

LearnAndRecord 2023-06-09




1. According to the article, what might lead to misunderstandings between a client and a barber?

A. The barber's lack of training

B. The client's overuse of technical terms

C. The client's unclear visual references

D. The barber's disregard for the client's preferences

2. What does the article imply about the relationship between a haircut and a hairstyle?

A. A haircut is the same as a hairstyle.

B. A haircut is one part of a hairstyle.

C. A hairstyle is a component of a haircut.

D. The hairstyle and haircut are independent of each other.


How to Talk To Your Barber and Get the Haircut You Really Want

From: GQ

March 11, 2018

Guys: we have a communication problem. It's not with our families (though, yes, that's very real). It's not with our coworkers (we'll get to Roy in receivables another day). It's not even with our partners. We have a problem talking to arguably one of the most important people in your life: your barber. Yet, according to nearly every barber I’ve ever spoken to, most men lack the know-how to articulate what they want their hair to look like when they're in the chair. Or more accurately, a majority of guys don’t have the language to even begin talking to the pros about what to do with their heads.

It's a good thing barbers are trained to interpret our babble. Any cutter worth his salt should be able to decode what you want. They might even be able to decipher what you want when you’re not even aware of that is. But when it comes to your hair, a barber’s number one priority is making you happy, so they’re going to take everything you say with a grain of salt until they can decipher what it is you’re actually looking for. It’s easy to cling to clipper settings (“I’m a one up to a three”), or technical terms you don’t entirely understand (“I want a fade”). But those won’t quite get you across the finish line.

So what do you do? We spoke to Matty Conrad, veteran barber and founder of Victory hair products, about how best to navigate the situation. Whether you’re walking into a new barber shop for the first time or you just want to let your current barber know, in uncertain terms, what you want, we’ve got you covered.

1. Don’t Speak With Words

You know Zayn Malik’s hair? Try to describe it. Tough, right? So when you sit down at the barber, pull out your phone. Have a few pictures ready before you walk in, even if it’s not the full haircut you like. Say you like this guy’s bangs, or this guy’s taper, or this guy’s edges, or all of the above—your barber can bring all those elements together to create the look you’re after. Hallelujah: all that time spent on Instagram was actually building to a purpose..

2. Know Your Hair

Everyone’s hair is different—not just in color. But in texture, thickness, and moisture. And knowing what kind of hair you have will help you understand what kind of cut will work best, and save you a lot of headaches down the line. Your barber will be able to tell you if the haircut you’re asking for is a good fit—and also give you some real talk if you’re thinking crazy. (Don’t know what kind of hair you have? You guessed it: ask your barber.)

3. Use The Right Terms

And by that, we mean no terms. Avoid using words you’ve heard from previous barbers or read on the internet: you probably don’t actually know what “texture” means, no matter how many times you’ve asked for it. Conrad suggests talking about how you want the haircut to feel, not look. For instance, if you want movement on top, say that—instead of, like, “layers,” which you probably don’t want. “You have nothing to prove to [your barber],” Conrad says. So quit trying.

4. And Please Don’t Ask For A Fade (Unless You Want A Fade)

A quick PSA: stop asking for a fade. Not because you shouldn’t want one (it’s a classic haircut that will always look great), but because what you think is a fade and what actually is a fade are not the same thing. A classic fade is when your hair is cut all the way down to the skin at your hairline (also professionally known as a skin fade). You probably don’t want that. If you want a gradient effect—but, y’know, without the skin showing—ask for a taper.

5. Forget The Number System

You might think that adhering to the number settings on an electric clipper means you can get the exact same haircut, no matter the barber. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s impossible to get the same cut from different barbers. The clipper setting numbers (one, two, three, etc.) are good references for the haircut you got last time, but they’re not a good reference for someone you’ve never been to before. Different barbers have different clippers, different eyes and different interpretations. Hair is not a math equation.

