

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06

近日,杭州亚运会网球赛场上,韩国男网种子选手权纯雨(Kwon Soon-woo)输给泰国选手卡西迪特·萨姆瑞吉(Kasidit Samrej),爆冷出局。




1. How can Kwon's reaction to his loss be perceived based on the narrative?

a. As an unexpected act of sportsmanship.

b. As an expression of disappointment and frustration.

c. As a strategy to divert attention from his defeat.

d. As an attempt to undermine Kasidit's victory.

2. The phrase "epic meltdown" in the context is closest in meaning to:

a. a great victory

b. a severe reaction c. a humbling experience

d. a memorable performance


Tennis star completely destroys racket and refuses to shake opponent's hand

From: Daily Express

South Korea's Kwon Soon-woo completely lost his cool during his shock Asian Games defeat in the second round.

South Korean tennis star Kwon Soon-woo suffered a bizarre on-court meltdown following his defeat at the Asian Games to Thailand’s Samrej Kasidit. The pair faced off in the second round of the tournament and it ended on sour terms.

Kwon, the World No. 112, was defeated by his 22-year-old opponent, who is ranked more than 500 places lower than him, in three sets. The match, taking place in Hangzhou, China, saw Kasidit take the first set 6-3 before the South Korean managed to claw a set back by winning the second 7-5. However Kwon lost the final set 6-4 to end his hopes of claiming the gold medal.

Despite being outplayed by his opponent, Kwon failed to accept the defeat with any grace. Immediately after losing the final point, with his service return hitting the net, the Sangju-born player reacted with anger.

The two-time ATP Tour champion smashed his racket to the ground in frustration. After hitting the court numerous times he returned to his chair and continued to take his frustration out on his racket.

Meanwhile, Kasidit watched on in disbelief and shook the umpire's hand. The 22-year-old, who has two Southeast Asian Games gold medals, attempted to shake his opponent's hand but was ignored.

Realising that Kwon was in no mood to talk, Kasidit went across court to receive some well-deserved gratitude from the spectators. His win came off the back of a dominanting straight sets victory over Kuwait's Essa Qabazard.

Sadly Kasidit's run at this year's tournament came to an end in his next match. Kasidit followed up his win over Kwon with a 6-4, 6-2 straight sets defeat to Uzbekistan's Khumoyun Sultanov in the round of 16.

Kwon, however, is still in the tournament having reached the quarterfinals of the men's doubles with his partner Seong Chan Hong. The pair face Japan's Kaito Uesugi and Shinji Hazawa for a place in the semifinals.

South Korean tennis player smashes racket so many times in epic meltdown

From: New York Post

A South Korean tennis player had an epic meltdown Monday after suffering an embarrassing second-round loss at the 2023 Asian Games in China, according to the Longview News-Journal.

Soonwoo Kwon, ranked No. 112 by the ATP, lost to Thailand’s Samrej Kasidit, who is ranked No. 636, at Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre in Hangzhou, China.

After Kwon lost the match, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4, he took his frustration out on his racket, slamming it to the ground eight times while walking over to his bench.

Once he got there, Kwon swung the racket twice at his seat.

As Kasidit walked over to shake hands, Kwon got in one final slam of the racket before tossing it down.

But the bad sportsmanship didn’t stop there.

When Kasidit approached Kwon to shake his hand, the latter “ignored him,” according to the South China Morning Post.

The crowd could also be heard booing.

His frustrations have been building for a while, according to Yonhap News Agency.

Recently returning from a shoulder injury that sidelined him for six months, Kwon came into the tournament having lost the last six international matches, including this past month’s U.S. Open, where he fell to American Christopher Eubanks in the first round, 6-3, 6-4, 0-6, 6-4.

Kwon, who owns a pair of wins on the ATP Tour, was ranked as high as No. 52 in 2021.

He can still take home a gold medal at the 2023 Asian Games as he remains in contention with doubles partner Seongchan Hong.

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Tennis star completely destroys racket and refuses to shake opponent's hand

From: Daily Express

South Korea's Kwon Soon-woo completely lost his cool during his shock Asian Games defeat in the second round.

