
白龙王种生基 迅速改运消灾

许少峰 亚洲改运大师 2019-07-26

 白龙王种生基  迅速改运消灾 ,那么什么是生基风水? 让我们随万灵小编正确认识: 




每个人一生总会有不如意之处,可能反映在健康,婚姻,事业,儿女,运程,甚至精神问题,希望通过种生基,籍助大自然的风水磁场,可有效改善调整问题 ,提升个人整体运程。




What is Sheng Ji Feng Shui ?

 Many do not know much regards to Sheng Ji, some may think that why do one person erect a tomb when alive and find it mysterious. Actually Sheng Ji is utilizing a basic geomancy foundation to absorb the good qi produced by the natural surroundings and also enhancing their luck. Simplified, Sheng Ji is a combination of environmental and feng shui studies。

All life starts from root, and Sheng Ji is a way to assist in cultivating in becoming the pillars for the person who have erected Sheng Ji as a life foundation. Improving the energy and enhancing the luck. Nowadays a lot of people wishes to have great career, hoping for more success, more wealth and healthier life. To obtain the mentioned, many have opt for Sheng Ji Feng Shui to achieve them, with the cultivating of Sheng Ji and obtaining the good positive vibes to enhance our energy。

Among all living being, it has somehow generated from a seed, to grow roots then sprouts, flowers and bearing fruits, without roots, there can be no sprout, without the sprout there can never be fruits bore. In Feng Shui standpoint, Erecting a Sheng Ji, is “Cultivating The Foundation of Life”。

There are ups and downs in life, the challenges may lurk in one’s health, marriage, career, children, overall luck & mental health. By applying Sheng Ji helps improve and enhance the overall luck profile by tapping on the positive energies found in the environment。

Desired results in a fastest manner through the workaround of nature!

Sheng Ji is Feng Shui method specifically adopted to enhance one’s luck and course of destiny. White Dragon King ?From Feng shui perspective, Sheng Ji delivers the desired results in a fastest manner。

It's not about believing in feng shui , But  it's  how you konwingly apply it。


  1. 什么是种生基改大运?

  2. 种生基改运会不得善终吗?

  3. 活人风水:生基墓 种生基,改命换运的奇法之术

  4. 种生基改运法---好的磁场与气场环境能改善人的命运

  5. 万灵风水种生基 大地磁场达重生

  6. 【许大师】种生基的答疑解惑时间

  7. 明星大佬转运风水经:梁朝伟信白龙王 古巨基种墓借运

  8. 生基,可为我们实现改运造命~(英文)



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