

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06

近日,冰岛西南部雷克雅内斯半岛(Reykjanes peninsula)近期发生一系列强地震,由于担心引发火山爆发,冰岛官方宣布进入紧急状态,敦促相关地区居民撤离。



1. Which of the following statements would Vidir Reynisson most likely agree with, based on the article?

A) Immediate evacuation of Grindavik is unnecessary.

B) The eruption could occur within a very short timeframe.

C) The seismic activity in Grindavik is a routine occurrence.

D) The magma's depth has no significant impact on eruption timing.

2. What can be inferred about the impact of the potential volcanic eruption on Grindavik?

A) It is certain to completely destroy the town.

B) It will have minimal impact on the town.

C) The town is at high risk due to its proximity to the epicenter.

D) Preventive measures have eliminated any risk to the town.


A volcano in Iceland could erupt in hours devastating a nearby town, say experts

From: Business Insider

A town in Iceland, home to 4,000 people, could be devastated by an imminent volcanic eruption, experts said.

Grindavik, which is close to the capital Reykjavik, could sustain heavy damage within hours or days, per The Guardian.

"The magma is now at a very shallow depth, so we're expecting an eruption within a couple of hours at the shortest, but at least within a couple of days," Vidir Reynisson, head of Iceland's Civil Protection and Emergency Management, said on Saturday.

Iceland has declared a state of emergency as up to 2,000 earthquakes — 1,000 overnight Saturday alone, according to the Icelandic Met Office —  struck the southwestern Reykjanes peninsula, signaling an increased risk of a volcanic eruption.

In response to the heightened seismic activity, the Blue Lagoon, renowned for its geothermal spas and luxury hotels near Grindavik, was closed as a precaution.

The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management announced the state of emergency, citing the intense earthquake activity at Sundhnjukagigar, north of Grindavik.

It is not possible to save livestock and farm animals from the defined danger zone due to the landslides in Reykjanes, per the Department. The area is currently closed to all human traffic, until further notice.

The Icelandic Met Office (IMO) has warned that an eruption could occur "in several days," heightening concerns. Grindavik, situated just 1.86 miles southwest of the seismic epicenter, has activated evacuation plans in anticipation of a potential eruption.

Two substantial earthquakes, with a magnitude of 5.2 north of Grindavik, were felt as far as the capital, Reykjavik, and along the country's southern coast, causing widespread shaking and damage. The Icelandic police closed a key north-south road to Grindavik due to earthquake-induced damage.

Since late October, the Reykjanes peninsula has experienced a staggering 24,000 tremors. The IMO has observed an accumulation of magma underground at a depth of approximately 3.1 miles, raising the specter of a volcanic eruption should it ascend to the surface.

While the IMO suggests that magma reaching the surface is more likely to take several days than hours, the potential impact zone is being closely monitored. The most active seismic area is not directed toward Grindavik; however, preventive measures are in place.

After being dormant for several centuries, there have been three eruptions on the Reykjanes peninsula since 2021. They were in remote locations and did not threaten critical infrastructure or populated areas.

Additionally, the Svartsengi geothermal plant, a key supplier of electricity and water to 30,000 residents on the Reykjanes peninsula, has enacted contingency plans to safeguard the facility and its workforce in the event of an eruption.

With 33 active volcanic systems, Iceland — nicknamed the "Land of Fire and Ice"— boasts the highest number in Europe. 

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A volcano in Iceland could erupt in hours devastating a nearby town, say experts

From: Business Insider

A town in Iceland, home to 4,000 people, could be devastated by an imminent volcanic eruption, experts said.



1)表示“(极度)不安的,混乱的,震惊的”,英文解释为“extremely upset and shocked”举个🌰:His family is absolutely devastated. 他的一家感到极为震惊。

2)表示“被彻底摧毁的;毁灭的”,英文解释为“completely destroyed”举个🌰:Thousands of people have left their devastated villages and fled to the mountains. 数千人已经离开完全被毁的村庄,逃进了山里。

📍devastate /ˈdɛvəˌsteɪt/ 本身可以作动词,表示“严重破坏;彻底摧毁”,英文解释为“If something devastates an area or a place, it damages it very badly or destroys it totally.”


表示“临近的,即将发生的”,英文解释为“coming or likely to happen very soon”,如:imminent disaster/danger 迫在眉睫的灾难/危险。

Grindavik, which is close to the capital Reykjavik, could sustain heavy damage within hours or days, per The Guardian.



