

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




Singer Cyndi Wang trending in China after performing Cyndi Loves You


Chinese singer Cyndi Wang has made waves online in China with a rendition of her song Cyndi Loves You (2004).

On the first episode of the Chinese reality show Sisters Who Make Waves on Friday (May 20), she performed the song in a school uniform, similar to the one she wore in her music video in 2004.

The 39-year-old also performed her iconic dance moves from the music video on Friday.

Asked to use a song to describe her feelings before her performance, she chose Rainbow's Smile. It was the theme song of idol drama Sonria Pasta (2006), which she starred in with Malaysian singer Nicholas Teo.

Wang began trending on the Chinese social media platforms Weibo and Douyin after Sisters Who Make Waves was released on Mango TV, with the top three hashtags all related to her.

Several netizens said the song reminded them of their younger days, while others said Wang, who is known for her cutie-pie image, still remains sweet.

The singer wrote on Weibo early on Monday: "I have just finished work and heard from my colleagues that everyone is having a good time online these few days. It is a good thing if the last few days brought back good memories for everyone.

"I will continue to create more memories with you, as I hope to use music to accompany you through your various journeys."

Wang first broke out in the entertainment industry with a starring role in idol drama Westside Story (2003), which also starred 5566 singer Tony Sun and actor Wallace Huo.

She then released her second album Cyndi Loves You. The title track featured former 5566 singer Sam Wang and her star rose higher.

Teo, 40, who has not acted much in recent years, posted on Weibo on Sunday night a screen grab of the top 10 Weibo searches, which included Sonria Pasta and the character He Qun, the idol singer he played in the television serial. And he thanked fans for missing him.

Singer Cyndi Wang Back in the Spotlight After Nostalgic Performance


Featuring 30 female celebrities over the age of 30, Sisters Who Make Waves released the first episode of its third season on the Chinese streaming platform Mango TV on May 23. In the eyes of Chinese netizens, one of the contestants — Chinese singer and actress Cyndi Wang — put on a performance that was heads and shoulders above the rest.

Wang chose to sing ‘Love You,’ one of her old hits from 2004 — a wise choice, judging by its reception.

The performance blew up immediately, with a related hashtag accumulating more than 430 million views on Weibo. Fans who had grown up listening to Wang’s music highlighted its sentimental value.

“This [performance] is such a throwback for everyone. A lot of memories are flooding back,” wrote one fan.

Another echoed, “Such a big throwback. When I was in secondary school, I bought Wang’s stickers and stuck them all over my desk.”

A leading female mandopop singer, Wang is synonymous with sugary pop songs, which earned her the moniker ‘Sugar Bishop.’

The episode has sparked a renewed interest in Wang’s TV shows from more than a decade ago.

“When I was in primary school, I really loved watching Smiling Pasta. Now I am in my 20s. Time has gone by so fast, but Wang still looks the same,” reads one comment.

Amazingly, the throwbacks just kept coming.

On May 23, Wang’s songs took over Chinese music streaming platform QQ Music’s ‘Rising Hits’ section. Nine out of 10 songs on the list were by the songstress.

Wang’s sudden surge of popularity did not escape the 39-year-old’s attention.

“Being able to remind you of your treasured memories is such a beautiful thing,” said the star on Weibo. “Through music, I hope to create more good memories with you.”

Wang, who has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry since 2003, was, in fact, one of Asia’s top female pop stars in the 2000s and 2010s. Some of her greatest hits include ‘Love You’ and ‘Curved Eyelashes.’

The overwhelmingly positive response to Wang’s performance proves netizens’ penchant for nostalgia. Even though new information is just a click away on the internet, it seems many people prefer to bask in familiar content.

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Singer Cyndi Wang trending in China after performing Cyndi Loves You


Chinese singer Cyndi Wang has made waves online in China with a rendition of her song Cyndi Loves You (2004).

中国歌手王心凌(Cyndi Wang)重新演唱了她的歌曲《爱你》(Cyndi Loves You)后,在网上引起了轰动。

make waves

表示“引起轰动;(故意)兴风作浪,挑起事端”,英文解释为“to be very active so that other people notice you, often in a way that intentionally causes trouble; create a significant impression.”举个🌰:

It's probably not a good idea to start making waves in your first week in a new job.


On the first episode of the Chinese reality show Sisters Who Make Waves on Friday (May 20), she performed the song in a school uniform, similar to the one she wore in her music video in 2004.