韩国选手权纯雨(Kwon Soon-woo)在亚运会第二轮比赛中爆冷出局后情绪完全失控。

lose your cool

lose your temper = lose your cool/lose it 通常用来描述一个人在某种情况下失去了冷静,变得情绪激动或愤怒。在中文里,可以翻译为“失去冷静”,“发火”或“情绪失控”。

South Korean tennis star Kwon Soon-woo suffered a bizarre on-court meltdown following his defeat at the Asian Games to Thailand’s Samrej Kasidit. The pair faced off in the second round of the tournament and it ended on sour terms.

韩国网球名将权纯雨在亚运会赛场上对阵泰国选手萨姆瑞吉·卡西迪特(Samrej Kasidit)时,出现了令人匪夷所思的情绪崩溃。两人在第二轮比赛中交手,却在不友好的氛围中告终。


bizarre /bɪˈzɑː/ 表示“怪异的;罕见的;异乎寻常的”,英文解释为“Something that is bizarre is very odd and strange.”举个🌰:The game was also notable for the bizarre behaviour of the team's manager. 这场比赛另一值得注意的地方是该队经理人异乎寻常的表现。


meltdown /ˈmelt.daʊn/ 1)表示“(核反应堆的)堆芯熔毁”,英文解释为“If there is meltdown in a nuclear reactor, the fuel rods start melting because of a failure in the system, and radiation starts to escape.”

2)表示“崩溃(指一个人极度悲伤而不能应对生活)”,英文解释为“an occasion when a person becomes extremely upset and is not able to deal with a problem or situation”

end on sour terms

ended on sour terms这个短语通常用来描述某种情况或关系以不愉快或不友好的方式结束。在这个上下文中,它指的是比赛以不愉快的方式结束。在中文里,可以翻译为“以不愉快的方式结束”或“结束得不愉快”。

Kwon, the World No. 112, was defeated by his 22-year-old opponent, who is ranked more than 500 places lower than him, in three sets. The match, taking place in Hangzhou, China, saw Kasidit take the first set 6-3 before the South Korean managed to claw a set back by winning the second 7-5. However Kwon lost the final set 6-4 to end his hopes of claiming the gold medal.



set /set/ 表示“(网球比赛的)一局”,英文解释为“a part of a game of tennis or volleyball”举个🌰:They won in straight sets (= they won every set). 他们一局未失。

claw sth back

claw /klɔː/ 表示“费力夺回;设法捞回”,英文解释为“to get possession of something again with difficulty”举个🌰:The airline is beginning to claw back some of the business it lost after the bomb explosion. 航空公司开始着手夺回在炸弹爆炸事件后损失的一些业务。

Despite being outplayed by his opponent, Kwon failed to accept the defeat with any grace. Immediately after losing the final point, with his service return hitting the net, the Sangju-born player reacted with anger.



表示“(在比赛中)比…打得好,战胜,击败”,英文解释为“to play a game more cleverly and successfully than another person or team”举个🌰:The French were completely outplayed by the Russian team. 法国队被俄罗斯队彻底打败了。


grace作动词,表示“使优美,为…增色,使增辉”,英文解释为“to be in a place, on a thing etc. and make it look more attractive”举个🌰:Her face has graced the covers of magazines across the world. 她的面孔出现在全世界各种杂志的封面上,使之赫然生辉。

📍鸿星尔克 To be No.1文中提到,Hongxing's Erke logo will grace North Korea's Olympic team in Beijing. 鸿星尔克标志将为北京奥运会的朝鲜队增添光彩。(在2008年的北京奥运会上,鸿星尔克赞助朝鲜奥运代表团。)

作名词,grace /ɡreɪs/ 1)表示“优美,优雅,雍容”,英文解释为“a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed, and attractive way”举个🌰:She has natural grace and elegance. 她举止自然优雅。

2)表示“文雅;通情达理,体面”,英文解释为“the quality of being pleasantly polite, or a willingness to be fair and honest”举个🌰:They accepted their defeat with good grace. 他们很有风度地认输了。

service return

service return表示“回发球,接发球”;在网球中,service return(发球接击)是指接收方球员对发球方球员的发球进行的回击。

The two-time ATP Tour champion smashed his racket to the ground in frustration. After hitting the court numerous times he returned to his chair and continued to take his frustration out on his racket.



