
Telephone interview with Youyou Tu

2015-12-11 LearnAndRecord

"Good News for the National Holiday!"


Telephone interview[电话采访] with Youyou Tu following the announcement of the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 5 October 2015. The interviewer is Adam Smith, Chief Scientific Officer of Nobel Media. Professor Tu speaks in Chinese during the interview and the English questions and Professor Tu's answers are translated by Jin Li from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences[中国医学科学院].

[Jin Li] Hello.

[Adam Smith] This is Adam Smith, calling from Nobelprize.org, the official website of the Nobel Prize, in Stockholm[斯德哥尔摩].

[JL] Yes, this is Professor Tu Youyou's home.

[AS] So first of all, may we ask what is Professor Tu's reaction to the award of the Nobel Prize?[请问屠呦呦教授对获得诺贝尔奖的反应如何?]

[JL for Youyou Tu] Yes, Professor Tu Youyou is very glad to[很高兴] own the Nobel Prize.

[AS] Thank you very much. And what does the award of the Nobel Prize mean for her and for Chinese science?[获得诺贝尔奖对她,对中国的科学(研究)来说意味着什么?有什么意义?]

[JL for TY] I'm very glad that the new anti-malaria drug[抗疟新药] artemisinin[青蒿素] earns international recognition[获得国际认可] from the Nobel Prize committee[诺贝尔奖委员会].

Also, I want to show my gratitude[表示感谢] and respect[敬意] to Nobel Committee, Karolinska Institute[卡罗林斯卡学院] and Sweden people[瑞典人民].

Yes, Chinese people wish to win Nobel Prize for long time, and this time artemisinin[青蒿素] win this Prize. Shows that our work to research anti-malaria drugs[抗疟药物] is at a high level and achieve good result.

So at the moment when we begin to research anti-malaria drug[研究抗疟药物] this old drug had already got drug resistance[耐药性]. As a result we worked very hard to find anti-malaria drug artemisinin[青蒿素] and to save millions of lives. It shows that as a scientific worker we need innovation spirit[创新精神] to find new things.

[AS] It's a great pleasure to speak to you and to Professor Tu, thank you very much. May we convey our…

[JL for TY] Yes, thanks, yes.

[AS] We would like to convey our congratulations[表示祝贺] and also say we are very much looking forward to welcoming her to Stockholm in December.

[JL for TY] Yes, thanks a lot.

[AS] Thank you. One last question, it's late evening there in Beijing. Will Professor Tu have time to celebrate tonight?[现在北京时间是夜晚了,屠呦呦教授是否会有时间去庆祝一下?]

[JL for TY] I have many friends to come home to share my happiness. Even for Chinese people is also a good thing, a good news for the national holiday. Thanks a lot.

[AS] Yes, it's perfect timing, yes. Thank you very much. OK, well, Xie Xie, thank you.

[JL for TY] Thank you. Thank you very much.

[AS] Thank you, bye bye.