6. Know The Difference Between A Cut And A Style

Think about what kind of hair you want. Now think about what you’re willing to do in order to get that hair. Will you blow dry every morning? Will you use multiple products? Will you use...any products? All of these things are crucial information for a barber, because if you’re not willing to put in the work, you’re not going to like the haircut. Remember this: a haircut is a component of a hairstyle, but not the whole thing.

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How to Talk To Your Barber and Get the Haircut You Really Want

From: GQ

March 11, 2018

Guys: we have a communication problem. It's not with our families (though, yes, that's very real). It's not with our coworkers (we'll get to Roy in receivables another day). It's not even with our partners. We have a problem talking to arguably one of the most important people in your life: your barber. Yet, according to nearly every barber I’ve ever spoken to, most men lack the know-how to articulate what they want their hair to look like when they're in the chair. Or more accurately, a majority of guys don’t have the language to even begin talking to the pros about what to do with their heads.



表示“应收款项或收款部门”,英文解释为“money that is owed to a business”。

这句话中的"We'll get to Roy in receivables another day"是一种口语表达,有些隐晦和幽默。这里的"Roy in receivables"很可能是指的一个虚构的人物,他在收款部门(receivables,财务术语,指应收账款或收款部门)工作。"We'll get to..."在这里的意思是"我们将在另一天处理..."。所以整句话的意思就是我们将在另一天处理与"收款部门的Roy"的沟通问题。

作者使用这样的表达方式,可能是为了增加文章的趣味性和亲近感,让读者感到作者在和他们进行友好且直接的对话。同时,这也暗示了在工作场所中,我们往往会遇到各种各样的沟通问题,甚至包括和像“收款部门的Roy”这样可能并不直接相关的人的沟通问题。(By ChatGPT)


常用于形容词比较级或最高级前,表示“可论证地,按理;可以说是;大概,可能”,英文解释为“used, often before a comparative or superlative adjective, when you are stating an opinion which you believe you could give reasons to support ”举个🌰:They are arguably the most important band since The Rolling Stones. 他们可以说是自滚石以来最重要的乐队。

📺美剧《脱狱之王》(Breakout Kings)中的台词提到:selling what is arguably the finest upright vacuum 推销现在市面上号称口碑最好的直立式吸尘。


barber /ˈbɑː.bər/ 表示“理发师”,英文解释为“a man whose job is cutting men's hair”


articulate /ɑːˈtɪk.jə.lət/ 1)表示“清楚地表达”,英文解释为“to express in words”举个🌰:I found myself unable to articulate my feelings. 我感到无法用语言来表达我的感情。

2)表示“清晰地吐字;清晰地发音”,英文解释为“to pronounce”举个🌰:When children first learn to talk, there are some sounds that they find difficult to articulate. 小孩子刚学说话时,有一些音他们很难发出来。

It's a good thing barbers are trained to interpret our babble. Any cutter worth his salt should be able to decode what you want. They might even be able to decipher what you want when you’re not even aware of that is. But when it comes to your hair, a barber’s number one priority is making you happy, so they’re going to take everything you say with a grain of salt until they can decipher what it is you’re actually looking for. It’s easy to cling to clippersettings (“I’m a one up to a three”), or technical terms you don’t entirely understand (“I want a fade”). But those won’t quite get you across the finish line.



1)表示“诠释;说明”,英文解释为“to explain the meaning of sth”举个🌰:The students were asked to interpret the poem. 学生们被要求诠释那首诗的意义。

2)表示“把…理解为;领会”,英文解释为“to decide that sth has a particular meaning and to understand it in this way ”举个🌰:The data can be interpreted in many different ways. 这份资料可以从多方面解读。

3)表示“演绎(按自己的感觉演奏音乐或表现角色)”,英文解释为“to perform a piece of music, a role in a play, etc. in a way that shows your feelings about its meaning”举个🌰:He interpreted the role with a lot of humour. 他把这个角色演得十分幽默。

