

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Tencent’s 17-year-old Game “QQ Tang” to Cease Operations in April 2022


December 16, 2021

Tencent’s game “QQ Tang” announced on Thursday that it will cease operations in the Chinese mainland on April 20, 2022 due to a shift in strategic planning with its project team.

At 11 o’clock on December 16, 2021, Q currency/Q point payment and new user registration will be stopped. At 11:00 on April 20, 2022, the game server, official website, forum and exclusive customer service, will all be shut down.

After the game server is shut down, all account data and role data in the game will be deleted.

After this announcement was released, some netizens expressed their sadness, “Now my childhood is really gone”. Some netizens, however, said the decision was almost a foregone conclusion. One commentator wrote, “I used to think that this game was fun, but when I played it again as an adult, it wasn’t a very normal game experience. Tencent has not maintained the game very well. It was only a matter of time before it stopped operating.”

“QQ Tang” is a leisure game launched by Tencent at the end of 2004. Its inspiration came from Bomberman, a Japanese video game. Users need to press the space bar to release sugar bubbles which then explode to release syrup five seconds later. If the virtual character touches the syrup, he will be trapped and suffocate after five seconds.

Being Bad at Video Games Ups Aggression

Scientific American

April 10, 2014

Video game playing can make you angry or aggressive. But it seems that the key factor may not be the violence. It’s the player’s incompetence at the game that’s behind the ramped-up emotions, whether they’re upping their kill count in Grand Theft Auto 3 or simply trying to solve a puzzle in Tetris.


That’s the take-away from a study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [Andrew K. Przybylski et al, Competence-Impeding Electronic Games and Players’ Aggressive Feelings, Thoughts, and Behaviors]


Researchers tested violent and nonviolent variations of a custom-designed game on 600 players. They found that poorly designed or overly difficult games left participants as enraged, if not more so, than violent games did.


Violent games have long been blamed for subsequent violent behavior in players. And some research finds that long-term play changes regions in the brain associated with cognitive function and emotional control. Additional studies say such games increase aggression in children. But other investigators say the games actually have a calming effect on players, especially those with a preexisting mental health condition.


All those research efforts may need to be re-examined in light of the new finding. In other words, don’t hate the game, hate the player. Or at least his lack of skills.

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Tencent’s 17-year-old Game “QQ Tang” to Cease Operations in April 2022


December 16, 2021

Tencent’s game “QQ Tang” announced on Thursday that it will cease operations in the Chinese mainland on April 20, 2022 due to a shift in strategic planning with its project team.



表示“停止,中止”,英文解释为“to stop something”举个🌰:

The company has decided to cease all UK operations after this year.


At 11 o’clock on December 16, 2021, Q currency/Q point payment and new user registration will be stopped. At 11:00 on April 20, 2022, the game server, official website, forum and exclusive customer service, will all be shut down.



表示“登记;注册;挂号”,英文解释为“The registration of something such as a person's name or the details of an event is the recording of it in an official list.”举个🌰:

They have campaigned strongly for compulsory registration of dogs.



表示“服务器”,英文解释为“In computing, a server is part of a computer network which does a particular task, such as storing or processing information, for all or part of the network.”


1)表示“昂贵的;高档的;豪华的”,英文解释为“expensive and only for people who are rich or of a high social class”,如:an exclusive private club 豪华私人俱乐部。

2)表示“专用的,专有的;独有的,独占的”,英文解释为“limited to only one person or group of people”,如:an exclusive interview 独家采访,举个🌰:

This room is for the exclusive use of guests.


After the game server is shut down, all account data and role data in the game will be deleted.


After this announcement was released, some netizens expressed their sadness, “Now my childhood is really gone”. Some netizens, however, said the decision was almost a foregone conclusion. One commentator wrote, “I used to think that this game was fun, but when I played it again as an adult, it wasn’t a very normal game experience. Tencent has not maintained the game very well. It was only a matter of time before it stopped operating.”


foregone conclusion

表示“注定的结果, 不可避免的结果;预料中的必然结局”,英文解释为“a result that is obvious to everyone even before it happens“举个🌰:

Some historians believe that the American Civil War was far from a foregone conclusion


“QQ Tang” is a leisure game launched by Tencent at the end of 2004. Its inspiration came from Bomberman, a Japanese video game. Users need to press the space bar to release sugar bubbles which then explode to release syrup five seconds later. If the virtual character touches the syrup, he will be trapped and suffocate after five seconds.



1)表示“(首次)上市,发行;推出(新产品)”,英文解释为”If a company launches a new product, it makes it available to the public.“举个🌰:

The new model will be launched in July.


2)表示“启动,推出,发起”,英文解释为“to begin something such as a plan or introduce something new such as a product”举个🌰:

The programme was launched a year ago.


space bar

表示“空格键”,英文解释为“on a keyboard, the long bar below the letter keys that you press in order to make a space between words”


syrup /ˈsɪr.əp/ 表示“浓糖水,糖浆”,英文解释为“a very sweet, thick liquid”举个🌰:

Make a syrup by boiling 100 g sugar in 300 ml water.



be trapped表示“被困住;陷入困境”,英文解释为“If someone or something is trapped, that person or thing is unable to move or escape from a place or situation.”举个🌰:

Fire officers used cutting equipment to free his legs, which were trapped under a steel beam.



suffocate /ˈsʌfəˌkeɪt/ 1)表示“束缚,阻止…的发展;遏制”,英文解释为“to prevent something or someone from improving or developing in a positive way”。

2)表示“(使)窒息而死;(使)闷死”,英文解释为“to (cause someone to) die because of not having enough oxygen”。

Being Bad at Video Games Ups Aggression

Scientific American

April 10, 2014

Video game playing can make you angry or aggressive. But it seems that the key factor may not be the violence. It’s the player’s incompetence at the game that’s behind the ramped-up emotions, whether they’re upping their kill count in Grand Theft Auto 3 or simply trying to solve a puzzle in Tetris.

