

WE 英语世界 2022-11-06


(Credit: CFP.CN)








《可爱的中国》(节选)[1]Beloved China (Excerpt)



By Fang Zhimin



My dear compatriots! China is the nurturing mother of us all. Do you think she is lovely and beautiful? I think you all, in your heart of hearts, would like to share my belief that this mother is quite lovely and fairly beautiful. In terms of climate, China is located in the temperate zone, neither too hot nor too cold, as if the body temperature of our mother, neither high nor low, is most congenial for us children to nestle. As regards territory, China is tens of thousands of square kilometers vast and expansive, as if our mother is a hefty, sturdy, broad-shouldered and wide-backed lady… The productivity of China’s lands is unlimited. So is the untapped treasure underneath her territory… Doesn’t it symbolize our mother who bears endless milk and unbounded power to raise her hundreds of millions of children? In my mind’s eye, there may be no other mothers on Earth that raise more children than her. Respecting China’s beautiful natural scenery, I’m proud to recount, not only the majestic Mount Emei, the enchanting West Lake, and the elegant Yandang Mountains but also the Guilin landscape that enjoys its “world-renowned glamour”, can be incomparably spectacular and stunning. In fact, China boasts beautiful and lovely scenery hither and thither. From city to countryside, hills and rills, mountains and valleys, all of them, once slightly ornamented and cultivated, will become unforgettable and wonderful scenery, as if our mother is a jade-like natural beauty, whose body is glistened throughout with admiring and amazing charisma. China’s coastlines are long and windy, which, in the eyes of a modern artist, symbolizes our mother’s line of beauty. 



The Chinese nation in the remote past established the ten thousand-mile Great Wall and dug thousands of miles of canals, which bears an exceptional testimony to the nation’s infinite creativity! Once China wins freedom and emancipation amid the battles, this kind of creativity will be released unceasingly. Then, China will be renovated, taking on a new look. … In that case, vigorous and dynamic creation, new changes and rapid progress will be seen hither and thither. Glee will overthrow gloom; smile will override cry. Wealth will supersede poverty; health will supplant suffering. Wisdom will displace ignorance; friendship will replace enmity. Life’s happiness will overrule death’s sorrow; bright gardens will overturn dark wastelands! Then, our nation with a clear conscience and dignity will share the global community with others, and our nurturing mother, adorned most beautifully, will be equal, joining hands with other mothers.


This triumphant day will arrive not in the distant future, but in the near one…


* 诗人、译者、学者,广东外语外贸大学英语语言文化学院教师,阐释学研究院兼职研究员,硕士研究生导师,2018 年获得英国威尔士班戈大学文学批评与翻译学博士学位,担任英国双盲审生态批评期刊《生态公民》(The Ecological Citizen)编委会顾问,加拿大女王大学宗教学院SNC 实验室合作研究员。出版译著有《〈弟子规〉译介:基于人类世生态诗学视角》(汉英对照,2020)、《〈爱德华·托马斯诗歌全集〉译介:基于道家生态诗学视角》(英汉对照,预计2022)、《〈道德经〉〈清静经〉译介:基于人类世生态诗学视角》(汉英对照,预计2023)。参编《牛津道学手册》(The Oxford Handbook of Daoism,主编之一,牛津大学出版社,预计2023年出版)。

[1] 中国共产党百年华诞之际,由广外英文学院院长张欣教授引荐,受广外校团委委托,为相关政府机构英译无产阶级革命家、军事家、杰出的农民运动领袖、中共优秀党员方志敏同志的作品《可爱的中国》(节选),向党的百年华诞献礼吟颂。本期出版时正值国庆,谨以此文祝愿祖国繁荣昌盛。