4)表示“翻译,口译”(to change what someone is saying into another language)。


babble /ˈbæb.əl/ 表示“乱哄哄的声音(尤指多人唧唧喳喳的说话声)”,英文解释为“a continuous low or confused sound, especially the sound of several people talking”举个🌰:I could hear the babble of voices in the next room. 我可以听到隔壁房间里叽叽喳喳的说话声。

worth your salt

表示“称职的;胜任的”,英文解释为“good at your job”举个🌰:Any accountant worth their salt should be aware of the latest changes in taxation. 任何称职的会计都应该了解最新的税收变化。


1)表示“解码,解读,解译”英文解释“if a computer decodes data , it receives it and changes it into a form that can be used by the computer or understood by a person.”举个🌰:Decoding the paintings is not difficult once you know what the component parts symbolize. 一旦明白了画中各部分的象征意义,也就不难搞清楚这幅画的含义了。

2)表示“正确理解(外语单词或短语)”,英文解释为“to understand the meaning of a word or phrase in a foreign language in the correct way”举个🌰:Grammatical information helps learners to decode sentences. 语法信息有助于学习者正确理解句子的含义。


decipher /dɪˈsaɪfə/ 表示“解译,破译;辨认,解释”,英文解释为“To change a message written in a code into ordinary language so that you can read it; To find the meaning of something that is difficult to read or understand”举个🌰:I'm still no closer to deciphering the code. 破译这个密码我还是没有进展。

形容词:📍indecipherable 表示“难以辨认的;难以理解的”(impossible to read or understand),如:an indecipherable signature 难以辨认的签名。

take sth with a gain of salt

美式 take sth with a grain of salt 英式 take sth with a pinch of salt 表示“对…半信半疑,对…有所怀疑”,英文解释为“to not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be true”举个🌰:You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, because she tends to exaggerate. 你不能完全相信她的话,她总是喜欢夸大其词。

cling to sth

表示“坚持,保持,死死抱住(信念或希望)”,英文解释为“to refuse to stop believing or hoping for something”举个🌰:She clings to the hope that her husband will come back to her. 她坚信丈夫一定会回到自己身边。


clipper /ˈklɪp.ər/ 表示“(尤指修剪指甲、头发、电线或灌木的)剪子,剪具”,英文解释为“a device for cutting something, especially nails, hair, wire, or bushes”


fade /feɪd/ 作动词,表示“(使)褪色;(使)变暗;(使)衰弱”,英文解释为“to (cause to) lose colour, brightness, or strength gradually”举个🌰:If you hang your clothes out in the bright sun, they will fade. 衣服挂在光线强的地方晾晒会褪色。


So what do you do? We spoke to Matty Conrad, veteran barber and founder of Victory hair products, about how best to navigate the situation. Whether you’re walking into a new barber shop for the first time or you just want to let your current barber know, in uncertain terms, what you want, we’ve got you covered.

那么我们该怎么做呢?我们采访了资深理发师、Victory美发产品创始人马蒂·康拉德(Matty Conrad),了解这种情况如何应对最好。无论你是第一次走进一家新理发店,还是只是想让你现在的理发师明确知道你想要什么,我们都为你准备好了。


veteran /ˈvetərən/ 1)表示“老手,(在某方面)经验丰富的人”,英文解释为“someone who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity”,如:veteran leader/veteran journalist/actor/goalkeeper etc 资深领袖/资深记者/资深演员/经验丰富的守门员等。

2)表示“老兵,退伍军人”,英文解释为“someone who has been in the armed forces during a war”如:a Vietnam veteran 越战老兵。

1. Don’t Speak With Words 不要用语言表达

You know Zayn Malik’s hair? Try to describe it. Tough, right? So when you sit down at the barber, pull out your phone. Have a few pictures ready before you walk in, even if it’s not the full haircut you like. Say you like this guy’s bangs, or this guy’s taper, or this guy’s edges, or all of the above—your barber can bring all those elements together to create the look you’re after. Hallelujah: all that time spent on Instagram was actually building to a purpose..

