

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Can You Really Catch Up on Lost Sleep? Here's What the Science Says


March 4, 2019

Experts have long said that you can’t make up for lost sleep by snoozing more on your days off. But in 2018, a study published in the Journal of Sleep Research called that conclusion into question, suggesting that sleeping in on days off could cancel out at least some of the health risks associated with work-week sleep deprivation, including the threat of early death.

But a study recently published in Current Biology echoes previous convictions. It says extra weekend rest is not enough to make up for sleep lost during the week, and concludes that the “benefits of weekend recovery sleep are transient.”

Can you catch up on lost sleep? Here’s what the science says.

Losing even an hour puts you in sleep debt

Many people think of sleep like a bank account: Withdraw an hour on Monday, then deposit an extra one on Saturday to break even. But the equation is more complicated than that, says Dr. Cathy Goldstein, an associate professor of neurology at the University of Michigan Sleep Disorders Center. “You might be getting some alertness benefits by sleeping longer on the weekends, but as far as truly making up for the lost sleep during the week, you really can’t make up for it hour by hour,” she says.

Research has suggested that a person would actually need four days of adequate rest to make up for even one hour of sleep debt. Since many people get less sleep than they need just about every weeknight, Goldstein says it’s almost mathematically impossible to close that gap over only two weekend nights. “The sleep debt is just accumulating over time,” she says.

Your circadian clock is more sensitive than you think

Pulling an occasional all-nighter or extra-early morning may not seem like a big deal. But Goldstein says fatigue isn’t the only consequence of an erratic sleep schedule; it also disrupts your circadian clock, an internal system that regulates hormone levels to promote sleep at night and alertness during the day.

Your circadian clock naturally starts secreting sleep-promoting melatonin around 9 p.m., and levels stay elevated throughout the night before dropping off in the morning, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Light exposure influences circadian rhythms somewhat — which is why you may have trouble sleeping after using screens at night — but if you maintain stable sleep and wake times, your internal clock should be similarly reliable, Goldstein says.

When you start tinkering with your sleep times, even by a little bit, you may see consequences. A few late nights in a row can move your circadian clock later, which will make your body want to be awake late at night, Goldstein says. Similarly, a string of early mornings can have you rising at the crack of dawn naturally. If you’ve ever struggled to sleep on Sunday after late nights on Friday and Saturday, circadian shifts may be why, Goldstein says.

Also, “there are health risks to any degree of circadian disruption,” Goldstein says. The effects have been best documented among night shift workers, whose non-traditional schedules are associated with cancer, cognitive decline and early death. But circadian rhythm shifts can affect your health no matter what your schedule is, research suggests. The new Current Biology study found that sleep-deprived people snacked more after dinner and experienced negative metabolic changes compared to people who got enough sleep for 10 days in a row, and those changes could not be fully corrected through weekend sleep. Other research has also linked losing just an hour of sleep to eating about 200 extra calories the next day.

Fatigue can also worsen productivity, work or school performance and workouts the next day, creating a ripple effect that can’t be easily corrected by hitting snooze on Sunday, Goldstein says.

Napping is better than sleeping in

If you’re exhausted by the time Saturday arrives, Goldstein says you should opt for a midday nap rather than a marathon overnight sleep. “The light exposure in the morning right after your sleep period is what we think is most important for keeping those regular biological rhythms going,” Goldstein says. “If you do need to log some extra hours, a midday nap might be better.” Previous research has also linked naps to better, memory focus and creativity. The National Sleep Foundation says that just 20 minutes of napping is enough to leave you feeling refreshed, as long as you don’t nap too close to bedtime.

Preserving your circadian rhythms by keeping stable wake times on the weekend and limiting nighttime light exposure may also improve your sleep quality during the week, Goldstein says.

The ultimate goal, of course, is to get enough sleep during the week that you don’t need to catch up on weekends. It’s a goal worth pursuing, Goldstein says. Even the busiest person should spare the time to sleep a little more each weeknight, since the payoff is worth it. “If you spend that extra time sleeping during the week, which is going to add up really dramatically, you’re going to save time because you’re going to perform more highly,” Goldstein says.

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Can You Really Catch Up on Lost Sleep? Here's What the Science Says


March 4, 2019

Experts have long said that you can’t make up for lost sleep by snoozing more on your days off. But in 2018, a study published in the Journal of Sleep Research called that conclusion into question, suggesting that sleeping in on days off could cancel out at least some of the health risks associated with work-week sleep deprivation, including the threat of early death.

