
都会晶彩 | 小而美的高氧住宅

普利斯设计集团 普利斯设计集团placedesigngroup 2022-09-11


Designed by Place Design Group Shanghai Office 

The oversite of The Metropolis is a compact area that contains four residential towers, two of which are linked via an elevated landscaped podium (completed works) and the commercial and office precinct (currently under final approvals).


The smaller scale of the residential precinct consists of primarily two main landscaped courtyards for residents. The clients strong desire to provide all the facilities expected in a modern, urban complex has ensured that the Landscape Architects' focus was on internal links/function as well as links to the greater external community. Overall the residential buildings set within landscaped green gardens provide a contemporary green oasis in the greater urban context for residents to enjoy.


The central main path is shaped like an elongated triangle and becomes progressively wider towards the main courtyard and water features. As you move along the path views open out internally towards the gardens and a larger paved area is created that contains the central pavilion and resident’s plaza/ gathering space.


The shadows make patterns on the ground created by the avenue trees lining the pathway.


The pavilions were designed as simple modern structures that would sit lightly within the landscape. Conscious that the winter months can be blanketed by snow, coloured elements were introduced into screens to provide contrast to the greens of the planting and the white of the snow at the various times of the year.


The patterns of the screens provide visual interest as well as directing pedestrian flows and give privacy to users.


Within each of the courtyard spaces a pergola is provided with the main plaza space adjacent to the water feature being the larger of the two. This is detailed to allow groups to meet and communicate with the water adjacent providing sound and cooling air in summer.


The water feature contains a combination of cascading fountain wall and ground fountains. The high wall provides privacy between the main function space and the residents building nearby, as well as helping to increase the sound of the water within the landscape.


The modern simple urban benches on both sides of the footpath plaza are decorated with golden mosaic patterns.


These elegant patterns appear in feature walls, benches and paving, adding fine detail to the stone and psychologically connecting the landscape elements as a whole.


To the east of the main lawn a children’s playground with vibrant colors is connected to an adult activity zone which satisfies varied needs for children and adults together.


Working within the overall scale of the courtyard we created mounds that provide active play and opportunities to overlook the site. Facilities for play to all ages have been incorporated that link to the sites EVA roads to further extend the scope/ opportunities of the recreation facilities.


In the evening parents can join their children on the mounds to watch the sun set.


The secondary courtyard is a passive activity space, a complement to the active central plaza. 


The courtyard is dominated by a large open lawn free from built elements to focus on the garden. Curving planting beds and large trees provide a comfortable space to relax and enjoy the shade provided under the pergola.


The pergola has similar design elements to the larger central one and stands at the corner of the courtyard – there is no better place to sit for an afternoon contemplating or communicating with friends. 


Unusual in residential gardens there is a linking roof garden between two of the residential buildings at the level of the first floor. This garden allows residents easy access to an easily supervised outdoor space that has a simple function lawn and seating.


Designed as a low maintenance space the artificial lawn has simple tables and chairs that can be arranged as the users like to allow big groups or small gatherings/individuals to enjoy. Residents can enjoy views over the internal landscape courts from an elevated position.


Although the site is small it is very well equipped and detailed for residents to have all the recreational opportunities given by often larger projects. With the understanding that spaces are created for people, Place Design Group has created a highly desirable residential community to cater for residents now and into the future!


Project: The Metropolis 


Client: CapitaLand China


Location: Kunshan, Jiangsu, China 


Photography: 看见摄影GAZE

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