

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Chinese DTC Brands Going Global: Interview With Justin Moon, Vice President Of POP MART


POP MART is a fast-growing Beijing-based collectible toy company. The company took off in 2016 after it began working with artists to develop its own IPs, such as its most recognizable IP Molly, and introduced the concept of the blind box. 

Buying a blind box is similar to opening a pack of baseball cards and not knowing which cards you’ll get. POP MART customers purchase a toy from a series but they don’t know which specific toy they got until they open the box, creating suspense and excitement. Rare toys can resell for more than 40X their original price. 

POP MART raised $676 million in an initial public offering in Hong Kong last December, giving the company a valuation of $7 billion ahead of the trading debut. According to a recent annual report, the brand sold over 50 million toys in 2020, bringing in a total annual revenue of $382 million USD, demonstrating 49.3% growth YoY. 

POP MART’s overseas business officially launched at the end of 2018 and since then the brand has become active in more than 20 countries and regions globally, opening stores and ‘robo shops’ (essentially fancy vending machines) in Korea, Singapore, Japan, and most recently Canada. In addition to several offline stores, the brand also sells online through its official website, as well as through third-party platforms such as Amazon, and AliExpress.

Forbes: Why did you choose to expand internationally?

Justin Moon, Vice President of POP MART: The first reason POP MART decided to expand internationally was influenced by our success in the Chinese market. We felt we could use the capabilities of our internal market to develop a solid foothold in the overseas market. 

The second reason is to find and combine resources or business models overseas that are not available in the local market that can strengthen our competitive edge in the local market. 

The third reason is our belief that there’s a huge potential for artists’ development overseas and demand for art toys from consumers around the world. These reasons, in combination with POP MART’s business model, could create a large-scale business abroad. 

POP MART is now in more than 20 countries and regions. How did you decide which ones to enter first and how to expand from there?

JM: The first important step in establishing strategies for overseas business is setting the target market. Since POP MART products combine cultural and artistic elements, we can't target all overseas regions using the same approach. Culture, values, and perceptions of art vary in every corner of the world. In this context, it is necessary to build a strategic plan to expand our reach. 

Starting with markets that have proven successful, we can expand to other countries or regions, using prior successes as stepping stones. As a result of thorough research, we have established a strategy to expand into the North American and European markets based on the proven success of our business in Asia and Southeast Asia. 

◉ What are your future plans/goals for international markets?

JM: Many companies often measure the success of their overseas businesses by the growth in sales or sales figures. However, we think there are more important factors in doing business overseas than simply increasing the sales volume. For example, finding new growth opportunities in overseas markets, promoting the development of the local industries related to art and pop toys, and contributing to local communities by boosting local employment are also important missions for our brand. 

POP MART’s dream is to become a leading global pop culture and entertainment company. To realize this long-term vision, we seek to make meaningful developments globally and bring all our customers around the world joy.

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Chinese DTC Brands Going Global: Interview With Justin Moon, Vice President Of POP MART


POP MART is a fast-growing Beijing-based collectible toy company. The company took off in 2016 after it began working with artists to develop its own IPs, such as its most recognizable IP Molly, and introduced the concept of the blind box.

泡泡玛特(POP MART)位于北京,是一家快速发展的收藏类玩具公司。该公司在2016年开始与艺术家合作开发自己的IP,如其最知名IP Molly(莫莉),并引入了盲盒的概念后,大获成功。


等于collectable,表示“可收集的;有收藏价值的”,英文解释为“A collectible object is one which is valued very highly by collectors because it is rare or beautiful.”


原意表示知识产权,intellectual property的缩写。据百度百科,互联网界的“IP”可以理解为所有成名文创(文学、影视、动漫、游戏等)作品的统称。也就是说此时的IP更多的只是代表智力创造的比如发明、文学和艺术作品这些著作的版权。


Buying a blind box is similar to opening a pack of baseball cards and not knowing which cards you'll get. POP MART customers purchase a toy from a series but they don't know which specific toy they got until they open the box, creating suspense and excitement. Rare toys can resell for more than 40X their original price.



表示“悬念,焦虑,担心”,英文解释为“the feeling of excitement or nervousness that you have when you are waiting for something to happen and are uncertain about what it is going to be”举个🌰:

She kept him in suspense for several days before she said that she would marry him.


POP MART raised $676 million in an initial public offering in Hong Kong last December, giving the company a valuation of $7 billion ahead of the trading debut. According to a recent annual report, the brand sold over 50 million toys in 2020, bringing in a total annual revenue of $382 million USD, demonstrating 49.3% growth YoY.



首次公开募股(Initial Public Offering, IPO)是指一家企业第一次将它的股份向公众出售。一旦首次公开上市完成后,这家公司就可以申请到证券交易所或报价系统挂牌交易。(百度百科)


表示“(演员、运动员等的)首次登台,初次亮相;新事物的问世”,英文解释为“The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.”举个🌰:

She made her debut in a 1937 production of "Hamlet."


bring in

表示“赚得”,英文解释为“Someone or something that brings in money makes it or earns it.”举个🌰:

I have three part-time jobs, which bring in about $24,000 a year.



