
Adversity is not , can be a burn?

Paul Hu Inossem英诺森 2020-03-13

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文:Paul Hu


我们参加工作不久就遇到了SARS,感觉时间突然慢下来了,沉寂取代了喧嚣,往日忙碌的生产线似乎平静下来了。有的同事重新拿起书本开始追求更高的学历,有的同事开始谈恋爱,有的同事则沉迷于各类游戏。这也是我第一次对发烧(发热)充满了恐惧。各大医院纷纷挂起醒目的牌子-发热门诊。我那时候正在参加人生的第一个ERP项目。我记得实施的版本是R3 40B,上线前好像升级到了46C。一个Rollout的项目,法国人说啥就是啥,一直跟着学些PP(Production Planning)模块。非典爆发的时候,我们正在准备上线。原本设想很忙碌的场景,用户培训、数据转换之类的,结果发现人也没有了,数也不见了 – 因为生产任务没有了。我闲下来就不停的去做系统测试,总是会发现各种各样的问题,经常要请教各路人马,搞得有点烦,所以我着手把SD、MM、QM、CO-PC这些核心场景需要用到的功能都学习了一遍,确保自己能够在各种恶劣的开发/测试环境中,都可以把场景全部做完,并且不求人。那时候网络也是个问题,所以我找了Basis兄弟帮忙装了一套R/3 472的IDES在一块硬盘上,并且刻录了一套Online Help,这样回到宿舍也能玩。这块硬盘后来一直跟着我去了好多地方,直到有一年春天,我把这块硬盘装在一台电脑上,放在阳台,没想到一个雷劈下来,主板带硬盘统统都烧掉了,可惜了好久。这块硬盘的IDES里面记录我解决很多问题的一些方法,可配置物料、递归BOM、联产品成本核算、多工厂MRP之类,还有一些增强、ALE/IDoc,都是在那套IDES上面练出来的。想想还是挺可惜。我后来转战能源行业,很少跟制造业的客户打交道了,这些知识也慢慢的忘记了。








  1.   任何时候,人身安全是第一位的。请我们的经理及时关注各自团队(项目组)成员(含外协人员)的身体状态以及所在地的情况。有任何异常的情况,及时跟应急指挥小组进行沟通。所有的同事务必如实的提供必要的信息,这个很重要,既是对自己负责,也是对大家负责。在关乎人身安全这一点,请大家一定不要马虎。我们也会对各种信息做Double Check,确保真实有效。

  2. 关注有效信息,避免恐慌。自媒体过于发达的后遗症就是信息爆炸,以至于普通的老百姓很难分辨信息本身的真伪,尤其我们的上一辈。所以,请大家关注官方信息,以及大牌媒体的信息,也可以从多个信息源进行交叉验证。大家不要根据各种小道消息,贸然采取各种措施。

  3. 对于从事现场交付工作的同事们,请在项目经理的统一协调下,跟客户做好沟通。尤其在我们承担了核心业务系统建设与运行的项目中,我们的项目经理要跟客户做好工作上安排,建立起现场与远程的协同工作机制,确保系统的稳定运行。我们的所有远程协同工具,包括视频会议等,都可以随时为项目组所使用。对于在远程工作模式下,项目经理要与客户及时落实资源与使用规则,在确保信息安全的情况,提高工作效率。

  4. 所有的经理立即梳理2月份(尤其是2月份前2周)的工作计划以及资源安排,根据办公室所在地的情况以及客户项目所在地的要求,把计划和资源部署做到位,避免不必要的浪费或者资源的临时性短缺。

  5. 在目前这种情况,我们预计第一季度国内业务的增长可能会低于预期,因此,我们的资源要往海外倾斜,去年由于产能的限制,我们在海外积压了不少事情,我已经请谧总重新安排各种计划,加快海外项目的交付进度。所以,请一部分同事要做好跨地域跨时区工作的准备,主要是产品和研发部门。

  6. 请全体同事都不要浪费这样难得的闲暇时光,在休息好以及陪伴好亲人的同时,抓紧学习。大家都在浪费时间的时候,你在学习,你就领先了大家。当然,学什么东西,大家自己拿主意。我们在In-Share有很多项目资料,也有很多管理类和技术类的书籍资源,请大家吃好躺好学习好。谢辉同志也在节前帮大家准备好了各类演示系统,要想进系统操作练习的伙计们,也是没问题的。

  7.  经过这样一次事情之后,你来总结一下这段时间内发生的事情,你会发现:有很多时间陪伴家人、也学到了不少知识、同事们之间的感情又加深了,当然在医学方面的长进肯定也是有的。


English Version

Our WeChat group is full of paragraphs brought about by "new Coronavirus", but we have a little bit worried. When will this epidemic end, and how it will affect our lives, work and other activities? Although our generation has not experienced three years of natural disasters and the Cultural Revolution, as our parents did, we have our own’s experience.

