

LearnAndRecord 2023-05-05


🤔️小作业(From: ChatGPT):

1. What is social anxiety, and what are some common treatments for it?

2. What is the purpose of the study described in the article, and how was it conducted? What were the results, and what do they suggest?

3. What do the researchers hope to investigate further in future studies?


Exposure to other people's sweat could help reduce social anxiety, study finds

From: The Guardian

People with social anxiety may benefit from mindfulness therapy combined with exposure to odours from others’ sweat, according to a study.

The approach could be used in treatment for the mental health condition, where people worry excessively about participating in social situations, it was suggested.

Lead researcher Elisa Vigna, of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, explained that an individual’s state of mind caused the production of molecules (or chemo-signals) in sweat that communicated an emotional state and produced corresponding responses in other people.

“The results of our preliminary study show that combining these chemo-signals with mindfulness therapy seem to produce better results in treating social anxiety than can be achieved by mindfulness therapy alone,” she said.

The study – which is being presented this week at the European congress of psychiatry in Paris – involved collecting sweat from volunteers, and then exposing patients being treated for social anxiety to chemo-signals extracted from those samples.

The samples were collected from people who were watching clips from films chosen to elicit particular emotional states, such as fear or happiness. They included Mr Bean’s Holiday and Sister Act, as well as horror films such as The Grudge.

Once the sweat had been collected, researchers recruited 48 women, all of whom suffered from social anxiety, and divided them into three groups each of 16 people. Over two days, they all underwent mindfulness therapy for social anxiety. At the same time, each group was exposed to the odour samples or to clean air.

The study found that the women who had been exposed to the odour samples responded better to the therapy.

Patients who undertook one treatment session of mindfulness therapy together with being exposed to human body odours showed about 39% reduction in anxiety scores. There was a 17% reduction in anxiety scores after one treatment session in the group receiving only the therapy.

Vigna said: “We were a little surprised to find that the emotional state of the person producing the sweat didn’t differ in treatment outcomes: sweat produced while someone was happy had the same effect as someone who had been scared by a movie clip.

“So there may be something about human chemo-signals in sweat generally which affects the response to treatment. It may be that simply being exposed to the presence of someone else has this effect, but we need to confirm this.”

The NHS describes social anxiety as a long-term and overwhelming fear of social situations. Treatments at present include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with a therapist and antidepressant medicines.

Previous research has suggested that an estimated 12.1% of adults in the US experience social anxiety disorder at some point.

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Exposure to other people's sweat could help reduce social anxiety, study finds

From: The Guardian

People with social anxiety may benefit from mindfulness therapy combined with exposure to odours from others’ sweat, according to a study.



表示“正念认知”,英文解释为“the practice of being aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a feeling of calm”。


odour /ˈəʊ.dər/ 表示“(常指难闻的)气味;臭味”,英文解释为“a smell, often one that is unpleasant”举个🌰:

Inside the room there was the unmistakable odour of sweaty feet. 房间里有一股明显的臭脚汗味。

The approach could be used in treatment for the mental health condition, where people worry excessively about participating in social situations, it was suggested.



excessively /ekˈses.ɪv.li/ 表示“过度地;过分地;过量地”,英文解释为“in a way that is too much”举个🌰:

She was polite but not excessively so. 她很有礼貌但不过度。

Lead researcher Elisa Vigna, of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, explained that an individual’s state of mind caused the production of molecules (or chemo-signals) in sweat that communicated an emotional state and produced corresponding responses in other people.

瑞典斯德哥尔摩卡罗琳斯卡研究所的首席研究员艾丽莎·维格纳(Elisa Vigna)解释说,一个人的精神状态会导致汗液中分子(或化学信号)的产生,这些分子传达了一种情绪状态,并在其他人身上产生相应的反应。


molecule /ˈmɒl.ɪ.kjuːl/ 表示“分子”,英文解释为“the smallest unit, consisting of a group of atoms, into which a substance can be divided without a change in its chemical nature”举个🌰:
A molecule of water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

📍molecular /məʊˈlɛkjʊlə/ 表示“分子的”,英文解释为“Molecular means relating to or involving molecules.”,如:the molecular structure of fuel 燃料的分子结构。


表示“化学的,涉及化学反应的”,英文解释为“indicating that chemicals or chemical reactions are involved”

“The results of our preliminary study show that combining these chemo-signals with mindfulness therapy seem to produce better results in treating social anxiety than can be achieved by mindfulness therapy alone,” she said.



preliminary表示“预备性的;初步的;开始的”,英文解释为“happening before a more important action or event”如:preliminary results/findings/enquiries 初步结果/发现/调查,举个🌰:

After a few preliminary remarks he announced the winners. 说了几句开场白之后,他即宣布优胜者名单。

The study – which is being presented this week at the European congress of psychiatry in Paris – involved collecting sweat from volunteers, and then exposing patients being treated for social anxiety to chemo-signals extracted from those samples.



congress /ˈkɒŋ.ɡres/ 1)表示“代表大会”,英文解释为“a large formal meeting of representatives from countries or societies at which ideas are discussed and information is exchanged”如:an international/medical congress 国际/医学代表大会。

2)表示“(美国)国会”,英文解释为“the elected group of politicians in the US who are responsible for making the law, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives”


psychiatry /saɪˈkaɪətrɪ/ 表示“精神病学”,英文解释为“Psychiatry is the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of mental illness.”