表示“显示;表明”,英文解释为“to show or make make something clear”举个🌰:

These numbers clearly demonstrate the size of the economic problem facing the country.


POP MART’s overseas business officially launched at the end of 2018 and since then the brand has become active in more than 20 countries and regions globally, opening stores and ‘robo shops’ (essentially fancy vending machines) in Korea, Singapore, Japan, and most recently Canada. In addition to several offline stores, the brand also sells online through its official website, as well as through third-party platforms such as Amazon, and AliExpress.



作形容词,1)表示“装饰的;花哨的;繁复的”,英文解释为“decorative or complicated”举个🌰:

The decorations were a little too fancy for my tastes.


2)表示“昂贵的;豪华的”,英文解释为“expensive”如:a fancy restaurant 豪华餐厅。

Forbes: Why did you choose to expand internationally? 《福布斯》:你们为什么选择在国际上扩张?

Justin Moon, Vice President of POP MART: The first reason POP MART decided to expand internationally was influenced by our success in the Chinese market. We felt we could use the capabilities of our internal market to develop a solid foothold in the overseas market.

泡泡玛特副总裁Justin Moon:泡泡玛特决定进行国际扩张的第一个原因是受到我们在中国市场成功的影响。我们觉得我们可以利用国内市场的能力,在海外市场发展一个稳固的立足点。


表示“稳固的立足点”,英文解释为“a strong first position from which further progress can be made”举个🌰:

We are still trying to get/gain a foothold in the Japanese market.


The second reason is to find and combine resources or business models overseas that are not available in the local market that can strengthen our competitive edge in the local market.



此处表示“优势;优越之处”,英文解释为“an advantage over other people”,可以替换advantage,举个🌰:

The company needs to improve its competitive edge.


The third reason is our belief that there's a huge potential for artists’ development overseas and demand for art toys from consumers around the world. These reasons, in combination with POP MART's business model, could create a large-scale business abroad.


POP MART is now in more than 20 countries and regions. How did you decide which ones to enter first and how to expand from there? 泡泡玛特现在已经进入了20多个国家和地区。你是如何决定首先进入哪些国家和地区,以及如何从那里扩张?

JM: The first important step in establishing strategies for overseas business is setting the target market. Since POP MART products combine cultural and artistic elements, we can't target all overseas regions using the same approach. Culture, values, and perceptions of art vary in every corner of the world. In this context, it is necessary to build a strategic plan to expand our reach.



1)表示“认识,观念,看法”,英文解释为“a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things seem”举个🌰:

These photographs will affect people's perceptions of war.


2)表示“知觉;感知”,英文解释为“the way you notice things, especially with the senses”如:visual perception 视觉;

🎬电影《失落的大陆》(Land of the Lost)中的台词提到:he has terrible depth perception 他的深度感知力很差。


1)表示“(事情存在、发生的)背景,环境”,英文解释为“the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it”举个🌰:

It is important to see all the fighting and bloodshed in his plays in historical context.


2)表示“上下文;语境”,英文解释为“the text or speech that comes immediately before and after a particular phrase or piece of text and helps to explain its meaning”。


📍out of context表示“脱离上下文”,英文解释为“If words are used out of context, only a small separate part of what was originally said or written is reported, with the result that their meaning is not clear or is not understood.举个🌰:

The reporter took my remarks completely out of context.


🎬 电影《钢铁侠2》(Iron Man 2)的台词中提到:You do understand that reading a single paragraph out of context does not reflect ... 你知道,如果脱离上下文只读一段是不能体现...

🎬 电影《凯文怎么了》(We Need to Talk About Kevin)的台词中提到:Listen buddy, it's easy to misunderstand something when you hear it out of context. 如果你听到的东西脱离了上下文就很容易产生误解。

🎬 电影《三代人》(3 generations)的台词中提到:This is not helpful, you can't take things out of context. 这样做没用,你不能断章取义。

Starting with markets that have proven successful, we can expand to other countries or regions, using prior successes as stepping stones. As a result of thorough research, we have established a strategy to expand into the North American and European markets based on the proven success of our business in Asia and Southeast Asia.


stepping stone

表示“垫脚石;进身之阶;敲门砖”,英文解释为“You can describe a job or event as a stepping stone when it helps you to make progress, especially in your career.”

◉ What are your future plans/goals for international markets? 你们对国际市场的未来计划/目标是什么?

JM: Many companies often measure the success of their overseas businesses by the growth in sales or sales figures. However, we think there are more important factors in doing business overseas than simply increasing the sales volume. For example, finding new growth opportunities in overseas markets, promoting the development of the local industries related to art and pop toys, and contributing to local communities by boosting local employment are also important missions for our brand.


POP MART's dream is to become a leading global pop culture and entertainment company. To realize this long-term vision, we seek to make meaningful developments globally and bring all our customers around the world joy.









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