We encountered SARS shortly after I left the school. It felt like time suddenly slowed down. Quietness replaced the hustle and bustle of the production line in the past seemed to calm down. Some colleagues picked up books and started pursuing higher education(Master, Doctor...), some colleagues began to fall in love, and some colleagues were addicted to various internet games, e.g. star war. This is also the first time I have been full of fear of fever. Major hospitals have hung up eye-catching signs-fever clinics. I was participating in the first ERP project at that time. I remember that the ERP version implemented was R3 40B. It seemed to be upgraded to 46C before going live. It is a Rollout project, the French say what it is. I had been learning PP (Production Planning) module. When SARS broke out, we were preparing to go live. I originally forecasted a very busy scene, user training, data conversion, etc., but the fact was opposite, because production load were reduced more. When I was idle,  didn't stop doing system testing. I always found various problems. So I had learnt core functions used to ensure that I can finish the end2end scenario, like MM, SD, QM, CO-PC.

The impact of the 2008 earthquake was very different. Because it was an instantaneous event, the immediate response was that my loved ones were still absent. When I found that various communication tools were not easy to use, I was still very panicked. Immediately after running from the high-rise building of the power-grid company to the parking lot, I immediately felt that the organization was different. The chief of the company, although wearing a large vest and messy hair, the image does not look beautiful, but he was very calm, and after a little stabilization, he immediately called the executive team member to have an emergent meeting, all VPs was together Standing in a corner of the parking lot. He spoke very powerfully, and I still remember a few points: 

1. The chief engineer was required to return to the building with dispatchers to ensure the normal operation of the power grid; 

2. Immediately start the emergency procedures and establish the emergency steering committee; 

3. Count the casualties of the personnel; 

4. Immediately Get in touch with the headquarters and the government to report the current status and understand the overall situation. 

The scene where the chief engineer entered the dispatch building looked a little tragic at that time, and a lean back walked into the still-shaking building without hesitation. The impact on me at the time was that even in the most difficult situations, as long as the system was orderly, organized, and properly commanded, most of them could be effectively resolved. This is the power of organization.

Today, a considerable number of colleagues in our company are already parents. At home, they are the backbone. In the company, they are the backbone. Therefore, we are naturally the main body to deal with such emergencies and crises. According to the status of the epidemic, the company's emergency procedures have been initiated. General Manager Shi led the team, Zhang Qi, Zhao Dong, Qiu Shuang, and Sissy formed our emergency management team, and key messages have begun to be released. Please strictly implement the instructions of the emergency command team, timely feedback team and personal information, and actively put forward suggestions. Here I would like to highlight a few points:

1. At all times, personal safety comes first. I ask our managers to pay attention to the physical status of the members of your team  (including freelancers/contractors) and the situation in the location. If there is any abnormal situation, please communicate with the emergency management team in time. All colleagues must provide the necessary information truthfully. This is very important. It is both responsible to yourself and everyone. If the business is gone, you can explore new business opportunities. If the company is gone, you can make another one. But if people are gone, there is no way to create one. As far as personal safety is concerned, everyone must not be sloppy. We will also double check all kinds of information to ensure the truth and validity.

2. Focus on valid information and avoid panic. The aftermath of the over-developed media is the explosion of information, making it difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the authenticity of the information itself, especially our previous generation. Therefore, please pay attention to get information from the authority and the big-brand media. You can also cross-validate the information from multiple sources.

3. For colleagues who are engaged in on-site delivery, please follow the indicator form your project manager. Especially in the projects where we have undertaken the construction and operation of core business systems, our project managers have to make arrangements with customers to establish on-site and remote collaborative working system to ensure the reliable run of the system. All our remote collaboration tools, including video conferencing, are available to the project team at any time. For the remote work mode, the project manager have to ensure information security.

4. All managers immediately sort out the work plan and resource arrangements for February (especially the first 2 weeks of February), and plan and resource deployment in accordance with the situation of the office location and the requirements of the client project to avoid unnecessary waste or a temporary shortage of resources.

5. In the current situation, we expect that the growth of domestic business in the first quarter may be lower than expected. Therefore, our resources must be tilted overseas. Last year, due to the limitation of production capacity, we had a lot of backlog overseas. I have already Please re-arrange various plans to speed up the delivery of overseas projects. Therefore, I invite some colleagues to be prepared to work across regions and time zones, mainly in the product and R & D departments.

6. Please all colleagues not to waste such rare leisure time, while rest and accompany good loved ones, study hard. We put a lot of management and technical book resources in In-Share. Mr. Xie Hui also prepared a variety of demonstration systems for everyone before the festival. Those who want to practice system operation will be fine.

7. After such an event, you can sum up what happened during this period of time, you will find that: I have spent a lot of time with my family, I also learned a lot of knowledge, and my relationship between colleagues has deepened, of course, in medicine There has certainly been progress in this area.

Adversity is not , can be a burn?


● 微信号 : Inossem ●