周五(5月20日),中国真人秀节目《ta》(Sisters Who Make Waves)的第一期节目中,她穿着校服演唱了这首歌,与她在2004年的MV中穿着相似。


在电视/电影节目中,episode表示“一集,一节,片断”(one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio),也可以指“事件;(相关的)一连串事件;一段经历”,英文解释为“a single event or group of related events”举个🌰:

This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.



📍第几集用的是Episode,第几季则为Season. 你下载美剧时可能就会看到S01E02,就是指的第1季第2集。

最后一集finale:the last part of a piece of music or of a show, event etc (演出的)终场,最后一幕;(音乐的)终曲;(事件等的)结尾。

🎬还有,看剧时新一集开头通常会有的一个说法:previously on ...,...的前情提要,前情回顾。


The 39-year-old also performed her iconic dance moves from the music video on Friday.



表示“偶像的;图符的;象征性的;非常出名的,受欢迎的”,英文解释为“An iconic image or thing is important or impressive because it seems to be a symbol of something.”举个🌰:

He gained iconic status following his death.


Asked to use a song to describe her feelings before her performance, she chose Rainbow's Smile. It was the theme song of idol drama Sonria Pasta (2006), which she starred in with Malaysian singer Nicholas Teo.

在被要求用一首歌来描述她表演前的心情时,她选择了《彩虹的微笑》(Rainbow's Smile)。这是偶像剧《微笑Pasta》(2006年)的主题曲,她与马来西亚歌手张栋梁(Nicholas Teo)共同出演了该剧。


表示“由…主演”,英文解释为“If a play or movie stars a famous actor or actress, he or she has one of the most important parts in it.”举个🌰:

It is a movie, "LearnAndRecord," directed by L. and starring R.. 


Wang began trending on the Chinese social media platforms Weibo and Douyin after Sisters Who Make Waves was released on Mango TV, with the top three hashtags all related to her.



trend作动词,表示“(某一时刻在社交媒体或网站上)被提及最多的词语(主题或名字)”,英文解释为“to be one of the words, subjects, or names that is being mentioned most often on a social media website or a news website at a particular time”,举个🌰:

Within minutes of the incident her name was trending on Weibo.


trend本身也可以直接作名词,原意有“趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向;热点”,英文解释为“a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing”。

📍trending hashtags或者说a trending topic,可以指微博上的“#热门话题#”;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。


表示“在社交媒体上发文时用来描述主题的#号”,英文解释为“used on social media for describing the general subject of a Tweet or other post (= message)”.

Several netizens said the song reminded them of their younger days, while others said Wang, who is known for her cutie-pie image, still remains sweet.



cutie/cutie pie 表示“漂亮女人(或姑娘);美人儿;可爱的人”,英文解释为“someone who you consider attractive or like a lot”举个🌰:

His daughter is a real cutie.


The singer wrote on Weibo early on Monday: "I have just finished work and heard from my colleagues that everyone is having a good time online these few days. It is a good thing if the last few days brought back good memories for everyone."


"I will continue to create more memories with you, as I hope to use music to accompany you through your various journeys."


Wang first broke out in the entertainment industry with a starring role in idol drama Westside Story (2003), which also starred 5566 singer Tony Sun and actor Wallace Huo.

2003年,主演偶像剧《西街少年》(Westside Story)的王心凌在娱乐圈中初露锋芒。主演《西街少年》的还有5566歌手孙协志和演员霍建华。

She then released her second album Cyndi Loves You. The title track featured former 5566 singer Sam Wang and her star rose higher.


title track

表示“(曲名与与唱片标题一样的)标题歌曲,标题音乐”,英文解释为“the piece of music on an album that has the same name as the album itself”


1)作名词,原意表示“特色;特征;特点,功能”,英文解释为“something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing”,此前在iOS 14来了!文中就出现了多次的feature,介绍iOS 14各种新功能,新特点,举个🌰:

Which features do you look for when choosing a car?


2)feature作动词,表示“以…为特色;由…主演;以…为主要组成”,英文解释为“to include a particular person or thing as a special feature”,作动词往往可以理解为“有...”(功能/特色),举个🌰:

Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks.


The film features Cary Grant as a professor.


