

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,知名画家埃德加·德加(Edgar Degas)的作品《俄罗斯舞者》被英国国家美术馆改名为《乌克兰舞者》。


National Gallery renames Degas’ Russian Dancers as Ukrainian Dancers

The Guardian

The National Gallery has altered the title of Edgar Degas’ drawing Russian Dancers to Ukrainian Dancers, prompting calls for other cultural institutions to rethink “lazy” interpretations or mislabelling of Ukrainian art and heritage.

After calls by Ukrainians on social media, the gallery said it had changed the title of the French impressionist’s turn-of-the-20th-century work, which is currently not on display. It is a pastel depicting troupes of dancers, which the artist was fascinated to see performing in Paris late in his life.

The yellow and blue of Ukraine’s national colours are noticeable in what appear to be hair ribbons worn by the dancers and in garlands they are carrying.

A spokesperson for the National Gallery said: “The title of this painting has been an ongoing point of discussion for many years and is covered in scholarly literature; however there has been increased focus on it over the past month due to the current situation so therefore we felt it was an appropriate moment to update the painting’s title to better reflect the subject of the painting.”

A few weeks ago, a member of the gallery’s education department had highlighted the issue, while a Ukrainian living in London had also used Instagram to do so.

Among those welcoming the National Gallery’s move was Mariia Kashchenko, the Ukrainian-born founder and director of Art Unit, which showcases emerging artists, including 21 Ukrainian artists at the moment.

“I understand that the term Russian art became an easy umbrella term which was useful but it’s really important now to get things right. As a Ukrainian person, in the past I would have encountered times when I was called Russian, or where Ukrainian heritage was described as Russian,” she said.

Criticism of UK cultural institutions has also come from Olesya Khromeychuk, the director of the Ukrainian Institute in London, who wrote last month in the German magazine Der Spiegel: “Every trip to a gallery or museum in London with exhibits on art or cinema from the USSR reveals deliberate or just lazy misinterpretation of the region as one endless Russia; much like the current president of the Russian Federation would like to see it.

The National Gallery told the Guardian research that was continuing about paintings in its collection and information about its works was updated as and when appropriate and when new information came to light.

A National Portrait Gallery spokesperson said the gallery was closed while it underwent a major transformation, but as part of its Inspiring People project was reviewing the interpretation of every work that will be on display in time for when it reopens next year.

Referring to the action taken in relation to the Degas work, the spokesperson added: “We are also very open to receiving feedback from the public about specific works and regularly respond to comments shared by our audiences, including those made on social media.”

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National Gallery renames Degas’ Russian Dancers as Ukrainian Dancers

The Guardian

The National Gallery has altered the title of Edgar Degas’ drawing Russian Dancers to Ukrainian Dancers, prompting calls for other cultural institutions to rethink “lazy” interpretations or mislabelling of Ukrainian art and heritage.

英国国家美术馆(The National Gallery)已将埃德加·德加(Edgar Degas)的《俄罗斯舞者》(Russian Dancers)改名为《乌克兰舞者》(Ukrainian Dancers),这促使人们呼吁其他文化机构反思对乌克兰艺术和遗产的“偷懒”诠释或贴错标签。


表示“(使)改变,更改,改动”,英文解释为“to become different; to make sb/sth different”举个🌰:

We've had to alter some of our plans.


🎬电影《大侦探福尔摩斯》(Sherlock Holmes)中的台词提到:that will alter the very course of the world. 足以改变世界的力量。


作动词,表示“促使;导致;激起”,英文解释为“to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen”举个🌰:

His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd.


📺美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》(Spartacus: Blood and Sand)中的台词提到:One cannot but wonder what would prompt such an act 不知他们为何遭此不幸。


表示“解释,阐释;理解”,英文解释为“an explanation or opinion of what something means”举个🌰:

The rules are vague and open to interpretation.



表示“遗产(指流传下来的具有历史意义的传统、语言、建筑等)”,英文解释为“features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance”。

After calls by Ukrainians on social media, the gallery said it had changed the title of the French impressionist's turn-of-the-20th-century work, which is currently not on display. It is a pastel depicting troupes of dancers, which the artist was fascinated to see performing in Paris late in his life.



一般首字母大写Impressionist,表示“印象派画家”,英文解释为“an artist who paints in the style of Impressionism”举个🌰:

Monet is one of the great Impressionists.


the turn of the century



📍the turn of the century 表示“世纪之交”,英文解释为“the time when one century ends and another begins”举个🌰:

The museum reopened at the turn of the century.



pastel /ˈpæstəl/ 1)作形容词,表示“浅淡色的,颜色柔和的”,英文解释为“having a pale soft colour”举个🌰:

Their house is decorated in pastel shades.


2)作名词,表示“彩色蜡笔;彩色粉笔”,英文解释为“a soft, coloured substance, usually in the form of a small stick, that is used to draw pictures, or a picture made using this”举个🌰:

Do you like working with pastels/in pastel?



表示“描写,描述,描绘;描绘,绘画”,英文解释为“to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture etc”,举个🌰:

The artist had depicted her lying on a bed.


📍此前价值1.8亿元毕加索名画被撕文中出现过,According to Tate, the artwork depicts Picasso's lover Dora Maar and was painted in Paris in May 1944, during the final months of the Nazi occupation.


troupe /truːp/ 表示“(演员、歌手等的)班子,表演团,剧团”,英文解释为“a group of actors, singers, etc. who work together”。举个🌰:

She joined a dance troupe and travelled all over the world.