你知道赞恩·马利克(Zayn Malik)的发型吗?试着描述一下。很难,对吧?所以当你理发时,拿出你的手机展示。在你走进理发店前,准备好几张图片,即使它们并不完全是你喜欢的发型。比如你喜欢这个人的刘海,那个人的局部渐变,另一个人的边缘(发际线),或者以上所有——你的理发师可以将这些元素融合在一起,打造你想要的造型。感谢上帝:你在Instagram上花的所有时间其实都是在为此做准备。


bangs /bæŋz/ 表示“刘海儿,额前短垂发”,英文解释为“an area of hair hanging over the forehead (= part of the face above the eyes) that is cut shorter than the rest of the hair”


taper /ˈteɪ.pər/ 作名词,表示“细枝小蜡烛;点火木片;灯芯;烛芯”,英文解释为“a very thin candle or a very thin strip of wood, used especially in the past for lighting candles, fires, etc.”也可以表示“渐减;逐渐缩小(或变细)”,英文解释“the way that sth gradually decreases in size, becoming thinner”



From: Styleseat


hallelujah /ˌhæl.ɪˈluː.jə/ 表示“哈利路亚(对出乎意料的好事表示惊讶和高兴)”,英文解释为“said to express surprise and pleasure that something positive that you were certain would not happen has happened”举个🌰:At last, Richard's found himself a girlfriend - hallelujah! 理查德终于找到了女朋友——真是感谢上帝!

2. Know Your Hair 了解你的头发

Everyone’s hair is different—not just in color. But in texture, thickness, and moisture. And knowing what kind of hair you have will help you understand what kind of cut will work best, and save you a lot of headaches down the line. Your barber will be able to tell you if the haircut you’re asking for is a good fit—and also give you some real talk if you’re thinking crazy. (Don’t know what kind of hair you have? You guessed it: ask your barber.)



texture 1)表示“(摸上去的)质地,质感,纹理”,英文解释为“The texture of something is the way that it feels when you touch it, for example how smooth or rough it is.”如:the soft texture of velvet 天鹅绒柔软的质地。

2)表示“(文章或音乐的)特色,韵味,格调”,英文解释为“the character of a piece of writing or music”举个🌰:The writing has a rich texture. 这篇作品韵味无穷。


thickness /ˈθɪk.nəs/ 表示“厚度”,英文解释为“the distance between the opposite sides of something”举个🌰:How do you measure the thickness of paper? 你怎样测量纸张的厚度?


moisture /ˈmɔɪs.tʃər/ 表示“潮气,湿气;水分”,英文解释为“a liquid such as water in the form of very small drops, either in the air, in a substance, or on a surface”举个🌰:These plants need a rich soil that retains moisture. 这些植物需要一种能保持水分、养分充足的土壤。

3. Use The Right Terms 使用正确的术语

And by that, we mean no terms. Avoid using words you’ve heard from previous barbers or read on the internet: you probably don’t actually know what “texture” means, no matter how many times you’ve asked for it. Conrad suggests talking about how you want the haircut to feel, not look. For instance, if you want movement on top, say that—instead of, like, “layers,” which you probably don’t want. “You have nothing to prove to [your barber],” Conrad says. So quit trying.



layer /ˈleɪ.ər/ 表示“层;涂层”,英文解释为“a level of material, such as a type of rock or gas, that is different from the material above or below it, or a thin sheet of a substance”如:the ozone layer 臭氧层。

4. And Please Don’t Ask For A Fade (Unless You Want A Fade) 请不要要求做渐变(除非你真的想要渐变)

A quick PSA: stop asking for a fade. Not because you shouldn’t want one (it’s a classic haircut that will always look great), but because what you think is a fade and what actually is a fade are not the same thing. A classic fade is when your hair is cut all the way down to the skin at your hairline (also professionally known as a skin fade). You probably don’t want that. If you want a gradient effect—but, y’know, without the skin showing—ask for a taper.



