





据报道,今年中国快递服务(courier services)将递送大约120亿件包裹。这将使中国有可能超越美国成为世界上最大的快递市场。大多数包裹里装着网上订购的物品。中国给数百万在线零售商以极具竞争力的价格销售商品的机会。仅在11月11日,中国消费者就从国内最大的购物平台购买了价值90亿美元的商品。中国有不少这样的特殊购物日。因此,快递业在中国扩展就不足为奇了。




It is reported that Chinese courier services will deliver about 12 billion parcels this year. This will enable China to overtake the US and become the world’s biggest delivery market. The majority of courier package contain items ordered online. China gives millions of online retailers the opportunity to sell goods at highly competitive prices. On 11 November alone, Chinese consumers bought $ 9 billion worth of products on the country’s biggest shopping platform. China has many special shopping holidays like this. So, it’s no surprise the courier industry is expanding in China.


14 points(14 分)


It is reported that the courier services in China will deliver about 12 billion pieces of package, which indicates that China may surpass the US to become the largest market for courier services. Most packages contain products ordered from the Internet. China has provided millions of online retailers with opportunities to sell their products at an extremely competitive price. On November 11th alone, Chinese consumers have purchased products that valued up to 9 billion dollars from the largest shopping platform in the country. Since there are quite a few special shopping festivals in China, it is not particularly surprising that courier services have expanded rapidly in China.


11 points(11 分)


It is reported that Chinese courier services will send about 12 billion packages this year, which may make China become the biggest courier market in the world in the place of America. Most of the packages carry  the items bought onthe Internet. China gives millions of retailers online the opportunities to sell products in extremely competitive price. Only on November 11th, Chinese consumers bought products valued 9 billion dollars from the biggeest shoppingplatform in China. There are many special shopping days in China. Therefore, it is not strange that courier services have been developing fast in China.


8 points(8 分)


It is reported that the courier services in China will deliver about 12 billion packages this year which may show that China would beat the USA to be the biggest courier market in the world. Most packages covers the products which are bought on-liine, for China gives millions of companies online opportunities to sell products in competitive price. Just in November 11th, the consumers in China bought more than 9 billion prices products from the largest business floor. China has many other unique consuming day like this, therefore, it’s not surprising the courier services expand in China.


5 points(5 分)


According to the report, this year courier services in China will send about 12 billion packets. It will make China over America to become the biggest courier market in the world. Most of packets are the things which buy from the Internet. China gives the opportunities to the millions of salesman to use the competitive price selling things. Just on Nov.11th, Chinese comasters bought 9 billion dollars things from the biggest shopping markets. China has many special shopping days like this like this. So it is not surprise that the the courier services can extend quickly in China.


2 points(2 分)


From the report, China courier services will delivery about 120 billion packages in this year. China will beyond America become most biggest courier all over the world. Most packages are goods of online shop. China offer for billions of detial shops that price of competitve sale the goods for a chance. On November 11st, the Chinese coonsumer who bought 90 million dollars goods on biggest China shop platform. China have many extraordinary shopping day. Even though, couriers will expand that not extrordinary in China.






Traditional Chinese hospitality requires that guests be offered a richvariety of dishes which are more than they could possibly finish. Typical menusin a Chinese banquet include a set of cold dishes to begin with, followed byhot dishes, such as meats, chicken, duck, and vegetables. A whole fish isconsidered essential for most banquets unless various seafoods have alreadybeen served. Nowadays the Chinese like to mix Western specialties withtraditional Chinese dishes, so it’s not unusual to see beef steaks served.Salads have also come into fashion even though traditionally Chinese tend torefuse anything uncooked. A banquet usually includes at least one soup, whichis likely to be served as the first or the last course. Desserts and fruitsgenerally signal the end of a banquet.


14 points

The traditional Chinese wayof treating guests requires hosts to prepare abundant and various dishes, and makethe guests unable to finish them all. The typical menu for a Chinese feast consistsof a set of cold dishes, which are served at the beginning and some hot dishes afterthat, such as meat, chicken, ducks and vegetables. In most feasts, a complete fishis considered necessary unless various kinds of seafood have been served. Nowadays,Chinese people like to mix western special dishes with traditional Chinese cuisine,so it is not rare to find steak on the table. In addition, salad has gained itspopularity constantly, even though Chinese people are not likely to eat dishes thathave not been cooked in tradition. There is generally a soup in a feast, which canbe served at the beginning or the end of the meal. Besides, desserts and fruitsoften mark the end of a feast.


11 points


The traditional Chinese wayto treat guests demands a variety of food which won’t be eaten up. A typical menuof Chinese dinner contains a series of cold dishes at the beginning and cooked foodlater, such as meat, chicken, duck and vegetables. Fish is thought to be necessaryin most formal dinners unless different kinds of seafood has been served. Nowadays,Chinese people like to combine special food from Western countries with traditionalChinese food. As a result, beef is not rare at Chinese dinner. Salad has been moreand more popular, although Chinese don’t eat any uncooked food traditionally. Therewill be at least one soup at dinner, which can be served at first or at last. Dessertsand fruits are usually a sign of the end of dinner.




The Chinese traditional wayof treating guests requires that the food in a dinner should be various and morethan what guests could eat up. A typical list of a Chinese dinner including a setof cold dishes at the beginning, followed by hot dishes such as meat, chicken, vegetablesand so on. In most dinners, it is thought that an entire fish is unlackable exceptthat all kinds of seafood have been provided. Nowadays, Chinese people prefer tocombine western typical food with traditional Chinese food in a dinner. So it’snot rare to see steak being provided. Salad is beginning to become popular as well,even though traditional Chinese people don’t eat anything uncooked. There shouldusually be a kind of soup at least, which can be served at the beginning or at theend of a dinner. Deserts and fruits usually mark the end of dinner.




The tradition of Chinese treatmentto guests is that the food must be much enough to let guests be unable to finish.The traditional food in China includes the beginning cool food and hot food next,such as meat, chicken, vegetables and etc. In most parties, fish is considered tobe important, except that the seafood has been given. Nowadays, Chinese like tomix Western food and traditional Chinese food together, thus the pearl can be seenfrequently on the table. Sala has also gained its popularity, even though traditionally,Chinese people don’t eat any food without being fired. There’s at least one kindof soup on the table. It can be taken into the table firstly or lastly. Dessertsand fruits often mark the ending of the party.




In the way of Chinese traditionaltreat, the food should be many and too much to eat. Classical Chinese treat includessome cold dishes in the beginning, and than some hot dishes, like meat, vegetableand chiken. Often, the fish is must provided, expect there are many seafoods, now,Chinese like mix some west dishes in a Chinese traditional treat. So, beef is aoften dish. Salad also start to be popular. Although Chinese don’t eat any foodnot be cooked. Usually, there is at least a soup, in the start or the last. Dessertor fruit usually symbles that treat will be over.


