
教科版(广州)六年级英语下册Module5 Unit10 微课视频 | MP3朗读 | 同步练习

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Unit  10

natural  [ˈnætʃrəl]  自然的

beauty  [ˈbjuːti]  美景

waterfall  [ˈwɔːtəfɔːl]  瀑布

Chinatown  [ˈtʃaɪnətaʊn]  唐人街

Toronto  [təˈrɒntəʊ]  多伦多

passport  [ˈpɑːspɔːt]  护照

book  [bʊk]  订购

ticket  [ˈtɪkɪt]  票

airport  [ˈeəpɔːt]  飞机场

land  [lænd]  着陆,陆地



Unit 10 I can’t wait to see you.


Thanks so much for inviting me to visit you in Canada. I can't wait to see you. I'm very excited to stay with your family. I can speak English every day and learn more about your country. And I can save money, too. Don't worry, I will buy you a present with that money.

I know Canada is famous for its natural beauty, so I really want to see the beautiful lakes and waterfalls. And I plan to visit Chinatown in Toronto, too.

I finally got my passport last week and I booked my plane ticket today. I will arrive at the airport next month, onJune 12th. The plane lands at 1:00 p.m. I'm so excited!

See you then, Li Hua






【知识点一】thanks for / thank you for doing….这个句式用来表示对别人为做某事的感谢。for是介词,其后要接名词或者动名词。例如:

Thank you for inviting me to your party.

Thanks for your letter. 谢谢你给我写的信。


【知识点二】invite 动词,邀请    名词是:invitation

1.invite+sb. 邀请某人

2.invite+sb.+to do sth. 邀请某人做某事


【知识点三】visit 拜访、参观;

visit sb. /sp. 拜访某人/某地

He was the first pope to visit the White House.  


This afternoon we're going to visit a friend in hospital.



【知识点四】can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事

I can't wait to go home. 我迫不及待想回家



exciting: adj. 令人兴奋的, 使人激动的,主语是物或事;

excited: adj.兴奋的:处于激动状态的;兴奋的;激昂的, 主语为人较多 .


This movie is so exciting. 这部电影真让人兴奋、激动。

she's so excited about the coming holiday. 


She is very excited to watch the match. 



【知识点六】buy 买

buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 给某人买….

My mother always buys me some chocolates .I bought a present her yesterday.



【知识点七】book 订购     book ticket 订票

I booked a plane ticket yesterday.  我昨天订购了一张机票。


【知识点八】land  动词,登陆、到达

The plane will land at 1:00 p.m. 




(   )1.A.wait        B.excited   C. speak

(   )2.A.about     B.with        C. learn

(   )3.A.Canada   B.Paris       C.Wellington

(   )4.A.booked   B.got         C. land

(   )5.A.lovely     B.really       C. finally


(   )1. She ______a present _____ me yesterday.     

A buy , for    

B. bought , for    

C. bought , to

(   )2.I plan ______Chinatown in Toronto.

A. to visit      B. visiting

C. visited      D visit

(   )3.Thanks for______some candies to me.

A give         B to give     

C giving      D gives

(   )4.I can ______English well.

A speak    B say   

C said       D talk

(   )5.I can’t wait______ you the good news.

A tell         B to give   

C to tell    D give

(   )6.I learned something ______your country.

A to           B on

C about     D with  

(   )7.There _____ some money in the bag yesterday.     

A is         B was

C are      D were

(   )8.We_____Beijing the day before yesterday .  

A. leave     B. leaves

C. left        D. will leave

(   )9.--____ will you go there ?     --I will go by bike.

A How          B What     

C Where       D When

(   )10.Where will you ____ travelling ?   

A go           B went

C goes        D going


1.This is a p_____ t_____.

2.Last year I s_____ much m_____ for travelling.

3.Canada is famous for its n_____ b_____.

4.There is a w_____ in Guizhou ,China.

5.The plane finally l_____ at 8:05 p.m. yesterday evening.


third   rowed  Lake    took    went

train   had    holiday   bought   saw

I went to Hangzhou on my 1.__________ . I went there by 2.__________ . On the first day, I visited the West 3._________ with my parents . We 4.________ a boat and 5.________ many pictures . On the second day , We 6._________ shopping . I 7._________ some presents for my friends . On the 8.__________ day ,we went to a zoo . We 9.__________ many animals .They are cute. I 10.__________ a lot of fun on my holiday .


--What did you 1.______(do) on the weekend , Kate ?

-- I 2._______(go) hiking and 3._______(climb) a mountain. In the afternoon,

I 4.______(play)football with friends. Then I 5._______(watch)TV at home.

What about you , Sam?

--I 6.______(take) a trip to Tangshan. I 7.____(go) to Dazhao Park with my mother. I 8.______(see) the flowers. I 9._____(take)many pictures. I 10.______(eat) French fries. I 11._________(buy) presents for my dad with my mother. I 12.______(have) a good time.

--How 13._____(do) you go there?

--I 14._____(go) by bus.

--How long did you get there?

--It 15._____(take) me 30 minutes.


(   )1.Where will you go ?   

(   )2.How will you go there?

(   )3.What did you do last night?

(   )4.What will you do tomorrow?

(   )5.Did you have a good time?

A. I saw a film.

B. We will visit our friends.

C. I will go to Beijing.

D. Yes, I did.

E. We will go there by air.


Tom and Fred are students.They are both twelve years old and they are in the same class in their school.

Last Friday afternoon , they had a fight in class.Their teacher Mr. Lee was very angry. He said, “Stay here after the lessons this afternoon , write your name a hundred times.”After the last lesson , all the other children went home. But Tom and Fred stayed in the classroom with Mr. Lee. They began to write their names . After a while , Fred cried. Mr. Lee looked at him and said,“Why are you crying ?” “Because  his name is Tommy , but my name is so long. My name is Frederick Hollingsworth .” Fred said.

(  )1.Tom and Fred are both 20 years old.

(  )2. Tom and Fred had a fight last Friday.

(  )3.Mr. Lee was very angry.

(  )4.Tom and Fred didn’t stay in the classroom after the last lesson.

(  )5.Fred cried because he couldn’t write his name.


二、1-5 BACAC    6-10 CBCAA   


1.plane ticket

2.saved , money

3.natural beauty




1.holiday 2. train 3.Lake 4.rowed  5.took  

6.went  7.bought  8.third  9.saw 10.had


1.do  2.went 3.climbed 4.played 5.watched  

6.took  7.went  8.saw  9.took   10.ate

11.bought   12.had  13.did  14.went  15.took

六、C E A B D



