

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,在新加坡举行的UFC 275比赛中,中国选手张伟丽第二回合强势KO她的老对手乔安娜·杰杰伊奇克(Joanna Jedrzejczyk)。



UFC 275: Zhang Weili sends Joanna Jedrzejczyk into retirement with brutal spinning backfist KO

Yahoo! Sports

Zhang Weili and Joanna Jedrzejczyk put on one of the greatest fights in UFC history on March 6, 2020, in Las Vegas at UFC 248. More than two years later, they met again on the main card of UFC 275 in Singapore and put on another classic.

After a fast-paced first round in which Zhang’s wrestling controlled the battle, Zhang caught Jedrzejczyk with a spinning backfist during a flurry. Zhang’s forearm landed squarely on the side of Jedrzejczyk’s face and she did a face plant.

Referee Marc Godard immediately called it at 2:28 of the second, giving Zhang the win and the next title shot at champion Carla Esparza. Jedrzejczyk, a former strawweight champion, removed her gloves and announced her retirement.

“She was such a huge part of the growth of women’s MMA and it was incredible to have her be a part of this company,” UFC president Dana White told Yahoo Sports. “We will all miss her!”

They came out quickly in Round 1 and were firing shots at each other. But unlike their first fight in which it was nearly entirely stand-up fighting, Zhang took the fight to the ground.

She got into mount and was dropping powerful elbows on Jedrzejczyk but Jedrzejczyk, like she’d shown throughout her career, kept battling and didn’t quit.

They immediately got after it again in the second. As they were in the midst of a wild exchange, Zhang missed a shot. As Jedrzejczyk loaded up to throw, Zhang spun and caught Jedrzejczyk on the side of the head to end it in stunning fashion.

“I was very, very calm and relaxed for this,” Zhang, another ex-champion, said in the Octagon after the win. “I knew i wasn’t fighting Joanna. I was fighting myself.”

It wasn’t such a happy finish for Jedrzejczyk, who said she didn’t expect Zhang to be as fast or as strong as she was.

Jedrzejczyk has lost two in a row and three of four and, at nearly 35, said it was time to move on to something else.

“I’m retired, guys,” she said, fighting back tears. “I love it so much. … DC, Dana, I’m so sorry I let you guys down.”

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UFC 275: Zhang Weili sends Joanna Jedrzejczyk into retirement with brutal spinning backfist KO

Yahoo! Sports

Zhang Weili and Joanna Jedrzejczyk put on one of the greatest fights in UFC history on March 6, 2020, in Las Vegas at UFC 248. More than two years later, they met again on the main card of UFC 275 in Singapore and put on another classic.

2020年3月6日,张伟丽和乔安娜·杰杰伊奇克(Joanna Jedrzejczyk)在拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)的UFC 248比赛中上演了UFC历史上最伟大的对决之一。两年多后,他们在新加坡举行的UFC 275主赛上再次相遇,并上演了另一场经典对决。


我们说的KO实际上就是knockout的缩写(KO is an abbreviation for knockout),表示“(拳击中的)击倒获胜;击败对手的一击;击倒对手获胜”,英文解释为“a blow that makes an opponent fall to the ground and be unable to get up, so that he or she loses the fight”。


熟词僻义,main card 表示“主赛,主站赛”。In sports, a card lists the matches taking place in a title match combat-sport event. Cards include a main event match and the undercard listing the rest of the matches. The undercard may be divided into a midcard and a lower card, according to the perceived importance of the matches. Promoters schedule matches to occur in ascending order of importance. (Wikipedia)

After a fast-paced first round in which Zhang’s wrestling controlled the battle, Zhang caught Jedrzejczyk with a spinning backfist during a flurry. Zhang’s forearm landed squarely on the side of Jedrzejczyk’s face and she did a face plant.



表示“摔跤运动”,英文解释为“a sport in which two people fight and try to throw each other to the ground”


表示“(使)(尤指快速)旋转”,英文解释为“to (cause to) turn around and around, especially fast”举个🌰:

The earth spins on its axis.



表示“里拳,拳背击”,英文解释为“a punch thrown by a fighter with the back of the fist usually at the end of a quick spinning movement”


1)表示“一阵忙乱(或激动、关注)”,英文解释为“a sudden, short period of activity, excitement, or interest”举个🌰:

The prince's words on marriage have prompted a flurry of speculation in the press this week.


2)表示“小阵雪(或雨等)”,英文解释为“a small amount of snow, rain, etc. that falls for a short time and then stops”如:snow flurries 小雪阵阵,flurries of snow 阵阵小雪。


表示“径直地;直截了当地;毫不含糊地”,英文解释为“directly and firmly”举个🌰:

She refused to come down squarely on either side of the argument.


face plant

faceplant/face plant 表示“脸朝下摔倒”,英文解释为“a fall with your face moving towards the ground or a surface before the rest of your body”举个🌰:

I tried to do a handstand but did a faceplant.


Referee Marc Godard immediately called it at 2:28 of the second, giving Zhang the win and the next title shot at champion Carla Esparza. Jedrzejczyk, a former strawweight champion, removed her gloves and announced her retirement.

