
[E239]Political and Industry Leaders Make Basic Research Case

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Political and Industry Leaders Make Basic Research Case

By | October 24, 2015

“The message has to be told to Congressmen[国会议员], the message of the .” Jeannette Wing, Corporate Vice President[全球副总裁] at Microsoft Research, October 20th at a symposium[讨论会,座谈会] on Capitol Hill[美国国会;美国国会山].

周以真(英文名Jeannette M. Wing),计算机科学家。卡内基梅隆大学教授。美国国家自然基金会计算与信息科学工程部助理部长。ACMIEEE会士。

  • 2012年11月21日,微软宣布正式聘请周以真(Jeannette Wing)博士担任微软国际研究部门副总裁。

  • 她的主要研究领域是形式化方法、可信计算、分布式系统、编程语言等。1993年她与图灵奖得主芭芭拉·利斯科夫合作,提出了著名的Liskov代换原则,是面向对象基本原则之一。

“, and these kinds of investments are good for the economy, good for global competitiveness[国际竞争力].”

Wing, along with other industry leaders and members of Congress from both parties gathered at the “Innovation: An American Imperativesymposium[讨论会,座谈会] in support of goals and policies delineated[描绘;划定;描述] in a recent report from the American Academy of Arts and Sciences[美国艺术与科学院]. That report titled .

“We have to continue to further innovation in our economy through smart investments in basic R&D[研究与开发(research and development)].” United States Senator[参议员] from Delaware[特拉华州] Chris Coons, at the event. “Because whether it’s public universities, cutting-edge[先进的,尖端的] businesses that are well established or early-stage startups, if we want to see American researchers and innovators pulling together to achieve our national potential now and in the future, we have to commit to these crucial[重要的;决定性的] investments today and by sustaining[维持;支持;承受] them for the long-term.”

Norm Augustine, former chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin[洛克希德马丁(美国航空航天公司)], led the effort to create the Restoring the Foundation report. To hear a recent extended interview I did with Augustine, browse the Science Talk podcast section of the Scientific American web page. Or just google Augustine and Scientific American to find the episode titled “.”

From 60-Second Science