📍在英文歌中会经常看到这种说法,xxxa feat. xxxb,此处feat.实际上就是feature的缩写,大概意思是歌曲中穿插另外一个人的演唱或表演,xxxa和xxxb共同演绎,合作演出。据百度百科,feat.的是后面这个歌手(或者组合)他在这首单曲里面或者这张专辑里面并不是主角,前面那个人才是这首歌的灵魂或者主人。

Teo, 40, who has not acted much in recent years, posted on Weibo on Sunday night a screen grab of the top 10 Weibo searches, which included Sonria Pasta and the character He Qun, the idol singer he played in the television serial. And he thanked fans for missing him.


Singer Cyndi Wang Back in the Spotlight After Nostalgic Performance


Featuring 30 female celebrities over the age of 30, Sisters Who Make Waves released the first episode of its third season on the Chinese streaming platform Mango TV on May 23. In the eyes of Chinese netizens, one of the contestants — Chineses singer and actress Cyndi Wangput on a performance that was heads and shoulders above the rest.

由30位30岁以上的女明星参加的《乘风破浪的姐姐》(Sisters Who Make Waves)于5月23日在中国流媒体平台芒果TV播出了第三季的第一集。在中国网友的眼中,其中一位参赛者--歌手兼演员王心凌--的表演比其他选手更胜一筹。


1)作名词,除了聚光灯,还可以表示“媒体和公众的注意”,英文解释为“attention from newspapers, television and the public”举个🌰:

Unemployment is once again in the spotlight.


2)作动词,表示“特别关注,突出报道(以使公众注意)”,英文解释为“to give special attention to a problem, situation, etc. so that people notice it”举个🌰:

The programme spotlights problems in the health service.


📺动画片《鲍勃汉堡店》(Bob's Burgers)中的台词提到:You couldn't share the spotlight with Francis, could you? 你无法忍受弗兰西斯抢你风头是吧?


nostalgic /nɒsˈtæl.dʒɪk/ 表示“怀旧的”,英文解释为“feeling happy and also slightly sad when you think about things that happened in the past”举个🌰:

Talking about our old family holidays has made me feel all nostalgic.



表示“参赛者,选手”,英文解释为“A contestant in a competition or game show is a person who takes part in it”。


📍combatant表示“战斗人员,战士,斗士”,英文解释为“a person who fights in a war”。

head and shoulders above

表示“远远超过,比…强得多”,英文解释为“If someone or something is head and shoulders above other people or things, he, she, or it is a lot better than them.”举个🌰:

There's no competition - they're head and shoulders above the rest.


Wang chose to sing ‘Love You,’ one of her old hits from 2004 — a wise choice, judging by its reception.



表示“(唱片、电影或戏剧的)成功;很受欢迎的人(或事物)”,英文解释为“If a CD, film, or play is a hit, it is very popular and successful.举个🌰:

The song became a massive hit in 2019.



1)表示“感受;反应;回应”,英文解释为“the way in which people react to something or someone”举个🌰:

Her first book got a wonderful/warm/frosty reception from the critics.


2)表示“(无线电和电视信号的)接收效果”,英文解释为“the quality of radio and television signals that are broadcast”如:good/bad reception 良好的/差的接收效果,举个🌰:

There was very poor reception on my phone.


The performance blew up immediately, with a related hashtag accumulating more than 430 million views on Weibo. Fans who had grown up listening to Wang’s music highlighted its sentimental value.



表示“积累;积聚;积攒”,英文解释为“to collect a large number of things over a long period of time”举个🌰:

As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情期间房价上涨的文章中提到:Professionals who have carried on working from home but cut back on their spending have accumulated cash to splash. 那些改换成在家中继续工作但减少了开支的专业人士则积攒了可大笔支出的现金。


📍amass 表示“(尤指大量)积累,积聚”,英文解释为“to collect sth, especially in large quantities”举个🌰:

He amassed a fortune from delivering newspapers.


📍rack up表示“大量获得(利润);严重遭受(损失);(体育中)多次赢得(比赛)”,英文解释为“If a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. If a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of games or races.”


表示“使引起注意,强调”,英文解释为“to attract attention to or emphasize something important”举个🌰:

The report highlights the need for improved safety.


“This [performance] is such a throwback for everyone. A lot of memories are flooding back,” wrote one fan.



表示“返祖者;返祖;返祖型的东西;复古的事物;复古,回归”,英文解释为“a person or thing that is similar to sb/sth that existed in the past”举个🌰:

The car's design is a throwback to the 1950s.