裁判员马克·戈达尔(Marc Godard)在第二回合2分28秒时立即宣布比赛结束,张伟丽获得了胜利,并获得了与冠军卡拉·埃斯帕萨(Carla Esparza)的下一次冠军挑战赛机会。前草量级冠军杰杰伊奇克摘下手套,宣布退役。


作名词,熟词僻义,表示“(竞赛、体育比赛的)冠军”,英文解释为“[C] the position of being the winner of a competition, especially a sports competition”如:the world heavyweight title 重量级世界拳击冠军。


表示“草量级拳击手,47.6公斤及以下级别的职业拳击手”,英文解释为“professional boxer weighing not more than 47.6 kg (105 pounds)”。


She was such a huge part of the growth of women’s MMA and it was incredible to have her be a part of this company,” UFC president Dana White told Yahoo Sports. “We will all miss her!”

“她是女子综合格斗发展中的一个重要组成部分,在这其中有她的存在真是了不起,”UFC总裁达纳·怀特(Dana White)告诉雅虎体育(Yahoo Sports)。“我们都会想念她!”

They came out quickly in Round 1 and were firing shots at each other. But unlike their first fight in which it was nearly entirely stand-up fighting, Zhang took the fight to the ground.



表示“面对面争吵的;面对面打斗的”,英文解释为“involving violence or loud shouting, etc.”举个🌰:

The two men had had a stand-up row in the pub after the game.


She got into mount and was dropping powerful elbows on Jedrzejczyk but Jedrzejczyk, like she’d shown throughout her career, kept battling and didn’t quit.



1)表示“准备;安排;组织;开展,发动”,英文解释为“If you mount a campaign or event, you organize it and make it take place.”举个🌰:

The National Gallery mounted an exhibition of American painting.


📍比如,BBC在重庆公交车坠江一文中提到的,开展大规模救援行动,A huge rescue operation was mounted.

📍纽约时报在全美最严苛反堕胎法案诞生一文中也有用到了mount的这个含义:In the coming days, we will be mounting the fight of our lives — we will take this to court and ensure abortion remains safe and legal. 在未来的日子里,我们将发动我们生命中的斗争--我们将诉诸法庭,确保堕胎仍然安全和合法。


The death toll continues to mount.


📍去年9月,美国电子烟巨头Juul的CEO辞职时,经济学人的文章中用到了As concerns mount这一表达:Juul replaced its chief executive, as concerns mount about the health risks of e-cigarettes.

3)表示“安放,安装;镶嵌;裱贴”,英文解释为“to fix something to a wall, in a frame, etc., so that it can be looked at or used举个🌰:

The surveillance camera is mounted above the main door.


4)熟词僻义,作动词,表示“骑上(马、自行车等)”,英文解释为“to get on a horse, bicycle, etc.. in order to ride”举个🌰:

She mounted her horse and rode off.


5)作名词,则可以直接表示“马”,英文解释为“a horse”如:an excellent mount for a child 供孩子骑的好马。

They immediately got after it again in the second. As they were in the midst of a wild exchange, Zhang missed a shot. As Jedrzejczyk loaded up to throw, Zhang spun and caught Jedrzejczyk on the side of the head to end it in stunning fashion.


in the midst of

表示“正当…的时候;在…之中;当某事发生时;在某人做某事时”,英文解释为“while sth is happening or being done; while you are doing sth”举个🌰:

She discovered it in the midst of sorting out her father's things.


I'm sorry but I'm too busy - I'm in the midst of writing a report.


📍2020年8月《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述卡车业文章的标题就叫:The trucking industry is in the midst of upheaval—and hype 卡车运输业正在经历剧变,以及炒作。


1)表示“极有魅力的;绝妙的;给人以深刻印象的”,英文解释为“extremely attractive or impressive”举个🌰:

She looks absolutely stunning!


2)表示“令人惊奇万分的;令人震惊的”,英文解释为“extremely surprising or shocking”,如:a stunning defeat 惨败。

🎬 电影《惊天魔盗团2》(Now You See Me 2)中的台词提到:And the stunning revelation that FBI agent Dylan Rhodes ... 还有惊天大揭露联调局特工迪伦·罗兹…

📺 美剧《黑袍纠察队》(The Boys)第一季中的台词提到:Stunning! Absolutely stunning. 惊艳全场,太惊艳了!

“I was very, very calm and relaxed for this,” Zhang, another ex-champion, said in the Octagon after the win. “I knew i wasn’t fighting Joanna. I was fighting myself.”



octagon /ˈɒktəɡən/表示“八边形,八角形”,英文解释为“An octagon is a shape that has eight straight sides.”

It wasn’t such a happy finish for Jedrzejczyk, who said she didn’t expect Zhang to be as fast or as strong as she was.


Jedrzejczyk has lost two in a row and three of four and, at nearly 35, said it was time to move on to something else.


in a row

表示“接连地;连续地”,英文解释为“one after another without a break”举个🌰:

She's been voted Best Actress three years in a row.


“I’m retired, guys,” she said, fighting back tears. “I love it so much. … DC, Dana, I’m so sorry I let you guys down.”











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