专家们早就说过,你不能通过在休息日多睡一会儿来弥补失去的睡眠。但2018年,发表在《睡眠研究杂志》(The Journal of Sleep Research)上的一项研究对这一结论提出了质疑。该研究表明,在休息日睡懒觉至少可以抵消与工作时间睡眠不足相关的一些健康风险,包括早逝风险。


snooze /snuːz/ 表示“打盹,小睡”,英文解释为“to sleep lightly for a short while”举个🌰:

The dog's snoozing in front of the fire.



📍you snooze, you lose 表示“一但不留神就会被人抢先”,英文解释为“if you do not pay attention and do something quickly, someone else will do it instead of you”

call into question

表示“引起对…的怀疑,使怀疑”,英文解释为“to cause doubts about something”举个🌰:

His honesty has never been called into question.


cancel sth out

表示“抵消;对消”,英文解释为“to remove the effect of one thing by doing another thing that has the opposite effect”举个🌰:This month's pay cheque will cancel out his debt, but it won't give him any extra money. 这个月的工资支票将抵消他的债务,可那样他就一点钱都不剩了。

sleep deprivation

表示“睡眠剥夺,睡眠不足”,英文解释为“the condition of not having had enough sleep or of being prevented from having enough sleep, especially for several days or more:”


workweek/work week/working week 1)表示“一周的工作时间;工作周;一周中上班的日子”,英文解释为“the days or hours that a person spends working during one week;the time when most people are working during a week, usually from Monday to Friday”如:a 40-hour working week 工作时间为40小时的工作周。

But a study recently published in Current Biology echoes previous convictions. It says extra weekend rest is not enough to make up for sleep lost during the week, and concludes that the “benefits of weekend recovery sleep are transient.”

但是最近发表在《当代生物学》(Current Biology)上的一项研究呼应了以前的观点。研究称额外的周末休息不足以弥补一周内失去的睡眠,并得出结论认为“周末补觉的好处是短暂的。”


表示“重复,附和;使产生似曾相识的感觉”,英文解释为“If you echo someone's words, you repeat them or express agreement with their attitude or opinion.举个🌰:

Their views often echo each other.



1)表示“坚定的看法;坚定的信念;坚定的信仰”,英文解释为“a strong opinion or belief”如:a deep/strong/lifelong conviction 深深的/坚定的/终生的信仰。

2)表示“定罪,判罪”,英文解释为“the fact of officially being found to be guilty of a particular crime, or the act of officially finding someone guilty举个🌰:

Since it was her first conviction for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence.


🎬电影《玉子》(Okja)中的台词提到:I admire your conviction, Silver, 我敬佩你的决心。


transient /ˈtræn.zi.ənt/ 表示“短暂的,转瞬即逝的;暂时的”,英文解释为“lasting for only a short time; temporary”举个🌰:

A glass of whisky has only a transient warming effect.


Can you catch up on lost sleep? Here’s what the science says.


Losing even an hour puts you in sleep debt 哪怕少睡一小时都会让你欠下睡眠债

Many people think of sleep like a bank account: Withdraw an hour on Monday, then deposit an extra one on Saturday to break even. But the equation is more complicated than that, says Dr. Cathy Goldstein, an associate professor of neurology at the University of Michigan Sleep Disorders Center. “You might be getting some alertness benefits by sleeping longer on the weekends, but as far as truly making up for the lost sleep during the week, you really can’t make up for it hour by hour,” she says.

许多人认为睡眠就像银行账户:周一取一小时,周六再存一小时,以达到收支平衡。但密歇根大学(University of Michigan)睡眠障碍中心神经学副教授凯茜·戈尔茨坦博士(Dr. Cathy Goldstein)说,实际平衡状态比这更复杂。“你可能会通过周末睡得更久来获得警觉性方面的好处,但就真正弥补一周中失去的睡眠而言,你真的无法一小时一小时地弥补,”她说。


表示“抽回;取回;提取;撤回;撤离;退出;移回”,英文解释为“to take or move out or back, or to remove”举个🌰:

She had to withdraw from the competition because of a leg injury.



1)表示“(在银行或保险柜中)存放,存储(尤指钱款)”,英文解释为“to put something valuable, especially money, in a bank or safe (= strong box or cupboard with locks)”举个🌰:

There's a night safe outside the bank, so you can deposit money whenever you wish.


2)表示“留下;存放”,英文解释为“to leave something somewhere”举个🌰:

The flood waters fell, depositing mud over the whole area.


break even

表示“收支平衡;(尤指商业活动)不赚不赔”,英文解释为“to have no profit or loss at the end of a business activity”举个🌰:

After paying for our travel costs, we barely (= only just) broke even.



neurology /njʊəˈrɒl.ə.dʒi/ 表示“神经学;神经病学”,英文解释为“the study of the structure and diseases of the brain and all the nerves in the body”


1)表示“混乱,凌乱,杂乱无章”,英文解释为“a state of untidiness or lack of organization”举个🌰:

he whole office was in a state of disorder.