1)表示“打碎;破碎”,英文解释为“If you smash something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example, when it is hit or dropped.”举个🌰:Someone smashed a bottle. 有人打碎了一个瓶子。

2)表示“猛撞,猛冲,猛击(通常造成破坏或伤害)”,英文解释为“to cause something to move with great force against something hard, usually causing damage or injury”举个🌰:He tried to smash the door down to get to me. 他试图将门撞倒来抓我。


racket /ˈræk.ɪt/ 表示“球拍”,英文解释为“an object used for hitting the ball in various sports, consisting of a net fixed tightly to a round frame with a long handle”如:a tennis/squash/badminton racket 网球/壁球/羽毛球球拍。

Meanwhile, Kasidit watched on in disbelief and shook the umpire's hand. The 22-year-old, who has two Southeast Asian Games gold medals, attempted to shake his opponent's hand but was ignored.



umpire /ˈʌmpaɪə/ 表示“(体育比赛中的)裁判”,英文解释为“a person who is present at a sports competition in order to make certain that the rules of that particular game are obeyed and to judge if particular actions are acceptable”。

chair umpire 表示“主裁判”,在网球比赛中,负责监督比赛进程、判定得分和裁决争议的裁判员,通常坐在高椅上以便更好地观察比赛。

Realising that Kwon was in no mood to talk, Kasidit went across court to receive some well-deserved gratitude from the spectators. His win came off the back of a dominanting straight sets victory over Kuwait's Essa Qabazard.

意识到权纯雨并不想交谈,卡西迪特走向球场的另一边,得到了观众们热烈的欢呼。此前他以压倒性优势直落三盘战胜了科威特选手艾萨·卡巴扎德(Essa Qabazard)。


spectator /spekˈteɪ.tər/ 表示“(尤指体育赛事的)观众”,英文解释为“a person who watches an activity, especially a sports event, without taking part”。


📍spectacular /spekˈtæk.jə.lər/ 1)表示“壮观的;精彩的;令人印象深刻的”,英文解释为“very impressive”,如:a mountainous area with spectacular scenery 景色壮丽的山区,a spectacular success 辉煌的成就;

2)表示“非常大的,巨大的;惊人的,突如其来的”,英文解释为“very sudden, unexpected, or extreme”举个🌰:The news caused a spectacular fall in the stock market. 这一消息引起了股市的暴跌。


straight作形容词,除了表示“直的”(without a bend or curve; going in one direction only),还可以指“一个接一个的,连续的,不间断的”(happening immediately one after another in a series),举个🌰:The team now has an amazing record of 50 straight wins. 这个队现在保持着50场连胜的惊人纪录。

📍straight-sets 可以指横扫队友,直落几局,未失一盘取胜,英文解释为“(of a victory or a loss in a match)Achieved in the minimal possible number of sets”;此外,A straight set may also mean a set which is won by a score of 6-something; i.e. is won at the first opportunity and does not reach five games all.

📍set作名词,表示“一局”(a part of a game of tennis or volleyball).

Sadly Kasidit's run at this year's tournament came to an end in his next match. Kasidit followed up his win over Kwon with a 6-4, 6-2 straight sets defeat to Uzbekistan's Khumoyun Sultanov in the round of 16.

然而遗憾的是,卡西迪特在接下来的比赛中被淘汰。他在击败权纯雨后的下一场比赛中,以4-6、2-6的比分输给了乌兹别克斯坦选手胡莫云·苏丹诺夫(Khumoyun Sultanov),止步16强。

Kwon, however, is still in the tournament having reached the quarterfinals of the men's doubles with his partner Seong Chan Hong. The pair face Japan's Kaito Uesugi and Shinji Hazawa for a place in the semifinals.