玩电子游戏会使人愤怒或具有好斗情绪。但似乎关键因素可能不是暴力。在情绪高涨的背后,是玩家对游戏的无能,无论是在《侠盗猎车手3》(Grand Theft Auto 3)中增加他们的击杀数,还是仅仅在俄罗斯方块(Tetris)中试图解决一个难题。


1)表示“好斗的;挑衅的;侵略的”,英文解释为“angry, and behaving in a threatening way; ready to attack”;

2)表示“气势汹汹的;声势浩大的;志在必得的”,英文解释为“acting with force and determination in order to succeed”如:an aggressive advertising campaign 一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动。


表示“无能力;不胜任,不称职”,英文解释为“lack of ability to do something successfully or as it should be done”举个🌰:

Management have demonstrated almost unbelievable incompetence in their handling of the dispute.


ramp up

1)表示“(公司)扩大,增加,增多(业务等)”,英文解释为“If a business ramps up its activity, it increases it.”举个🌰:

The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10,000 units per month.


2)表示“加快(速度);增加(威力);提高(费用)”,英文解释为“to increase the speed, power, or cost of something”举个🌰:

Mitsubishi has ramped up the speed of its new micro-controllers.



作动词,1)表示“增加;提高”,英文解释为“If you up something such as the amount of money you are offering for something, you increase it.”举个🌰:

He upped his offer for the company.


2)表示“突然行动”,英文解释为“If you up and leave a place, you go away from it, often suddenly or unexpectedly.”举个🌰:

One day he just upped and left.



That’s the take-away from a study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [Andrew K. Przybylski et al, Competence-Impeding Electronic Games and Players’ Aggressive Feelings, Thoughts, and Behaviors]

这是《个性与社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Personality and Social Psychology)上的一项研究得出的结论。


take-away/takeaway表示“从…中了解到的主要信息”,英文解释为“a main message or piece of information that you learn from something you hear or read”举个🌰:

The takeaway from the conference was how competitive the tourism industry has become.


At the end of the class, the teacher gives us the takeaway points.


takeaway另一个含义表示“外卖的饭食;外卖餐馆”,英文解释为“a meal cooked and bought at a shop or restaurant but taken somewhere else, often home, to be eaten, or the shop or restaurant itself”如:a Chinese takeaway 外卖中餐馆。

📍take sth away表示“从(所读或所听中)学会或获得”,英文解释为“to get a particular message or piece of information from something you read or are told”举个🌰:

What I took away from his talk is that going to university is definitely worth it.



et al.

表示“以及其他人;等人;等等(et alia的缩写)”,英文解释为“abbreviation for et alia: and others. It is used in formal writing to avoid a long list of names of people who have written something together.”举个🌰:

The method is described in an article by LR et al.



impede /ɪmˈpiːd/ 表示“妨碍,阻碍;阻止”,英文解释为“to make it more difficult for something to happen or more difficult for someone to do something”举个🌰:

Although he's shy, it certainly hasn't impeded his career in any way.


Researchers tested violent and nonviolent variations of a custom-designed game on 600 players. They found that poorly designed or overly difficult games left participants as enraged, if not more so, than violent games did.




表示“变种,变体;变化了的东西”,英文解释为“something that is slightly different from the usual form or arrangement”举个🌰:

There are wide variations in the way pensioners have benefited from the system.



表示“激怒;使(某人)非常愤怒”,英文解释为“to make someone very angry”,举个🌰:

Many readers were enraged by his article.


Violent games have long been blamed for subsequent violent behavior in players. And some research finds that long-term play changes regions in the brain associated with cognitive function and emotional control. Additional studies say such games increase aggression in children. But other investigators say the games actually have a calming effect on players, especially those with a preexisting mental health condition.



表示“随后的;后来的;之后的;接后的”,英文解释为“happening or coming after sth else”举个🌰:

Subsequent events confirmed our doubts.



表示“认知的;感知的;认识的”,英文解释为“Cognitive means relating to the mental process involved in knowing, learning, and understanding things.”举个🌰:

As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper. 


All those research efforts may need to be re-examined in light of the new finding. In other words, don’t hate the game, hate the player. Or at least his lack of skills.


in light of

表示“根据;考虑到,鉴于”,英文解释为“If something is possible in the light of particular information, it is only possible because you have this information.”举个🌰:

In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues.


🎬电影《完美音调2》(Pitch Perfect 2)中的台词提到:In light of this embarrassing 鉴于这个让人尴尬的...

📺美剧《硅谷》(Silicon Valley)中的台词提到:Well, in light of recent activities, it appears that I could do a goddamn thing about it. 有鉴于最近的种种 看来我还是有办法的。







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