The yellow and blue of Ukraine’s national colours are noticeable in what appear to be hair ribbons worn by the dancers and in garlands they are carrying.



表示“花环;花冠”,英文解释为“a circle made of flowers and leaves worn around the neck or head as a decoration”如:a garland of white roses 白玫瑰花环。

A spokesperson for the National Gallery said: “The title of this painting has been an ongoing point of discussion for many years and is covered in scholarly literature; however there has been increased focus on it over the past month due to the current situation so therefore we felt it was an appropriate moment to update the painting's title to better reflect the subject of the painting.”


A few weeks ago, a member of the gallery's education department had highlighted the issue, while a Ukrainian living in London had also used Instagram to do so.



表示“使引起注意,强调”,英文解释为“to attract attention to or emphasize something important”举个🌰:

The report highlights the need for improved safety.


Among those welcoming the National Gallery’s move was Mariia Kashchenko, the Ukrainian-born founder and director of Art Unit, which showcases emerging artists, including 21 Ukrainian artists at the moment.

对国家美术馆此举表示欢迎的人中有玛丽亚·卡申科(Mariia Kashchenko),她是Art Unit的创始人兼主管,出生于乌克兰,Art Unit是新兴艺术家的展示平台,目前有21名乌克兰艺术家。


表示“展示…的优点;充分展示”,英文解释为“to show the best qualities or parts of something”举个🌰:

The main aim of the exhibition is to showcase British design.


“I understand that the term Russian art became an easy umbrella term which was useful but it’s really important now to get things right. As a Ukrainian person, in the past I would have encountered times when I was called Russian, or where Ukrainian heritage was described as Russian,” she said.


umbrella term

雨伞术语伞式术语(Umbrella term)是一种比喻的说法,表示此术语涵盖几个术语而成的术语,或称作概括性术语或者术语集术语总术语。英文解释为“A term used to cover a broad category of things rather than a single specific item.”

📍谷爱凌在《纽约时报》(The New York Times)上写的如何看待恐惧,如何应对恐惧,以及她希望如何战胜恐惧的文中就提到:“Fear” is really an umbrella term for three distinct sensations: excitement, uncertainty, and pressure. “恐惧”实际上概括了三种不同的感官体验:兴奋、不确定性和压力。


1)表示“遭遇”,英文解释为“If you encounter problems or difficulties, you experience them.”举个🌰:

Every day of our lives we encounter major and minor stresses of one kind or another.


2)表示“偶然相遇,邂逅,不期而遇”,英文解释为“If you encounter someone, you meet them, usually unexpectedly. ”举个🌰:

Did you encounter anyone in the building?


Criticism of UK cultural institutions has also come from Olesya Khromeychuk, the director of the Ukrainian Institute in London, who wrote last month in the German magazine Der Spiegel: “Every trip to a gallery or museum in London with exhibits on art or cinema from the USSR reveals deliberate or just lazy misinterpretation of the region as one endless Russia; much like the current president of the Russian Federation would like to see it.

伦敦乌克兰研究所所长奥列西亚·赫罗梅丘克(Olesya Khromeychuk)也对英国文化机构进行了批评,他上个月在德国《明镜》(Der Spiegel)杂志上写道:“每到一家有苏联艺术或电影艺术展品的伦敦美术馆或博物馆,都会发现该地区被故意或懒惰地误解为一个无尽的俄罗斯;就像俄罗斯联邦现任总统所希望看到的那样。”

the USSR

表示“苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟,苏联(the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics的缩写)”,英文解释为“abbreviation for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics”

The National Gallery told the Guardian research that was continuing about paintings in its collection and information about its works was updated as and when appropriate and when new information came to light.

国家美术馆告诉《卫报》(The Guardian),关于其收藏的绘画作品的研究还在继续,关于其作品的信息会在适当的时候和新的信息出现时更新。

as and when

英式:as and when,美式:if and when 表示“当…时;到…的时候”,英文解释为“at the time that something happens”举个🌰:

We don't own a car - we just rent one as and when we need it.


come to light

表示“为人所知;变得众所周知;暴露”,英文解释为“to become known to people”举个🌰:

New evidence has recently come to light.


📺美剧《越狱》(Prison Break)中的台词提到:Apparently, some new evidence has come to light. 很明显 找到些新的证据。

A National Portrait Gallery spokesperson said the gallery was closed while it underwent a major transformation, but as part of its Inspiring People project was reviewing the interpretation of every work that will be on display in time for when it reopens next year.

英国国家肖像馆(National Portrait Gallery)的一位发言人说,该馆在进行重大改造,目前已经关闭,但作为其“Inspiring People”项目的一部分,美术馆正在审查每件将展出的作品的解释,以便在明年重新开放时能及时展出。


表示“经历,经受(令人不快的事或变化)”,英文解释为“to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change”举个🌰:

She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year.



表示“审查,复查;重新考虑”,英文解释为“to carefully examine or consider sth again, especially so that you can decide if it is necessary to make changes”如:to review the evidence 复查证据。

Referring to the action taken in relation to the Degas work, the spokesperson added: “We are also very open to receiving feedback from the public about specific works and regularly respond to comments shared by our audiences, including those made on social media.”










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