

杨青 郭凌嘉 中豪法苑 2024-04-11


Regulation for Foreign Investors to Acquire Domestic Enterprises Enters into Times 2.0


The Ministry of Commerce issued and implemented newly revised Interim Measures for the Archival Filing Administration of the Incorporation and Modification of Foreign-Funded Enterprises (New Interim Measures) on July 30, 2017. The most significant amendments are made that only archival filing administration is required as and when the acquisition of a which is not involved into any special adinistrative measures the key points of this revision for reference, combined with cases handled of incorporation and acquisition of foreign-funded enterprises.


一、 外国投资者并购境内非外商投资企业管理进入2.0时代

The Administrative Measures for Foreign Investors to Acquire Domestic Enterprises Enter into Times 2.0


According to New Interim Measures, domestic enterprises converted into foreign-funded enterprises by merger and acquisition made by foreign investor (the Foreign Acquisition) shall undergo the archival filing formalities.


Based on the Interim Measures for the Archival Filing Administration of the Incorporation and Modification of Foreign-Funded Enterprises (Former Interim Measures) issued on October 8, 2016, a foreign investor shall, when acquiring a domestic enterprise to establish a foreign-funded enterprise, be subject to the approval of the examination and approval authorities in accordance with the Provisions of the Ministry of Commerce on M&A of a Domestic Enterprise by Foreign Investors (Order No.6).


When going through archival filing formalities for Foreign Acquisition, it is also required to disclose whether the Foreign Acquisition is related to any local enterprise with any Chinese time-honored brand, transfer of the state-owned assets, and valuation reports on M&A equity or assets value shall also be provided.

二、 外国投资者对上市公司实施战略投资管理进入2.0时代

The Administrative Measures for Foreign Investors to Invest In Listed Enterprises Strategically Enter into Times 2.0


The New Interim Measures stipulates that the foreign investors' strategic investment in the listed company, which does not involved in the special management measures, shall be subject to archival filing management, while the strategic investment shall be subject to the examination and approval procedure if the relevant special management measures are involved. Whereas according to the Administrative Management for Foreign Investors’ Strategic Investment in Listed Companies, strategic investments are required to be approved. The New Interim Measures has made it clear that strategic investments that do not involve access to special management measures shall comply with archival filing administration.


It is required to carry out the record procedure within 5 days since the disclosure date as required by the Securities Law of the PRC and other laws and regulations if there is any change of information in relation to the strategic investment, which is different from the 30 day requirement imposed on the record for the change of any information in relation to the non-listed foreign enterprises. Please note that the disclosure requirement may be different with respect to different matters under the laws and regulations of the listed companies. 

三、 外国投资者以境外公司股权作为支付手段并购境内公司操作程序更明确

The Operation Procedure in Relation to Acquisition of Domestic Company by Foreign investor by Means of Payment of Overseas Equity Held by Such Foreign Investor Has Become More Clearer.


The New Interim Measures provides that if foreign investors make payment by offshore company’s equity (Cross-border Share Swap), when going through the archival filing procedures, the domestic enterprise is required to provide Certificate of Overseas Investment by Chinese Enterprises for the Cross-border Share Swap.


Previously, in accordance with the provisions of Order No. 6,acquiringa domestic enterprise by a foreign investor in means of Cross-border Share Swap shall be firstly subject to the approval and examination of the Ministry of Commerce and then shall be subject to the approval and alteration registration, the domestic enterprise or its shareholders shall apply to the Ministry of Commerce and State Administration of Foreign Exchange for approval and registration of enterprise establishment with foreign investment. In accordance with the New Interim Measures, the domestic company shall firstly complete the overseas investment-related procedures, and obtain Approval Certificate of Overseas Investment by Chinese Enterprises, then to complete the archival filing procedure of establishment or alteration of foreign - invested enterprises. Therefore, the New Interim Measures actually adjust the procedures for Cross-border Share Swap, where cross-border M & A operates more smoothly.


四、 办事流程、时限及所需材料变得更为简便

Service Processes, Time Limits and Required Materials Become Simpler.


According to the New Interim Measures, if foreign investors acquire domestic company, and it does not involve special management measures and affiliated merger and acquisition, which shall be changed from the original approval to current archival filing management by the sub-MOC, and the procedures, required materials and processing time all become simpler and easier compared with the Former Interim Measures.

