
[E243]China, Germany Vow to Upgrade Economic Cooperations

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

China, Germany Vow to Upgrade Economic Cooperations


Following a red-carpet[隆重的;殷勤的;华贵的] welcoming ceremony[欢迎仪式], Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has sat down with the visiting German Chancellor[德国总理] for talks lasting some two-hours at the Great Hall of the People[人民大会堂] in Beijing.

Premier Li Keqiang says he's pitched[力荐(某主张)] the idea of creating an intergovernmental[政府间的] mechanism[机制] between China and Germany so the two sides can coordinate with[使协调;配合] one-another[彼此,互相] on their respective development strategies[各自的发展战略].

"China and Germany should enhance innovation[加强创新], as well as coordinate our "Made in China 2025" strategy with Germany's "Industry 4.0" strategy. On the one hand, Germany's industrial growth[工业增长] and technological developments[科技发展] needs bigger markets, such as China. On the other hand, China can learn advanced concepts[先进观念] and technological innovations[技术创新] from Germany, as well as help German companies broaden their markets[扩大市场]. Both countries can compliment[恭维;称赞] one-another. I've also committed that the Chinese government will protect German companies' intellectual property rights[知识产权]."

Its said the two leaders also exchanged their thoughts on regional economic cooperation[区域经济合作], including the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank[AIIB亚洲基础设施投资银行], the internationalization[国际化] of the renminbi and the prospects[前景;预期;潜在顾客;远景展望] of a China-EU Free Trade agreement[中欧自由贸易协定].

German Chancellor Angela Merkel[安吉拉·默克尔] says its her country's hope China's ongoing economic transition[正在进行的经济转型] will provide new opportunities.

"I certainly have confidence in China's economic growth. Each nation has different stages of economic development, along with some fluctuations[波动]. At this particular moment, Chinese economy is in need of innovative development[创新发展], especially a larger investment on green economy[绿色经济]. Germany can be acted as a great partner in this respect. Both nations have great potential for collaborations in industrial strategies, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as production of consumers' goods."

Merkel also says she hopes to see China and the EU sign a bilateral investment agreement[双边投资协定] at "an early date."[早日 ; 尽快]

Meanwhile, both leaders also talked about strategic issues[战略问题], including the ongoing crisis in Syria. Angela Merkel says a solution needs to be hammered out[设计出;锤成;苦心想出] in Syria quickly.

"We need a diplomatic political[外交和政治的] solution, and in view of the more than 300,000 dead and the millions of refugees in Syria the time is urgent and I am really happy that there are at least signs for a format of talks that will bring the necessary participants together, and the faster the people in Syria can be helped the better."

Premier Li Keqiang says the Chinese side also wants to see something done quickly in Syria.

"The urgency of resolving the Syrian situation has been increasing. We think the most important thing right now is to seize the opportunity to implement a political resolution and set up[建立] an equal, inclusive[兼收并蓄的] and open political line of discussion."

Angela Merkel is also due to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping and top legislator Zhang Dejiang.

The German Chancellor is leading a delegation[代表团] from Germany which includes 20 different business leaders representing the machinery[机械], automotive[汽车], electrical[电气] and telecommunications[ 通讯] sectors.

On top of her time in Beijing, Merkel is also due to make a stop in Li Keqiang's home province of Anhui, where she's due to co-chair[共同主席;联合组长] a business development meeting along with the Premier.

This trip represents Merkel's 8th visit to China since taking over[接手] as German Chancellor in 2005.