2)表示“失调,紊乱”,英文解释为“an illness of the mind or body”如:a blood disorder 血液失调。

Research has suggested that a person would actually need four days of adequate rest to make up for even one hour of sleep debt. Since many people get less sleep than they need just about every weeknight, Goldstein says it’s almost mathematically impossible to close that gap over only two weekend nights. “The sleep debt is just accumulating over time,” she says.



adequate /ˈæd.ə.kwət/ U 表示“足够的;合格的;合乎需要的”,英文解释为“enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose”举个🌰:

Have we got adequate food for 10 guests?



表示“积累;积聚;积攒”,英文解释为“to collect a large number of things over a long period of time”举个🌰:

As people accumulate more wealth, they tend to spend a greater proportion of their incomes.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情期间房价上涨的文章中提到:Professionals who have carried on working from home but cut back on their spending have accumulated cash to splash. 那些改换成在家中继续工作但减少了开支的专业人士则积攒了可大笔支出的现金。


📍amass 表示“(尤指大量)积累,积聚”,英文解释为“to collect sth, especially in large quantities”举个🌰:

He amassed a fortune from delivering newspapers.


📍rack up表示“大量获得(利润);严重遭受(损失);(体育中)多次赢得(比赛)”,英文解释为“If a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. If a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of games or races.”

Your circadian clock is more sensitive than you think 你的生物钟比你想象的要灵敏

Pulling an occasional all-nighter or extra-early morning may not seem like a big deal. But Goldstein says fatigue isn’t the only consequence of an erratic sleep schedule; it also disrupts your circadian clock, an internal system that regulates hormone levels to promote sleep at night and alertness during the day.



circadian /sɜːˈkeɪ.di.ən/ 表示“(动植物的)昼夜的,约一日的,约24小时的(节律,周期)”,英文解释为“used to describe the processes in animals and plants that happen naturally during a 24-hour period”举个🌰:

Our circadian clock makes it difficult to sleep during the day.



1)表示“通宵活动”,英文解释为“an event that lasts all night”

2)表示“(尤指考试前的)通宵学习”,英文解释为“a time when you spend all night studying, especially for an exam”举个🌰:

I pulled an all-nighter last night.



fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ 表示“疲劳;劳累”,英文解释为“a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise”,如:physical and mental fatigue 身体和精神的疲劳。


表示“不规则的;不确定的;不稳定的;不可靠的”,英文解释为“not happening at regular times; not following any plan or regular pattern; that you cannot rely on举个🌰:

The electricity supply here is quite erratic.


📺美剧《犯罪心理》(Criminal minds)第六季中的台词提到:He'll change his M.O., and that'll make him erratic. 他会改变作案方式 情绪会因此而不稳定。


📍unpredictable:someone who is unpredictable tends to change their behaviour or ideas suddenly, so that you never know what they are going to do or think 反复无常的,捉摸不透的


hormone /ˈhɔːməʊn/ 表示“激素;荷尔蒙”,英文解释为“a chemical substance produced in the body or in a plant that encourages growth or influences how the cells and tissues function; an artificial substance that has similar effects”,如:growth hormones 生长激素。

Your circadian clock naturally starts secreting sleep-promoting melatonin around 9 p.m., and levels stay elevated throughout the night before dropping off in the morning, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Light exposure influences circadian rhythms somewhat — which is why you may have trouble sleeping after using screens at night — but if you maintain stable sleep and wake times, your internal clock should be similarly reliable, Goldstein says.



secrete /sɪˈkriːt/ 表示“(动植物或其细胞)分泌”,英文解释为“(of animals or plants or their cells) to produce and release a liquid”举个🌰:

Saliva is a liquid secreted by glands in or near the mouth.



melatonin /ˌmɛləˈtəʊnɪn/ 表示“褪黑素,降黑素(体内的一种激素,能刺激肤色变化,与日常睡眠等生物节律有关)”,英文解释为“a hormone in the body that produces changes in skin colour and is involved in controlling biorhythms such as our sleep pattern”。


rhythm /ˈrɪðəm/ 表示“(尤指自然界中的)规则变化,规律,节律”,英文解释为“a regular pattern of change, especially one that happens in nature”如:the rhythm of the seasons 四季的交替。

When you start tinkering with your sleep times, even by a little bit, you may see consequences. A few late nights in a row can move your circadian clock later, which will make your body want to be awake late at night, Goldstein says. Similarly, a string of early mornings can have you rising at the crack of dawn naturally. If you’ve ever struggled to sleep on Sunday after late nights on Friday and Saturday, circadian shifts may be why, Goldstein says.