不过,权纯雨与搭档洪昇成(Seong-ChanHong)在男子双打比赛中闯入了四分之一决赛,目前仍在比赛中。这对组合将与日本选手上杉海斗(Kaito Uesugi)和羽泽慎治(Shinji Hazawa)争夺半决赛席位。


表示“四分之一决赛”,英文解释为“any of the four games in a competition that decides which players or teams will play in the two semifinals”。


表示“半决赛”,英文解释为“one of the two games that are played to decide who will take part in the final game of a competition”。

South Korean tennis player smashes racket so many times in epic meltdown

From: New York Post

A South Korean tennis player had an epic meltdown Monday after suffering an embarrassing second-round loss at the 2023 Asian Games in China, according to the Longview News-Journal.

根据远野新闻报(Longview News-Journal)报道,一名韩国网球选手在周一于中国举办的2023亚运会上,第二轮比赛失利后情绪极度失控。


epic /ˈep.ɪk/ 作名词,表示“(通常指描写历史题材的)长篇叙事性电影(或书籍);史诗;史诗般的电影(或书籍)”,英文解释为“a long film/movie or book that contains a lot of action, usually about a historical subject”。

作形容词,1)表示“史诗般的;鸿篇巨制的;壮丽的”,英文解释为“in the style of an epic”如:an epic film about the Roman Empire 古罗马帝国题材的史诗电影;

2)表示“艰苦卓绝的;漫长而艰难的”,英文解释为“used to describe events that happen over a long period and involve a lot of action and difficulty”如:an epic journey/struggle 漫长艰难的旅途/艰苦卓绝的斗争。

3)表示“宏大的;极大规模的”,英文解释为“extremely large”举个🌰:The problem of inflation has reached epic proportions. 通货膨胀问题已经到了极其严重的地步。

4)表示“极好的”,英文解释为“extremely good”举个🌰:The Hulk roller coaster ride was epic. 绿巨人过山车实在是太棒了。

Soonwoo Kwon, ranked No. 112 by the ATP, lost to Thailand’s Samrej Kasidit, who is ranked No. 636, at Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre in Hangzhou, China.


After Kwon lost the match, 6-3, 5-7, 6-4, he took his frustration out on his racket, slamming it to the ground eight times while walking over to his bench.



slam /slæm/ 1)表示“(使)重重撞上,(使)砰地关上”,英文解释为“to (cause to) move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise”举个🌰:The wind made the door/window slam (shut). 风吹过来门/窗户砰地关上了。

2)表示“严厉批评;猛烈抨击”,英文解释为“To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.”举个🌰:The famed filmmaker slammed the claims as "an outrageous lie." 该享有盛名的电影制片人猛烈抨击这些说法,称其为“无耻谎言。”

📍类似的,还有condemn,blast,speak out against.


bench /bentʃ/ 作动词,表示“仰卧推举,卧推”,英文解释为“to benchpress ”举个🌰:He looks like he could bench 400 pounds. 他看起来似乎可以仰卧推举起400磅的杠铃。

作名词,1)表示“长凳”,英文解释为“a long, usually hard seat for two or more people, often found in public places”如:a park bench (= a seat in a public garden) 公园中的长凳;

3)表示“运动员休息区;替补队员席”,英文解释为“a seat or area of seats where players sit during a game when they are not playing”举个🌰:He was injured, and spent the last few weeks of the season on the bench. 他受伤了,该赛季最后几星期的比赛只能在场下观战。

4)表示“法官;法官席位”,英文解释为“In a court of law, the bench is the judge or magistrates.”举个🌰:The chairman of the bench adjourned the case until March 1. 首席法官将该案延至到3月1日。

Once he got there, Kwon swung the racket twice at his seat.



作动词,swing /swɪŋ/ 1)表示“挥动(拳头或器物)打击”,英文解释为“to move an object or your fist in an attempt to hit something or someone”举个🌰:I swung (the bat) and missed. 我挥动(球棒)击球,但是没有打中。

2)表示“摆动,摇摆,摇晃”,英文解释为“to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side to the other, especially from a fixed point, or to cause something or someone to do this”举个🌰:He walked briskly along swinging his rolled-up umbrella. 他摇着收起的伞步履轻快地走在路上。

3)表示“改变,变化”,英文解释为“to change”举个🌰:His mood swings between elation and despair. 他情绪多变,一会儿兴高采烈,一会儿又伤心绝望。

