
PEP版六年级英语下册Recycle 微课视频|朗读|同步练习

点右边关注我→ 绿色圃六年级资源 2021-08-09


Recycle Mike\'s Happy Days 迈克的快乐时光

Day 4 Mike\'s day on the farm 第四天 迈克在农场的日子

Now read about Mike and Bill\'s game. 现在看迈克和比尔的游戏。

There are three pictures. 有三张图片。

1. Show one picture. 展示一张。

Bill: It\'s an elephant. It\'s big. 这是一头大象。很大。

2.Get another picture, but don\'t turn it over. 拿另一张图片,但是不要翻过来。

Bill: Guess! Is this bigger or smaller than the elephant? 猜猜!这个比大象大还是小?

Mike: I think it\'s bigger than the elephant. 我觉得比大象大。

Bill: No, it isn\'t. It\'s smaller. Look. It\'s a tiger. 不。它更小。看,是一只老虎。

3.Show the last picture. 展示最后一张图片。

Bill: Look. The other card is a whale. 看。另一张卡片是鲸鱼。

Mike: So the whale is the biggest, and the tiger is the smallest. 所以鲸鱼是最大的,老虎是最小的。

Day 5 Mike and his new friends 第五天 迈克和他的新朋友们

Mike\'s PPT about his school life. 麦克的关于他学校生活的幻灯片。

I go to school from Monday to Friday.  我每周一到周五去上学。

My favourite day is Monday. 我最喜欢星期一。

On Monday I have maths, English, music and PE. 星期一我有数学、英语、音乐和体育课。

I like PE best. 我最喜欢体育。

Maths is my first class. 数学是我的第一节课。

I often answer maths questions. 我经常回答数学问题。

Sometimes they\'re difficult. 有时它们很难。

In English class, I read many English stories, 英语课,我读很多英语故事。

and I like to speak English with my friends. 我喜欢和朋友们说英语。

I play the piano or sing songs in music class. 我在音乐课弹钢琴或唱歌。

This is very noisy and often great fun. 很吵但是很有意思。

In the afternoon I have PE class. 下午我有体育课。

I sometimes play football or exercise in the gym. 我有时踢足球或在体育馆锻炼。

I\'m not good at running, but I like football best! 我不擅长跑步,但是我最喜欢足球。

Day 7 Mike\'s surprise 迈克的惊喜

Mike\'s school sent him an invitation. 迈克的学校给了他一张请柬。

Dear Friends, 亲爱的朋友,

It is time to leave our school. 到了离开校园的时候了。

We are all going to middle school soon, 我们很快就要上中学了,

so we will say goodbye to each other. 所以我们要对彼此说再见。

We are going to have a farewell party. You can bring your friends. 我们将举办一个告别派对。你可以带朋友来。

Place: Our music room Time: Friday 3 p.m. 地点:我们的音乐教室 时间:星期五下午三点

Activities: 活动:

We will draw pictures and sing songs.  我们画画和唱歌。

We are going to give prizes for the best pictures.  我们给最好的图片颁奖。

We are going to have cake, candy and juice, too. Yum! 我们要吃蛋糕、糖果和果汁。美味!

We will also give prizes to our good students. 我们还要给优秀同学颁奖。

Who studied hard? Who wrote the best story? 谁学习努力?谁写了最好的故事?

Who did the best homework? 谁做的作业最好?

We will listen to music, play games and dance. 我们会听音乐,玩游戏和跳舞。

It will be great fun. See you at the party! 一定会很有趣。派对见!

What are they going to do at the party? 他们要在派对做什么?

Who is going to the party? Listen and tick. 谁要参加派对?听并打勾。

Hi, Zhang Peng. Did you hear about the party? 你好,张鹏。你听说派对的事了吗?

No, I didn\'t. What party? 没。什么派对?

It\'s a farewell party. 是告别派对。

They are going to begins at private. 要私下举办。

Where is it? 在哪举办?

In the music room, on the seond floor. Near the teacher\'s office. 在二楼的音乐教室。在教师办公室附近。

Is Wu Yifan going?  吴亦凡去吗?

Yes, Robin is going, too. 是的,罗宾也去。

What about John? 乔恩呢?

He is ill. He isn\'t going. He should rest and get some sleep. 他病了不去。他需要休息并睡觉。

That\'s a pity. What time is the party? 很遗憾。派对几点?