PSA 是 Public Service Announcement 的缩写,翻译成中文通常是“公益广告”或“公共服务声明”。这些声明通常用于传播对公众有用或重要的信息,比如健康建议、安全提示或某些社会问题的提醒。

在这段话中,作者使用「A quick PSA」的方式来引入他要分享的信息或建议,可以理解为 "我有一个快速的提示或建议要分享"。这里的PSA更多地被用作一种修辞方式,以引起读者的注意并强调接下来的信息的重要性。(From: ChatGPT)


1)表示“(尤指公路或铁路的)坡度,斜率,倾斜度”,英文解释为“the degree to which the ground slopes, especially on a road or railway”

2)表示“(温度、压力等的)变化率,梯度变化曲线”,英文解释为“the rate at which temperature, pressure, etc. changes, or increases and decreases, between one region and another”


5. Forget The Number System 忘掉数字体系

You might think that adhering to the number settings on an electric clipper means you can get the exact same haircut, no matter the barber. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s impossible to get the same cut from different barbers. The clipper setting numbers (one, two, three, etc.) are good references for the haircut you got last time, but they’re not a good reference for someone you’ve never been to before. Different barbers have different clippers, different eyes and different interpretations. Hair is not a math equation.


burst someone's bubble

字面意思就是戳破泡泡,用来形容破坏某人的幻想或期望,或者向某人揭示现实的情况,使他们意识到他们的信念或期望是错误的或不切实际的,表示“打破某人的幻想,打击你,煞风景”,英文解释为“to say or do something that shows someone that their beliefs are false, or that what they want to happen will not happen”举个🌰:I hate to burst your bubble, but the competition is going to be tough. 我不想打破你的幻想,但是竞争会很激烈。

这个表达的含义源自于泡泡的象征意义——脆弱并易于破裂。当你“burst someone's bubble”,你实质上是打破他们的幻想或误解,就像是戳破一个泡泡一样。

6. Know The Difference Between A Cut And A Style 了解理发和发型之间的区别

Think about what kind of hair you want. Now think about what you’re willing to do in order to get that hair. Will you blow dry every morning? Will you use multiple products? Will you use...any products? All of these things are crucial information for a barber, because if you’re not willing to put in the work, you’re not going to like the haircut. Remember this: a haircut is a component of a hairstyle, but not the whole thing.



blow-dry /ˈbləʊ.draɪ/ 表示“(用电吹风)吹干(头发)”,英文解释为“to dry your hair using a hairdryer”


component /kəmˈpəʊ.nənt/ 表示“组成部分;成分;零部件”,英文解释为“a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger”如:television/aircraft/computer components 电视/飞机/计算机零部件。

- 今日要点 -

  1. Use Visual Aids

  • Show pictures of desired elements

  • Understand Your Hair Type

    • Know your hair's color, texture, thickness, moisture

  • Avoid Unclear Terms

    • Explain how you want the haircut to feel

  • Be Precise with Haircut Types

    • Understand the difference between a fade and a taper

  • Ignore the Clipper Number System

    • Different barbers interpret numbers differently

  • Distinguish Between a Cut and a Style

    • Consider your willingness to maintain a hairstyle

    - 词汇盘点 -

    receivables、 arguably、 barber、 articulate、 interpret、 babble、 worth your salt、 decode、 decipher、 take sth with a gain of salt、 cling to sth、 clipper、 fade、 veteran、 bangs、 taper、 hallelujah、 texture、 thickness、 moisture、 layer、 PSA、 gradient、 burst someone's bubble、 blow-dry、 component

    - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

    A veteran barber, arguably worth his salt, could decode the babble of clients, interpreting their desired haircut. He'd take their vague requests with a grain of salt, then articulate a style, whether it be bangs, a taper, or a fade. Armed with his clippers, he'd add layers, considering texture, thickness, and moisture. The PSA burst the bubble for some: haircuts aren't just about the cut, but also about the blow-dry and other components. Hallelujah to this master of gradients!
    - 推荐阅读 -
    - END -






