
[E361]Soggy sales

2016-02-25 LearnAndRecord

本文音频及原文摘自杂志The Economist《经济学人》2016年第8期,Business版块。

Breakfast cereals

Consumers are going off some cereals, but not the right ones

Feb 20th 2016 | NEW YORK

IN RECENT years breakfast cereals[1] seem to have lost their snap, crackle and pop[2]. Many contain things that anxious consumers shun, from cadisdainrbohydrates[糖类;碳水化合物] and gluten[面筋;麸质;谷蛋白] to artificial flavours[3] and genetically modified[4] (GM) grain[粮食;谷物]. Add to this a rising disdain[蔑视,鄙视] for big brands and adoration of small, “authentic[真正的,真实的;可信的]” ones, and large cereal-makers have been suffering soggy sales. The market for “ready-to-eat[可即食的]” cereals shrank[收缩;减少] by 9% in America between 2012 and 2015, according to Euromonitor, a data firm. In Britain, the second-biggest cereal market, sales fell by 6%.




[2]Snap, Crackle, and Pop are the cartoon mascots of Kellogg's crisped-rice breakfast cereal Rice Krispies, known in Australia as Rice Bubbles.




shun [ʃʌn]

to  something避开,避免She has shunned  since she  from the .告别舞台生涯后,她便退出了人们的视线。

to  someone and not  to them because you cannot  , , .躲避,回避After the  he was shunned by  and  . 审判后,朋友和家人都躲着他。

soggy ['sɒgɪ]

   (of things which can    and 

湿透的;(尤指食物)湿软的soggy  湿透的地面I  it when  goes soggy. 我讨厌泡软了的麦片。slow and apathetic无精打采的;迟钝的;沉闷的


Now, the manufacturers are trumpeting a turnaround[突然好转]. On February 16th General Mills[1] told investors that its American cereal sales were stabilising[稳定;安定]. Kellogg is equallychipper[兴高采烈的;欢快的], reporting on February 17th that it expects its American cereal sales to grow this year. But it will take hard work to revive breakfast’s flakiest business.





trumpet ['trʌmpɪt]

to  or  something  to a lot of 吹嘘;鼓吹The  has been  trumpeting   as one of the in the .该博物馆一直在大肆吹嘘自己是世界上最好的博物馆之一。Their much-trumpeted    only 5% of the  that they.他们极力吹嘘的降价只涉及到所卖商品的5%。


Cereal firms have tried many ways to cope with waning[渐亏的;逐渐减弱或变小的] appetites. They have diversified. Post Holdings, which sells Honey Bunches of Oats and Grape-Nuts, now also sells eggs and protein shakes. Some firms have acquired trendier brands, with mixed results. After Kellogg bought Kashi in 2000, many of its oat[燕麦;麦片粥,燕麦粥]-munching[用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼;津津有味地吃] customers fled. Kellogg is now trying to win them back, returning Kashi’s headquarters[总部;指挥部] to California. A new Kashi cereal features popped sorghum, crispy[酥脆的;易碎的] yellow peas[黄豌豆] and smashed red beans. Pet hamsters will love it.



trendy ['trendɪ]

  and  by the most   or 时髦的;受新潮思想影响的trendy  时髦服装


Makers are also spending to revive their main brands. Kellogg has put more fruit in its Special K Red Berries cereal. General Mills has stripped GM ingredients and gluten[面筋;麸质;谷蛋白] from Cheerios. It plans to remove all artificial flavours and colours[1] from its cereals by 2018. Some analysts question whether the changes are worth the extra costs. But Robert Moskow of Credit Suisse[2], a bank, reckons that cereal-makers can compensate by cutting overheads[企业的日常管理费用;杂项开支;一般费用] and streamlining supply chains[3].







strip [strɪp]

to ,  or  the  or   from something除去,剥除,撕掉(外皮或表层)Because of the , the  are   stripped of.由于受到污染,树木的表皮几乎完全脱落。


Retailers do not want cereal to enter terminal decline—it is too profitable for them. Jim Holbrook, who led Post’s cereal business and is now boss of Daymon Worldwide, a retail consultant[1], says grocers[杂货商] might boost sales by placing milk or bananas in the cereal aisle.





aisle [aɪl]

a    between the  of  in a 

(商店货架间的)通道You'll  the  and the  in the fourth aisle along from the.洗发香波和肥皂在从入口处数第四个通道的货架上。


For now, cereal-makers can take comfort[1] that at least some brands are still thriving[繁荣的;蒸蒸日上的;l旺盛的]. Sales of Kellogg’s Froot Loops and General Mills’ Cinnamon Toast Crunch have risen in recent years, points out Alexia Howard of Sanford C. Bernstein, a research firm, even as more virtuous[善良的;有道德的;贞洁的;正直的;有效力的] brands such as Fiber One, All-Bran and (until recently) Special K were waning[渐亏的;逐渐减弱或变小的]. Health-conscious[重视健康的] shoppers may or may not be lured back to their cereal habit by smashed red beans. But cereal’s most reliable customers are those who don’t mind heaps of[2] sugar, or “red #40” food colouring, in their breakfast bowls.