表示“修补;改进;摆弄”,英文解释为“to make small changes to something, especially in an attempt to repair or improve it”举个🌰:

He spends every weekend tinkering (around) with his car.


in a row

in a row表示“接连地;连续地”,英文解释为“one after another without a break”举个🌰:

She's been voted Best Actress three years in a row.


📍straight表示“连续的,不间断的”,英文解释为“following one after another without an interruption”举个🌰:

They had been working for 16 hours straight.



表示“一系列;一连串;一批”,英文解释为“a series of things or people that come closely one after another”如:a string of hits 接二连三的成功。

at the crack of dawn

表示“大清早,黎明,破晓时分”,英文解释为“very early in the morning, especially at the time when the sun first appears”举个🌰:

We'll have to leave at the crack of dawn.


Also, “there are health risks to any degree of circadian disruption,” Goldstein says. The effects have been best documented among night shift workers, whose non-traditional schedules are associated with cancer, cognitive decline and early death. But circadian rhythm shifts can affect your health no matter what your schedule is, research suggests. The new Current Biology study found that sleep-deprived people snacked more after dinner and experienced negative metabolic changes compared to people who got enough sleep for 10 days in a row, and those changes could not be fully corrected through weekend sleep. Other research has also linked losing just an hour of sleep to eating about 200 extra calories the next day.


night shift

表示“夜班”,英文解释为“a period in the night during which a particular group of people work”举个🌰:

People who work (on) the night shift are paid more.



表示“认知的;感知的;认识的”,英文解释为“Cognitive means relating to the mental process involved in knowing, learning, and understanding things.”举个🌰:

As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper. 



直接作动词,表示“(在正餐之间)吃零食,吃零嘴”,英文解释为“to eat small amounts of food between meals”举个🌰:

I've been snacking all day.



metabolic /ˌmɛtəˈbɒlɪk/ 表示“新陈代谢的”,英文解释为“Metabolic means relating to a person's or animal's metabolism.”举个🌰:

People who have inherited a low metabolic rate will gain weight.


Fatigue can also worsen productivity, work or school performance and workouts the next day, creating a ripple effect that can’t be easily corrected by hitting snooze on Sunday, Goldstein says.


ripple effect

表示“连锁反应”,英文解释为“a situation in which one event produces effects which spread and produce further effects”举个🌰:

The bank crash has had a ripple effect on the whole community.


Napping is better than sleeping in 打盹总比睡懒觉好

If you’re exhausted by the time Saturday arrives, Goldstein says you should opt for a midday nap rather than a marathon overnight sleep. “The light exposure in the morning right after your sleep period is what we think is most important for keeping those regular biological rhythms going,” Goldstein says. “If you do need to log some extra hours, a midday nap might be better.” Previous research has also linked naps to better, memory focus and creativity. The National Sleep Foundation says that just 20 minutes of napping is enough to leave you feeling refreshed, as long as you don’t nap too close to bedtime.



可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“(尤指日间的)打盹,小睡”,英文解释为“a short sleep, especially during the day”举个🌰:

Grandpa usually takes/has a nap after lunch.


sleep in

表示“睡懒觉”,英文解释为“to sleep until later in the morning than you usually do”举个🌰:

I usually sleep in on Saturdays.



exhausted /ɪɡˈzɔː.stɪd/ 表示“极其疲惫的;精疲力竭的”,英文解释为“extremely tired”举个🌰:

Exhausted, they fell asleep.



表示“选择”,英文解释为“If you opt for something, or opt to do something, you choose it or decide to do it in preference to anything else.”举个🌰:

Depending on your circumstances you can opt for one method or the other.


Preserving your circadian rhythms by keeping stable wake times on the weekend and limiting nighttime light exposure may also improve your sleep quality during the week, Goldstein says.


The ultimate goal, of course, is to get enough sleep during the week that you don’t need to catch up on weekends. It’s a goal worth pursuing, Goldstein says. Even the busiest person should spare the time to sleep a little more each weeknight, since the payoff is worth it. “If you spend that extra time sleeping during the week, which is going to add up really dramatically, you’re going to save time because you’re going to perform more highly,” Goldstein says.


- 今日盘点 -



call into question

cancel sth out

sleep deprivation







break even














in a row


at the crack of dawn

night shift




ripple effect


sleep in











- 推荐阅读 -





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