作动词,表示“取出;拔出;提取”,英文解释为“to remove or take out something”举个🌰:

The oil which is extracted from olives is used for cooking. 这种橄揽油是用于烹饪的。

作名词,表示“摘录;选段;引文”,英文解释为“a particular part of a book, poem, etc. that is chosen so that it can be used in a discussion, article, etc.”举个🌰:

They published an extract from his autobiography. 他们刊登了他自传的一个片断。

The samples were collected from people who were watching clips from films chosen to elicit particular emotional states, such as fear or happiness. They included Mr Bean’s Holiday and Sister Act, as well as horror films such as The Grudge.

这些样本是从正在观看能够引发特定情绪状态(如恐惧或快乐)的电影片段的人身上收集的,电影片段包括《憨豆先生的假期》和 《修女也疯狂》,以及恐怖片,如《不死咒怨》。


clip /klɪp/ 表示“(电影或电视节目的)剪辑,片断”,英文解释为“a short part of a film or television programme”举个🌰:

I've seen a clip from the movie. 我看过这部电影的一个片断。


elicit /iˈlɪs.ɪt/ 表示“引出,探出,诱出(尤指信息或反应)”,英文解释为“to get or produce something, especially information or a reaction”举个🌰:

Have you managed to elicit a response from them yet? 你设法探到他们的反应了吗?

📍此前Jasper对着每个镜头道歉文中出现的表达:These children tell their parents those things that will elicit praise and hide the parts of their lives that won't. 这些孩子会告诉父母那些可以赢得赞扬的事情,隐瞒自己生活中不会受到赞赏的事情。


grudge /ɡrʌdʒ/ 表示“怨恨,嫌隙,积怨”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, especially one that lasts for a long time”举个🌰:

I don't bear any grudge against you. 我对你没有丝毫怨恨。

Once the sweat had been collected, researchers recruited 48 women, all of whom suffered from social anxiety, and divided them into three groups each of 16 people. Over two days, they all underwent mindfulness therapy for social anxiety. At the same time, each group was exposed to the odour samples or to clean air.



表示“经历,经受(令人不快的事或变化) ”,英文解释为“to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change”举个🌰:

Playing board games is undergoing a revival in popularity. 棋盘游戏正经历着一场复兴。

🎬电影《白日梦想家》(The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)中的台词提到:But as we undergothis transition to LIFE online... we wanted to be candid with you... 但由于我们处于"生活"杂志网络化的过渡期...所以我们想明白告诉你们...

The study found that the women who had been exposed to the odour samples responded better to the therapy.


Patients who undertook one treatment session of mindfulness therapy together with being exposed to human body odours showed about 39% reduction in anxiety scores. There was a 17% reduction in anxiety scores after one treatment session in the group receiving only the therapy.


Vigna said: “We were a little surprised to find that the emotional state of the person producing the sweat didn’t differ in treatment outcomes: sweat produced while someone was happy had the same effect as someone who had been scared by a movie clip.


“So there may be something about human chemo-signals in sweat generally which affects the response to treatment. It may be that simply being exposed to the presence of someone else has this effect, but we need to confirm this.”


The NHS describes social anxiety as a long-term and overwhelming fear of social situations. Treatments at present include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with a therapist and antidepressant medicines.



overwhelming /ˌəʊvəˈwɛlmɪŋ/ 1)表示“难以抵挡的;无法抗拒的;强悍而令人难以应对的”,英文解释为“difficult to fight against”举个🌰:
She felt an overwhelming urge/desire/need to tell someone about what had happened. 她感到有一种抑制不住的冲动/欲望/需要想告诉别人所发生的事情。

2)表示“巨大的,极大的;(数量上)压倒性的”,英文解释为“You can use overwhelming to emphasize that an amount or quantity is much greater than other amounts or quantities.”举个🌰:
An overwhelming majority has voted in favour of the proposal. 绝大多数的人投票赞成该提议。


表示“认知的;感知的;认识的”,英文解释为“Cognitive means relating to the mental process involved in knowing, learning, and understanding things.”举个🌰:
As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper. 随着孩子们长大,他们的认知过程也变得越来越敏锐了。


antidepressant /ˌæn.ti.dɪˈpres.ənt/ 表示“抗抑郁药的”,英文解释为“An anti-depressant drug is one that is used to reduce feelings of sadness and worry.”如:antidepressant drugs 抗抑郁药。

Previous research has suggested that an estimated 12.1% of adults in the US experience social anxiety disorder at some point.



1)表示“混乱,凌乱,杂乱无章”,英文解释为“a state of untidiness or lack of organization”举个🌰:

The whole office was in a state of disorder. 整个办公室里凌乱不堪。

2)表示“失调,紊乱”,英文解释为“an illness of the mind or body”如:a blood disorder 血液失调。

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- Generated By ChatGPT -

Once upon a time, a man underwent a preliminary cognitive therapy session for his overwhelming social anxiety disorder. As he watched movie clips chosen to elicit emotional responses, he noticed an odour he couldn't ignore. Curious, he asked the therapist about the molecule that produced the chemo-signal in the air. The therapist explained that exposure to odours, combined with mindfulness, can be used to treat anxiety excessively. Intrigued, the man attended a congress on psychiatry where he learned how to extract the chemo-signals from sweat. Now, he uses them to elicit calm and let go of old grudges.
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