(一) 所需材料大为简化

Simplification of Required Documents


Documents Required for Examination and Approval by Sub-MOC


Documents Required for Archival filing by Sub-MOC


Through the above explanation we can see, accordingto the Former Interim Measures, the examination and approval of Sub-MOCrequires foreign investors to provide proof of credit, and merged company toprovide the employees resettlement plan, the disposition report of the claimsand debts, the affiliation report and the evaluation report of assets, etc.Preparation for these documents is cumbersome and time-consuming. Whereas underthe archival filing management, above documents are no longer required, andonly need to truthfully fill in Application Form for the archival filing of theIncorporation of Foreign-Funded Enterprises , and issue the CommitmentLetter  signed by all investors. Therequired information is greatly simplified.


Matters Considered


According to the New Interim Measures, foreign investors and the merged enterprises should pay attention to the following matters when preparing the above materials:

(1) 文件原件为外文的,应同时提交中文翻译件,并应确保中文翻译件内容与外文原件内容保持一致,建议聘请专业的翻译公司进行翻译。

Where any of the aforesaid documents is in foreign language, a Chinese translation shall also be submitted at the same time. The foreign-funded enterprise or its investors shall ensure that the content ofChinese translation is consistent with that of the original document in foreign language.It is recommended to hire a professional translation company to translate them.

(2) 在填写《设立变更申报表》和草拟外商投资企业最终实际控制人股权架构图时,最终实际控制人需披露到自然人或上市公司这一层。

When filling out Application Form for archival filing ofIncorporation of Foreign-Funded Enterprises and drafting the equity structure diagram of foreign-invested enterprise’s actual controllers, the ultimateactual controller needs to be disclosed to the layer of natural person orlisted company.

(3) 如并购可能涉及到经营者集中的,需在获得商务部反垄断局审查结果后,方可进行备案程序。如不能确定是否构成经营者集中,建议事先向反垄断局提交书面咨询函进行咨询。

If mergers and acquisitions may involve theconcentration of operators, approval results of Anti-Monopoly Bureau of MOCshall be required before the archival filing procedures. If it can not confirmwhether or not operator concentration is determined, it’s advised to submit awritten consultation letter for advice to the Anti-Monopoly Bureau.

(4) 为了提高效率,建议事先将《设立变更申报表》需要填写的信息均准备好,然后再在线填报,从而缩短准备备案资料所需时间。

In order to improve efficiency, it is advisable toprepare the information required by Application Form for the archival filing ofthe Incorporation of Foreign-Funded Enterprises in advance and then fill itonline, so as to shorten the time required to prepare for the archival filing.

(5) 备案时,所有需要由外国投资者盖章的文件都需其加盖公章并经法定代表人签字或加盖法定代表人的个人私章。

When handling archival filing, all documents neededto be stamped by foreign investors shall be stamped with official seals and signed by the legal representative or stamped with the legal representative’spersonal private seal.


The process is simpler and more flexible


According to the Former Interim Measures, theexamination and approval of –Sub-MOC is the prerequisite for industrial and commercial registration. Whereas in accordance with the New Interim Measures,all investors may before the issuance of the business license or the foreign-invested enterprise may within 30 days after the issuance of the business license, fillout and submit on line the Application Form for the archival filing of theIncorporation of Foreign-Funded Enterprises and related documents through the integrated management system for the archival filing procedures ofestablishment. The whole process is more simple and flexible.


The processingtime is greatly shortened


In accordance with the original examination andapproval process, the Sub-MOC may finish examination and approval procedureswithin 15 working days in the receipt of complete materials. Whereas inaccordance with the new archival filing procedures, the sub-MOC shall completearchival filing within 3 working days. The required time is shortened greatly.



The Effect of the New Interim Measures


Overall,in this amendment of the Interim Measures, the biggest breakthrough is that the administrative process for foreign investors to merge domestic enterprises without foreign investment and to invest in domestic listed companies changes from previous pre-approval system to archival filing system. Whether theprocess, required materials or processing time all become more simplified,convenient and efficient. This changes improve the predictability, also savetime and cost for foreign investors to merge domestic enterprises. Theabove-mentioned amendments have further deepened the national treatment forforeign-invested enterprises, and the reform of foreign investment managementsystem has taken a substantial step in the direction of administrativesimplification and power devolution and service optimization. The authorbelieves that the introduction of the New Interim Measures will further acceleratethe pace of acquisition of domestic companies by foreign investors.


