
大小作品 | 轻花园

大小景观 大小景观 2022-01-13

△轻花园 ©南西摄影





Landscape Design: Atelier Scale

Project Location: Shenzhen, China

Landscape Area: 1300㎡

Completion Year: 2020

总平面图 ©大小景观


散布在花园中的休闲时光 ©南西摄影

MixC World is the most popular commercial public space in Shenzhen, which is located by the most important urban artery - Shennan Boulevard. Within this crowded and busy commercial complex, we offer a "Light Garden" to the 6th floor of MixC World, with a unique nature experience.


Light Living


城市包裹下的一片绿色空间 ©南西摄影

Different from the hot spot of fashion, the "Light Garden" is a cool spot of MixC World where nature returns. Despite of the long and narrow shape of the site, we make good advantage of this small site and create a secret garden hidden in the city.


△跟随石板路进入花园 ©南西摄影

Stepping out of the club at the 6th floor, people are submerged by green in a sunken lounge, as an extension of the interior living room. The passage connecting the sunken lounge and central deck is fringed with layers of planting, creating a buffer to relief the pressure of the tall tower facade. 


△流水平台是主要的社交场所 ©南西摄影

△人们更愿意在户外交谈  ©南西摄影

△适宜不同人数的社交场所 ©南西摄影

被绿色包裹的社交场所 ©南西摄影

The Central Deck is composed of a series of moving terrace, offering social spaces accommodating flexible use based on different number of people.  Cascading water feature produces lively water form and white noise that creates relax atmosphere.


△随着流水走向东侧,视野逐渐开阔 ©南西摄影

△植物配合着空间逐渐打开 ©南西摄影

As people walk towards the east, the view is open gradually along with the rise of the path, and anchored with a viewing deck. Great view to the Dashahe River Park can be appreciated, while sitting and enjoying the tranquility in the viewing deck.


Light Tone


植物带来的放松感 ©南西摄影

进入更为自然细腻的隐秘花园 ©南西摄影

Planting design is critical to the Light Garden. We carefully arrange various combination of color, leaf form and height. Based on a light green tone, different functional spaces are set in small nuance of color and texture, offering different social atmosphere.


△植物的围合弱化了塔楼外墙带来的压迫感 ©南西摄影

植物缓和了过强的阳光 ©南西摄影

△植物过滤了城市的喧闹 ©南西摄影

By the guardrail, hedges (Ficus microcarpa L.f., Ficus pandurata Hance) are used to screen the noise below and enclose space for people's use. Ilex rotunda is used as accent tree with beautiful branching in anchor spots. Layers of green (Tabernaemontana divaricate, Strelitzia reginae) soften the sun light and shade comfortable space with changing shadow effect in different time of the day.

林下地被是层次丰富的“深圳绿”, 我们结合渐变的绿色,从黄绿色狐尾天门冬,浅绿波斯顿蕨,过渡到深绿的米兰和栀子,点缀银色叶银边草,配合轻盈的白色种植池,为场地定下自然明快的基调。地被叶片自由生长,探出种植带,模糊了软与硬的边界。

△层次丰富的植被一隅 ©南西摄影

△自由生长的地被,打破了“软”与“硬”的边界 ©南西摄影

The ground cover displays rich tones of green, which we call the Shenzhen Green (a vibrant green palate in sub-tropical Shenzhen). The color ranges from yellow green to dark green, with help of these plants- Asparagus densiflorus 'Myers', Nephrolepis exaltata, Aglaia odorata, Cape Jasmine. Together with light color stone planters, the setting presents a bright tone in term of environmental color. Wild growth of the shrubs blends the edge of softscape and hardscape.


Light Lift


△场地荷载条件与策略 ©大小景观

△地被种植平面图 ©大小景观

The design of garden starts after the completion of the building floor, therefore architecture has not made room for more soil weight of landscape, which highly limits the soil depth of the planting. To face this challenge, all landscape has to be set on a podium system to lighten the weight, and we have to come up with a partition strategy for the low soil depth condition. Strategically we break the site into three areas - 1.2m weight zone, 0.6m weight zone and 0.2m weight zone.


△ 树荫下的多层次平台与跌水串联 ©南西摄影

1.2m soil-depth zone - this area is the only area allows trees to grow, and the trees have to be aligned with the structural columns. We selected Celtis sinensis and Barringtonia racemosa, to offer shade and screen the sunshine with high branching for passing at the meantime.


△以多层的植物弱化设备间的界面 ©南西摄影

0.6m soil-depth zone - No trees are allowed here, shrub and ground cover only. We design a skinny metal louver for a 4-meter high ventilation room, and let Japanese Creeper (Parthenocissus tricuspidata) climb on the louver. City view opens up to the south, where we choose Chinese pennisetum (Pennisetum alopecuroides) to bring more wilderness to the garden and guide views towards outside.


△驻足停留,眺望城市远景 ©南西摄影

0.2m soil-depth zone - a 20-meter long corridor where only grass and light-weight movable planters are allowed. The east end has the best view towards the Dashahe River Park, where we design a light trellis to frame view and accommodate seating space for this special anchor point.


△人工种植过程 ©大小景观

Unpredictable site condition challenges construction largely. During construction, drains, gas pipes and facilities are found in different layout and elevation, compared to the provided pre-condition, and we have to cooperate and adjust design accordingly, when construction is continuing. Due to the late construction period (after building has already been put to use), materials and trees have to be transported with great carefulness and high efficiency.




△享受一些愉悦的陪伴 ©南西摄影

△夜晚的轻花园 ©南西摄影

△夜晚的轻花园 ©南西摄影

△夜晚的轻花园 ©南西摄影

With huge challenge and constraint of the site, we hope to use quiet design to solve these problems, and deliver a beautiful "Light Garden", as if it should be designed this way. In the garden, everyone can enjoy with their own way, finding some relax moment in the busy urban setting.



地点: 深圳,中国 



业主: 华润置地(深圳)有限公司


建筑规划:Foster+Partners / 建筑设计:CCDI




Design Name: The Light Garden

Project Name: Shenzhen CRLand MixC Apartment Rooftop Garden

Project Location: Shenzhen, China 

Landscape Design: Atelier Scale

Design Team: Huicheng Zhong, Di Wang, Qimei Ling, Shaozhong Yuan, Juan Lin, Yiliang Zhang, Jiahui Liang, Hao Lan

Client: CR Land Shenzhen 

Client Team: Zhiyuan Gu, Zongning Mo, Jianjun Zhang

Architect: Foster+Partners, CCDI

Landscape Construction Documentation: Hongrui Shenzhen

Landscape Construction Contractor: Shenzhen Yougaoya Construction

Photo Credit: Nancy Photography

- END -

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