

点右关注▷ 英语世界 2022-11-06
当地时间2月22日,美国著名诗人、出版人、画家和政治活动家劳伦斯·费林盖蒂(Lawrence Ferlinghetti)在旧金山家中去世,享年101岁。他是著名的旧金山“城市之光书店“的创始人之一,也是旧金山标志性人物。

▲ Lawrence Ferlinghetti in Berlin.

(Gezett / ullstein bild via Getty Images)

One of San Francisco's last living writers of the Beat generation has passed away.

As reported by the Washington Post, Lawrence Ferlinghetti died on February 22 at his San Francisco home at the age of 101.

Born in Yonkers, New York in 1919, Ferlinghetti arrived in San Francisco in 1950 following service in the U.S. Navy and graduation from Columbia University with a master's degree in English literature. He began a career of anarchist activism, themes he expressed in his writing and staunch defense of free speech.

Ferlinghetti became an icon in the '50s when he went on trial for obscenity charges surrounding Allen Ginsberg's "Howl," which he published through City Lights Books. "Howl" was a classic of the era that pushed boundaries with its profanity and graphic descriptions of gay sex. Through City Lights he published works by other iconic Beat writers like Jack Kerouac, Charles Bukowski and Norman Mailer.

Ferlinghetti's 1958 collection of poetry "A Coney Island of the Mind" is considered another pillar of Beat generation literature, and he continued publishing collections of poetry and novels through the subsequent decades. He was named the Poet Laureate of San Francisco in 1998, and in addition to writing, was also a distinguished painter and spearheaded the creation of Jack Kerouac Alley in 1987.

▲ Portrait of American poet and activist Lawrence Ferlinghetti taken in September 1977 as he poses in the bookstore he co-founded, City Lights Booksellers, in North Beach.

(Janet Fries / Hulton Archive via Getty Images)

As well as serving as a publishing house, City Lights was also a bookstore in North Beach founded in 1953, which expanded in 1987 to include a revered poetry room which encourages readers to enjoy their books before purchasing. The bookstore is so important to San Francisco culture that when they asked for donations to weather the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, $365,000 poured in in a single day.

The cause of death was not reported, but Ferlinghetti has battled poor health in his final years and struggled with the loss of his vision. Regardless of those challenges, he continued to write, releasing an autobiographical novel in 2019 titled "Little Boy."

英文+图片:Dan Gentile, SFGATE



▲ 诗人原声朗诵



[美]劳伦斯·费林盖蒂 著

黄灿然 译