1)表示“保持,维持,使持续,使继续”,英文解释为“to cause or allow something to continue for a period of time”举个🌰:The economy looks set to sustain its growth into next year. 看来经济的增长会持续到明年。

2)表示“经历,遭受(尤指破坏或损失)”,英文解释为“to suffer or experience, especially damage or loss”举个🌰:She sustained multiple injuries in the accident. 她在这次事故中多处受伤。


此处的per sth=according to sth,实际上常用的是as per sth,表示“按照,根据”,如:as per instructions 按照指示,根据说明,还有另一个短语是“(as)per usual/normal”表示“照常,按惯例”(as usual),举个🌰:He was late, as per usual. 他照例迟到了。

📍那么,per和as per有什么区别呢?此处的as是否冗余了呢?

The fact is that both per and as per have existed in English in the sense “according to” for a very long time–since the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. The choice of which to use (or avoid) is entirely a matter of taste. The more ponderous as per is often found in business and legal prose, or in writing that attempts to adopt a formal tone. It is not incorrect to use, but some find it overly legalistic and counsel avoiding it for that reason. On the other hand, it has been used to good effect in facetious mock-business-English (“as per the President's shiny new Environmental Policy Act”). As in so many matters of diction, the tonal needs of a particular passage should guide your choice. (Merriam-Webster)

"The magma is now at a very shallow depth, so we're expecting an eruption within a couple of hours at the shortest, but at least within a couple of days," Vidir Reynisson, head of Iceland's Civil Protection and Emergency Management, said on Saturday.

“岩浆目前处于非常浅的深度,因此我们预计火山可能在几小时内爆发,至迟也会在几天内,”冰岛民防与应急管理部门负责人维迪尔·雷尼松(Vidir Reynisson)周六表示。


magma /ˈmæɡ.mə/ 表示“岩浆”,英文解释为“hot liquid rock found just below the surface of the earth”

Iceland has declared a state of emergency as up to 2,000 earthquakes — 1,000 overnight Saturday alone, according to the Icelandic Met Office —  struck the southwestern Reykjanes peninsula, signaling an increased risk of a volcanic eruption.

面对雷克雅内斯半岛西南部西南部发生多达2000次地震(仅周六一夜就有1000次),冰岛宣布进入紧急状态,这表明火山爆发的风险正在上升。这些地震数据来自冰岛气象局(Icelandic Met Office)。

the Met Office

the Met Office /ˈmet ˌɒf.ɪs/ 表示“(英国的)国家气象局”,英文解释为“the British government department that studies weather conditions and says what is expected to happen with the weather”举个🌰:The Met Office says that the heatwave will continue for most of the week. 国家气象局称本周大部分时间热浪仍将持续。


peninsula /pɪˈnɪnsjʊlə/ 表示“半岛”,英文解释为“A peninsula is a long narrow piece of land that sticks out from a larger piece of land and is almost completely surrounded by water.”


signal /ˈsɪɡ.nəl/表示“表达;表示;显示”,英文解释为“to do sth to make your feelings or opinions known”举个🌰:He signalled his discontent by refusing to vote. 他拒绝投票以示不满。

In response to the heightened seismic activity, the Blue Lagoon, renowned for its geothermal spas and luxury hotels near Grindavik, was closed as a precaution.

为了应对加剧的地震活动,位于格林达维克附近、以地热温泉和豪华酒店著称的蓝湖(Blue Lagoon),出于预防考虑已暂时关闭。


seismic /ˈsaɪzmɪk/ 1)表示“地震的;地震引起的”,英文解释为“Seismic means caused by or relating to an earthquake.”举个🌰:Earthquakes produce two types of seismic waves. 地震产生两种类型的地震波。

2)表示“突然的;造成严重破坏的”,英文解释为“A seismic shift or change is a very sudden or dramatic change.”举个🌰:I have never seen such a seismic shift in public opinion in such a short period of time. 我从来没有见过公众舆论在这么短的时间内发生如此突然的转变。

🎬电影《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)中的台词提到:We are showing seismic activity to the east near Livermore. 东边靠近利弗莫尔处发现地震活动。


lagoon /ləˈɡuːn/ 表示“泻湖,濒海湖,环礁湖”,英文解释为“an area of sea water separated from the sea by a reef (= a line of rocks and sand)”如:a tropical lagoon 热带环礁湖。


renowned /rɪˈnaʊnd/ 表示“有名的;闻名的;受尊敬的”,英文解释为“famous and respected”举个🌰:She is renowned for her patience. 她的耐心是出了名的。


geothermal /ˌdʒiː.əʊˈθɜː.məl/ 表示“地热的,地温的”,英文解释为“of or connected with the heat inside the earth”如:a geothermal power station 地热发电站。


spa /spɑː/ 1)表示“矿泉疗养地”,英文解释为“a town where water comes out of the ground and people come to drink it or lie in it because they think it will improve their health”