At 3 p.m. on Friday. It will be great. 下午三点。一定会很棒。

OK. See you there. 好,在那见。

Day 8 A farewell party 第八天 告别派对

Read the chant. 读歌曲

The party is on Friday. 派对在星期五。

It\'s time to say goodbye. 到了告别的时候了。

We won\'t sing any sad songs, 我们不会唱悲伤的歌曲。

And we\'ll have lots of fun. 我们会玩的很开心。

The party is on Friday. 派对在星期五。

We\'ll dance and sing and play. 我们唱歌跳舞和玩耍。

Don\'t be late for the party. 别迟到。

We\'ll have a happy, happy day. 我们会度过很开心的一天。 

The party is on Friday. 派对在星期五。

It\'s time to say goodbye. 到了告别的时候了。

We won\'t sing any sad songs, 我们不会唱悲伤的歌曲。

And we\'ll have lots of fun. 我们会玩的很开心。

The party is on Friday. 派对在星期五。

We\'ll dance and sing and play. 我们唱歌跳舞和玩耍。

Don\'t be late for the party. 别迟到。

We\'ll have a happy, happy day. 我们会度过很开心的一天。

Now it’s your turn. 现在该你唱了。

Story time 故事时间

Zip: I have some good news and some bad news. 我有一个好消息和一个坏消息。

Zoom: What is it? 是什么?

Zip: I\'m going away for a long time. 我要离开很久。

Zoom: I\'m sorry to hear that. 很遗憾听到这种消息。

Zoom: Where are you going? 你要去哪?

Zip: America. My father has a new job there. 美国。我爸爸在那有份新工作。

Zoom: That is good news for your father. It\'s sad news for me. 对你爸爸来说是个好消息。对我是坏消息。

Zip: Me too. 对我也是。

Zoom: Are you going to a new school? 你要去新学校吗?

Zip: I\'m going to a new middle school. I\'ll be in Grade 7. 我要去新中学。上七年级。

Zoom: Will you promise to write to me? 你 你会给我写信吗?

Zip: Of course. 当然。

Zoom: Take care. 保重。

Zip: Take care. 保重。




1. Please pass _______ (I) the fork.

2.There _______ (be) five math books.

3.We’ll have lots of _______ (fun).

4. _______ (have) a good trip!

5.What _______ (do) he often do on the weekend?


1. are   doing   you  what


2. season   you  like  which  best  do


3. usually  on   go  home   foot   I


4. day  it  what  today  is


5. played  football  yesterday  I


2. Sunday   My   day   favorite   is




This is our classroom. It is very big and bright. I like it very much. There are 36 desks in the classroom. There are 30 students in our class. Amy is our English teacher. She is 32 years old. She is a good teacher.

 (   ) 1. Amy is our math teacher.

(   ) 2. There are 13 students in our class.

(   ) 3. Amy is a good teacher.

(   ) 4. Amy is 32 years old.

(   ) 5. The classroom is small.




1. me   2. are   3. fun   4. Have   5. does

二、1.What are you doing?

2. Which season do you like best?

3. I usually go home on foot.

4.What day is it today?

5. I played football yesterday.

6. My favorite day is Sunday.

三、1. F   2. F   3. T   4.   5. F




1. go (过去式)       _______       2. heavy(比较级)________

3. thin(比较级    ________        4. is(过去式)________

5. watch(过去式)  ________        6. big (比较级)________

7. go (第三人称单数) ________        8. have(过去式)________

9. play (第三人称单数) ________       10. swim(现在分词 ________


1. He ________ (go) fishing every weekend.

2. She ________ (have) an egg and milk for breakfast every morning.

3. Mike and John often ________ (play) football together.           

4. I usually ________ (do) homework after dinner.

5. Miss White often ________ (walk) to school.


1. 我们去年照了许多相  We ________ many ________ last ________.

2. 我们昨天乘车去了广州  We ________ a bus ________ Guangzhou yesterday.

3. 你吃了好东西吗?   Did you ________ ________ ________?

4. 我昨天在花园里看见了Tom  ________Tom in the garden yesterday.

5. 上周我们去爬山了  We ________ a mountain last ________.

6. 我的爱好唱歌  My hobby is ________ .

7. 我去年冬天和Sarah 去滑雪  Sarah and I ________ skiing last winter.

8. 我买了邮票吗  Did you ________ stamps for me?

9.爸爸上周二他买了一个风筝 Dad ________ a kite for ________ last Tuesday.

10. 他每晚在家学英语  He ________ ________ at home every evening.


1. What are you doing now? (read a book)



2. What is he doing now? (draw)



3. What did you do last weekend? (see a film)



4. What do you often do on the weekend? (do homework)






1. went   2. heavier   3. thinner   4. was   5. watched

6. bigger  7. goes     8. had      9. plays  10. swimming

二、1. goes  2. has  3. play  4. do    5. walks

三、1. took photos year  2. took to  3. eat anything good  4. saw  5. climbed week  6. singing   7. went   8. buy   9. bought him   10. learns English

四、1. I’m reading a book.  

2. He is drawing.  

3. I saw a film.  

4. I often do homework.