作名词,1)表示“秋千”,英文解释为“a seat for swinging on, hung from above on ropes or chains”;

2)表示“摆动;挥动;转动;强劲节奏”,英文解释为“a swinging movement or rhythm”举个🌰:He took a wild swing at the ball. 他对准球猛地挥拍一击。

3)表示“改变;改变的程度”,英文解释为“a change from one opinion or situation to another; the amount by which sth changes”举个🌰:Voting showed a 25% swing to him. 投票显示25%的人转而支持他。

As Kasidit walked over to shake hands, Kwon got in one final slam of the racket before tossing it down.



表示“扔,掷,抛”,英文解释为“to throw something, especially something light, with a quick gentle movement of your hand”举个🌰:She crumpled the letter and tossed it into the fire. 她把信揉成一团,扔进了火里。

But the bad sportsmanship didn’t stop there.



sportsmanship 表示“运动员风范;体育精神”,英文解释为“behaviour in sport that is fair and shows respect to the other players”。

When Kasidit approached Kwon to shake his hand, the latter “ignored him,” according to the South China Morning Post.


The crowd could also be heard booing.



boo /buː/ 表示“发出嘘声(以示不满)”,英文解释为“If you boo a speaker or performer, you shout "boo" or make other loud sounds to indicate that you do not like them, their opinions, or their performance.”举个🌰:People were booing and throwing things at them. 人们发出嘘声,并朝他们扔东西。

His frustrations have been building for a while, according to Yonhap News Agency.

据韩联社(Yonhap News Agency)报道,权纯雨的挫败感已经积压了很久。

Recently returning from a shoulder injury that sidelined him for six months, Kwon came into the tournament having lost the last six international matches, including this past month’s U.S. Open, where he fell to American Christopher Eubanks in the first round, 6-3, 6-4, 0-6, 6-4.

因肩伤休养了六个月的权纯雨刚刚复出不久,他在最近的六场国际比赛中均告失利,包括上个月的美国网球公开赛,他在首轮以6比3、6比4、0比6和6比4输给了美国选手克里斯托弗·尤班克斯(Christopher Eubanks)。


作动词,表示“使退出比赛,使停止参赛”,英文解释为“If a sports player is sidelined they are prevented from playing or competing, and can only watch.”举个🌰:He has been sidelined through injury. 他因伤退出了比赛。

Kwon, who owns a pair of wins on the ATP Tour, was ranked as high as No. 52 in 2021.


He can still take home a gold medal at the 2023 Asian Games as he remains in contention with doubles partner Seongchan Hong.



1)可数名词,表示“(辩论或讨论中表达的)论点;主张;看法”,英文解释为“Someone's contention is the idea or opinion that they are expressing in an argument or discussion.”举个🌰:It is my contention that death and murder always lurk as potentials in violent relationships. 我的观点是,在暴力关系中总是潜伏着死亡和谋杀的可能。

2)不可数名词,表示“争论;纷争;口角”,英文解释为“If something is a cause of contention, it is a cause of disagreement or argument.”

3)短语:be in/out of contention for sth表示“(尤指在体育运动中)有(没有)机会赢得…”,英文解释为“to be able/not able to achieve or win something, especially in sports”举个🌰:This loss puts them out of contention for the playoffs this year. 这次失利使他们失去了赢得今年的季后赛的机会。

- 词汇盘点 -

lose your cool、 bizarre、 meltdown、 end on sour terms、 set、 claw sth back、 outplay、 grace、 service return、 smash、 racket、 umpire、 spectator、 straight、 quarterfinal、 semifinal、 epic、 slam、 bench、 swing、 toss、 sportsmanship、 boo、 sideline、 contention

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

In an epic quarterfinal, a player lost his cool during a service return, igniting a bizarre sideline meltdown. Tension escalated as the umpire and spectators witnessed poor sportsmanship. The contentious set ended on sour terms, yet in the semifinal, grace emerged. Players outplayed each other, showcasing smashing rackets, swift swings, and robust tosses. Despite the initial booing, the grand slam unfolded as a reminder of tennis' elegance and contention.
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