2)表示“休闲健身中心,疗养地”,英文解释为“a place where people go in order to become more healthy, by doing exercises, eating special food, etc.”举个🌰:The spa offers massages and beauty treatments as well as exercise classes. 那家休闲健身中心提供按摩、美容和健身服务。


表示“预防措施;预防;防备”,英文解释为“something that is done in advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger”,如:safety precautions 安全防范措施。

The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management announced the state of emergency, citing the intense earthquake activity at Sundhnjukagigar, north of Grindavik.


It is not possible to save livestock and farm animals from the defined danger zone due to the landslides in Reykjanes, per the Department. The area is currently closed to all human traffic, until further notice.



livestock /ˈlaɪv.stɒk/ 表示“牲畜;家畜;家禽”,英文解释为“animals and birds that are kept on a farm, such as cows, sheep, or chickens”


landslide /ˈlænd.slaɪd/ 表示“(山坡或悬崖的)崩塌,塌方,滑坡,地滑”,英文解释为“a mass of earth, rock, etc. that falls down the slope of a mountain or a cliff”;

📍landslip等同于landslide,通常为小规模的。(a mass of rock and earth that falls down a slope, usually smaller than a landslide)

The Icelandic Met Office (IMO) has warned that an eruption could occur "in several days," heightening concerns. Grindavik, situated just 1.86 miles southwest of the seismic epicenter, has activated evacuation plans in anticipation of a potential eruption.



表示“处于…的;位于...的”,英文解释为“in a particular situation; in a particular position”举个🌰:The school is situated near the park. 该学校位于公园附近。


原意表示“(地震)震中;(原子弹爆炸的)中心,爆炸点”,英文解释为“the point on the earth's surface directly above an earthquake or atomic explosion”,也用来表示“中心;中枢”,比如“the epicenter of world finance”。


evacuation /ɪˌvæk.juˈeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“撤离,撤出,疏散,转移”,英文解释为“the act of moving people from a dangerous place to somewhere safe”

Two substantial earthquakes, with a magnitude of 5.2 north of Grindavik, were felt as far as the capital, Reykjavik, and along the country's southern coast, causing widespread shaking and damage. The Icelandic police closed a key north-south road to Grindavik due to earthquake-induced damage.



substantial /səbˈstæn.ʃəl/ 1)表示“大的;可观的;价值巨大的;重大的”,英文解释为“large in size, value, or importance”举个🌰:The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women. 这些发现表明男性和女性之间存在着重大的意见分歧。

2)表示“基本上的;大体上的”,英文解释为“relating to the main or most important things being considered”举个🌰:The committee was in substantial agreement (= agreed about most of the things discussed). 委员会基本上达成了一致意见。


magnitude /ˈmæɡ.nɪ.tʃuːd/ 1)表示“(尺寸、规模、重要性等)大的程度;巨大;重大,重要性”,英文解释为“the large size or importance of something”举个🌰:They don't seem to grasp the magnitude of the problem. 他们似乎未领会问题的重要性。

2)表示“震级”(the size of an earthquake)。


作动词,1)表示“诱发(某种身体反应);引起,导致”,英文解释为“to cause a particular physical condition”,如:a drug-induced coma 药物引起的昏迷,举个🌰:Patients with eating disorders may use drugs to induce vomiting. 患有进食障碍的人可使用药物催吐。

2)表示“催生;引产”,英文解释为“to use a drug to make a pregnant woman start giving birth”举个🌰:In this hospital, twins are often induced. 在这家医院生育双胞胎常常要引产的。

Since late October, the Reykjanes peninsula has experienced a staggering 24,000 tremors. The IMO has observed an accumulation of magma underground at a depth of approximately 3.1 miles, raising the specter of a volcanic eruption should it ascend to the surface.



