish with India in June 2020,” others replied.



martyr /ˈmɑːtə/ 表示“殉教者;烈士”,英文解释为“A martyr is someone who is killed or made to suffer greatly because of their religious or political beliefs, and is admired and respected by people who share those beliefs.”


skirmish /ˈskɜːmɪʃ/ 表示“小规模战斗;小冲突”,英文解释为“A skirmish is a minor battle.”

Martyr Xiao Siyuan and Wang Zhuoran were from Henan Province.


“This seems to express the inheritance of the spirit of defending the country from ancient times to the present. It strengthens my pride to be a Chinese,” 28-year-old Chinese woman Luo Linqi who has been working in Japan for three years, told the Global Times on Saturday.


Luo failed to return to China for Spring Festival this year due to COVID-19. She said she is happy there was such a fantastic Lantern Festival for her since she was spending the night alone in Tokyo. She recommended the show to her Japanese friends.


I'm proud of the broad and profound Chinese traditional culture, which is the stem of our cultural confidence,” Luo said, “looking forward to visiting Henan museum.


Henan is a major province of martial arts, and the festival set off a battle between traditional martial arts and modern fighting at the Star Observatory in Dengfeng, which is the oldest stargazing platform in China.



表示“天文台;天文观测站;气象台”,英文解释为“a special building from which scientists watch the stars, the weather, etc.”


表示“天体观察;占星”,英文解释为“the activity of looking up at the stars and objects in space as a hobby, as part of scientific study, or as part of astrology (= the belief that the position of the stars influences people's lives)”

📍连同下一段出现的the star-watching stage,此处用了三种表达来指代观星台,the Star Observatory,the stargazing platform.

A team of about 400 martial artists performed traditional martial arts under the star-watching stage. The unity of man and nature was like a rainbow, showing the heroic spirit of the Chinese people.


The cultural identity that flows in the blood of every Chinese is inspired by the Tang Palace Banquet and the magic night gala of the Lantern Festival. The application of science and technology brings history to life. It's not about the exquisiteness of the festival, but the fact that people can see our culture and history in a whole new way, Shi Wenxue, a Beijing-based cultural critic and an industry analyst, told the Global Times.









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