Another echoed, “Such a big throwback. When I was in secondary school, I bought Wang’s stickers and stuck them all over my desk.”



表示“附和”,英文解释为“If you echo someone's words, you repeat them or express agreement with their attitude or opinion.”举个🌰:

Their views often echo each other.


A leading female mandopop singer, Wang is synonymous with sugary pop songs, which earned her the moniker ‘Sugar Bishop.’



synonymous /sɪˈnɒnɪməs/,表示“同义的,近义的”,英文解释为“having the same meaning”,be synonymous with可以表示“等同于…的”(so closely connected with sth that the two things appear to be the same)举个🌰:

Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with happiness.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述当今的汽车产业的文章中提到:Long synonymous with hubris and the inept allocation of capital, it needs to look to the future. 长久以来它已经成了傲慢和资本不当配置的代名词。现在,它需要放眼未来。


表示“名字;绰号”,英文解释为“a name or nickname”


bishop /ˈbɪʃ.əp/ 表示“主教”,英文解释为“a priest of high rank who is in charge of the priests of lower rank in a particular area”如:the Bishop of Durham 达勒姆主教。

The episode has sparked a renewed interest in Wang’s TV shows from more than a decade ago.



表示“引发”,英文解释为“If one thing sparks another, the first thing cause the second thing to start happening.”举个🌰:

My teacher organized a unit on computer science that really sparked my interest.


此前,《后浪》和「青年」一文的标题中就用到:Bilibili's May 4th Youth Day video sparks discussion on social media 引发热议。


📍stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”,举个🌰:

The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination.


📍provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

📍spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.


🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。

When I was in primary school, I really loved watching Smiling Pasta. Now I am in my 20s. Time has gone by so fast, but Wang still looks the same,” reads one comment.


Amazingly, the throwbacks just kept coming.


On May 23, Wang’s songs took over Chinese music streaming platform QQ Music’s ‘Rising Hits’ section. Nine out of 10 songs on the list were by the songstress.


Wang’s sudden surge of popularity did not escape the 39-year-old’s attention.



1)作动词,表示“急剧上升;飞涨;剧增”,英文解释为“If something surges, it increases suddenly and greatly, after being steady or developing only slowly.”举个🌰:

The company's profits have surged.


2)作名词,表示“剧增”,英文解释为“A surge is a sudden large increase in something that has previously been steady, or has only increased or developed slowly.”举个🌰:

An unexpected surge in electrical power caused the computer to crash.


🎬电影《雷神2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World)中的台词提到:But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her. 但她体内涌动的能量太大 她撑不住的。

“Being able to remind you of your treasured memories is such a beautiful thing,” said the star on Weibo. “Through music, I hope to create more good memories with you.”


Wang, who has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry since 2003, was, in fact, one of Asia’s top female pop stars in the 2000s and 2010s. Some of her greatest hits include ‘Love You’ and ‘Curved Eyelashes.’


make a name for yourself

表示“扬名,成名”,英文解释为“to become famous or respected by a lot of people”举个🌰:

He's made a name for himself as a talented journalist.


The overwhelmingly positive response to Wang’s performance proves netizens’ penchant for nostalgia. Even though new information is just a click away on the internet, it seems many people prefer to bask in familiar content.



overwhelmingly /ˌoʊvərˈwelmɪŋli/ 表示“压倒性地;不可抵抗地”,英文解释为“strongly or completely; in an overwhelming way”举个🌰:

The team were overwhelmingly defeated in yesterday's game.



penchant /ˈpen.tʃənt/ 表示“偏好,倾向,嗜好”,英文解释为“If someone has a penchant for something, they have a special liking for it or a tendency to do it.”如:a stylish woman with a penchant for dark glasses. 一位对墨镜有特别喜好的时髦女子。


nostalgia /nɒˈstældʒə/ 表示“对过去美好时光的留恋,恋旧;怀旧”,英文解释为“a feeling that a time in the past was good, or the activity of remembering a good time in the past and wishing that things had not changed”,举个🌰:

He looked back on his university days with a certain amount of nostalgia.



bask in sth

表示“沉浸在…中”,英文解释为“to take pleasure from something that makes you feel good”举个🌰:

He basked in his moment of glory, holding the trophy up to the crowd.








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