表示“令人震惊的”,英文解释为“Something that is staggering is very surprising.”如:a staggering $20 million in short- and long-term debt 令人震惊的两千万美元的短长期债务。

🎬电影《迷失东京》(Lost in Translation)中的台词提到:- Just staggering, unbearable pain. - Ooh, that's too bad. - 疼得难以忍受 - 真不走运。

🎬电影《电锯惊魂6》(Saw VI)中的台词提到:and the subsequent cost to you will be staggering. 代价将会非常大/惊人。


tremor /ˈtrem.ər/ 1)表示“轻微地震,小地震”,英文解释为“a slight earthquake”举个🌰:The tremor was felt as far as 200 miles away. 这次小震200英里以外的地方都有震感。

2)表示“(尤指因紧张或兴奋)颤抖,发抖”,英文解释为“a slight shaking movement in a person's body, especially because of nervousness or excitement”举个🌰:There was a slight tremor in her voice. 她的声音微微发颤。


accumulation /əˌkjuː.mjəˈleɪ.ʃən/ 表示“积累;积聚;积攒”,英文解释为“an amount of something that has been collected”举个🌰:Despite this accumulation of evidence, the government persisted in doing nothing. 尽管种种迹象不断出现,政府仍然坚持不采取任何行动。


美式 specter /ˈspek.tər/ 英式 spectre,the specter of sth 表示“对于…的恐惧(或忧虑)”,英文解释为“the idea of something unpleasant that might happen in the future”举个🌰:The awful spectre of civil war looms over the country. 内战的阴云笼罩着全国。


ascend /əˈsend/ 表示“上升;攀登;登上”,英文解释为“to move up or climb something”举个🌰:They slowly ascended the steep path up the mountain. 他们沿着陡峭的山路缓缓向上攀登。

While the IMO suggests that magma reaching the surface is more likely to take several days than hours, the potential impact zone is being closely monitored. The most active seismic area is not directed toward Grindavik; however, preventive measures are in place.


After being dormant for several centuries, there have been three eruptions on the Reykjanes peninsula since 2021. They were in remote locations and did not threaten critical infrastructure or populated areas.



dormant /ˈdɔː.mənt/ 表示“蛰伏的,沉睡的,休眠的”,英文解释为“Something that is dormant is not active or growing but has the ability to be active at a later time.”举个🌰:The long-dormant volcano has recently shown signs of erupting. 休眠了很久的火山最近出现了要喷发的迹象。

Additionally, the Svartsengi geothermal plant, a key supplier of electricity and water to 30,000 residents on the Reykjanes peninsula, has enacted contingency plans to safeguard the facility and its workforce in the event of an eruption.



熟词僻义,作名词,表示“工厂;电厂”,英文解释为“A plant is a factory or a place where power is produced.”


1)表示“通过,实施,制定(法律)”,英文解释为“When a government or authority enacts a proposal, they make it into a law.”举个🌰:The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration. 当局到目前为止还未能通过一项允许自由移民出境的法律。

2)表示“表演”,英文解释为“If people enact a story or play, they perform it by acting.”举个🌰:She often enacted the stories told to her by her father. 她经常把父亲讲给她的故事表演出来。

3)表示“发生(尤指过去已发生的事件或情况)”,英文解释为“If a particular event or situation is enacted, it happens; used especially to talk about something that has happened before.”举个🌰:It was a scene enacted month after month for eight years. 这是8年来月复一月出现的场景。


contingency /kənˈtɪndʒənsɪ/ 表示“可能发生的事”,英文解释为“A contingency is something that might happen in the future.”举个🌰:I need to examine all possible contingencies. 我得查看所有可能发生的事。

With 33 active volcanic systems, Iceland — nicknamed the "Land of Fire and Ice"— boasts the highest number in Europe.



可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“给…起绰号”,英文解释为“to give a nickname to sb/sth”举个🌰:LR was nicknamed ‘Lu Rou’. LR外号叫“卤肉”。



boast /bəʊst/ 表示“拥有(值得自豪的东西)”,英文解释为“to have or own something to be proud of”举个🌰:Hangzhou boasts beautiful lakes, great restaurants, and friendly locals. 杭州拥有美丽的湖、很棒的餐馆和友好的当地人。

- 词汇盘点 -

devastated、 imminent、 sustain、 per、 magma、 the Met Office、 peninsula、 signal、 seismic、 lagoon、 renowned、 geothermal、 spa、 precaution、 livestock、 landslide、 situated、 epicenter、 evacuation、 substantial、 magnitude、 induce、 staggering、 tremor、 accumulation、 specter、 ascend、 dormant、 plant、 enact、 contingency、 nickname、 boast

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

The Met Office signaled an imminent seismic event near the renowned geothermal spa on the peninsula. Devastated locals, nicknamed "Lagoon Lifeguards," boasted about their lush land, but now faced substantial magma accumulation under a dormant plant. Situated at the epicenter, staggering tremors induced landslides. Livestock were evacuated, and precautions enacted, including contingency plans for the spa, as the specter of an epic eruption ascended.
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