
[E391]Ship propulsion

2016-04-10 LearnAndRecord

本文音频及原文摘自杂志The Economist 2016年第15期,Science and Technology版块。

We are sailing

Wind power makes another comeback

Apr 9th 2016

OLD technologies can return with a twist, just as airships keep threatening to and windmills and electric cars have already. Fitting ships with sails to assist with propulsion, thus saving fuel and reducing emissions[1], is an idea that has been around for decades. It has now gained renewed interest with a search by the Energy Technologies Institute (ETI), a British public–private partnership that promotes low-carbon[2] uses, for suppliers and a shipowner prepared to undertake a trial of wind-driven rotors on a large cargo vessel[3]. The plan is to gather operating data on whether rotor sails are a worthwhile investment. Depending on the routes, suitably equipped vessels could reduce fuel consumption by 5-12%. As some 90% of the world’s trade travels by sea, such savings would soon add up.



[1]save fuel节约燃料,省油;

   reduce emissions减排


[3]wind-driven rotors风能驱动的转轴/旋翼

   cargo vessel 货轮;载货船


propulsion [prə'pʌlʃ(ə)n]

a  that  something 

推进;推动力 propulsion 风力推进a propulsion  推进系统


The type of sail the ETI is interested in is the Flettner rotor[1]. These were demonstrated by Anton Flettner, a German aerospace engineer[2], in the 1920s. When placed on a ship the giant rotating cylinders[3] extract energy from the wind using the Magnus effect[4], a force acting on a spinning body[5] in an airstream to create a pressure difference[6] on either side—the same effect that causes a spinning ball to curve through the air[7]. This force can be used to help push the ship along.



[1]A rotor ship, or Flettner ship, is a type of ship designed to use the Magnus effect for propulsion.



[4]Magnus effect(马格努斯效应),以他的发现者马格努斯命名,是一个流体力学当中的现象,是一个在流体中转动的物体(如圆柱体)受到的力。——维基百科





curve [kɜːv]

to  a curve or  in the  of a curve

弯曲;成曲线运动The  curves round to the . 道路转向左边。


Rotor sails are most suitable for ships that sail below 15 knots[1] (28kph) on trade routes where the apparent wind[2] (that experienced by an observer in motion[3]) is blowing sideways across the vessel, reckons the ETI. For a rotor sail the higher the ratio of wind speed to ship speed the better. In general, the rotors produce more thrust[4] the windier it is and the slower the ship steams.






[4]thrust 牵引力,驱动力

(the driving force produced by, for example, an aircraft engine)


In 1924 Flettner installed two 18.3-metre rotating metal cylinders on a converted sailing ship, the Buckau, which crossed the North Sea and the Atlantic[1]. Other ship owners have flirted with[2] the technology. In 2010, Enercon, a German windpower specialist, launched E-ship1 with four 2-metre rotor sails to assist its diesel engines[3]. In 2014, Norsepower, a Finnish firm[4], fitted an 18-metre rotor sail to Estraden, a ferry[5] which operates between the Netherlands[6] and Britain. A second rotor was fitted to the ship in 2015. Norsepower reckons they produce a 6% fuel saving on average.



[1]the North Sea 北海

   the Atlantic 大西洋

[2]flirt with sth 不认真地考虑;对…暂时感兴趣

(to consider doing something, but not seriously, or to be interested in something for a short time)

I'm flirting with the idea of taking a year off and travelling round the world.


[3]diesel engines 柴油引擎

[4]Finnish 芬兰的

[5]ferry 轮渡

[6]Netherlands 荷兰


This is not a lot to show for more than 90 years of tinkering with the technology. But the arrival of new lightweight composite materials[1] that enable the rotors to spin at higher speeds, together with advanced computer controls that can use sophisticated wind sensors[2] and satellite tracking to constantly adjust the setting of the rotors, holds out greater promise of a return to sail, of a sort.






tinker ['tɪŋkə]

to make   to something,  in an  to  or  it

修补;改进;摆弄He  every  tinkering (about) with his .他每个周末都在摆弄他的汽车。I  the  would  tinkering with the  .我希望政府不要再在公共医疗卫生服务上折腾了。

spin [spɪn]

to ( to)  around and around,  

(使)(尤指快速)旋转The  spins on  .地球绕地轴旋转。The     the  spin around/round.玩轮盘赌的玩家们默不作声地注视着轮盘旋转。He was  when his   a  and spun off the .他的车撞在树上甩出路面,他因此而丧生。Spin the  (= Make it  around and around as you  it) and it will   when it  the .把球旋转起来再抛出去,球触地时就会改变方向。

(of a ) to  , or to   in a (车辆)疾驰;驾车飞驰We were spinning along, when  one of   .我们车开得飞快,突然一个轮胎爆了。Chris spun past in a  new .克里斯开着辆眩目的新车疾驰而过。



原文摘自The economist,仅外语学习之用。

其中生词解释来源于Cambridge Dictionaries







