
【视频】实现量子计算有哪些可能方案 | 姚期智

墨子沙龙 墨子沙龙 2019-04-08




自从2004年辞去普林斯顿大学终身教职回国后,姚期智始终活跃在教育第一线,他主导并与微软研究院共同合作,在清华创办了如今大名鼎鼎的「姚班」,培养出了一大批中国计算机科学的顶尖人才,其门生遍布国内外 AI 产业和计算机科学研究的各个关键领域。























当你这样想时,也许会认为最早提出科学计算机的不是图灵,而是古希腊的科学家-欧几里得,如果你认为自己可以利用尺子和圆规来研究几何学。你可能问这样的问题,你能计算哪些几何问题? 这真的是一个非常漂亮的计算理论系统,你可以加减乘除或者求平方根,现在量子计算是非常不一样的,它基于20世纪的现代物理学,它的设计原则非常晦涩并且反直觉。它在智力上是一件很让人激动的事情,某种意义上,我们都有机会成为第二个图灵,我认为 Turing,Church 和 Kleanie 所在的时代是一个伟大的时代。


那时Kurt Gödel刚刚发表了一个不完全性定理(哥德尔于1931年提出,他证明了任何一个形式系统,只要包括简单的初等数论描述,而且是自洽的,它必定包含某些系统内所允许的方法既不能证明真也不能证伪的命题), 计算的本质是什么似乎成了一个悬而未决的问题, 对很多研究者来说,那是一个思考, “计算的意义是什么”这一重要问题的黄金时期,这是该问题第一次被深入研究。


























And now I’m going to have a very succinct survey on the experimental side.And so, the leading technology for quantum computing, initially they were a dozen or twenty possible technologies for implementing the qubits and the processing unitsand then it seems that after a number of years they are some of the more promising ones.


I think that if you look at scientific papers, I think up to twenty bits. It’s fairly solid and with very high reliability. And now there are some announcement of some prototype in the making by IBM and Google that would go substantially toward the 100s-qubit mark. And if you really can do a good job, you will start to have some demonstrably very powerful ability. And the superconducting one, I think it's the one received the most attention in the public eye.


But the ion trap is also a technology that's fairly mature, and I think that they are both contenders. There are some newer types of technologies, and the one that I’m particularly impressed with is to use diamonds to do computers. Basically is the vanity factor that I would like to see quantum computers made of diamonds so that I can put it on my desk to show it to everyone.


And there are photonic computations that we can do the boson sampling and up to ten entangled (qubits). And by the way, this last piece of work was done in China, in the University of Science and Technology under professor Pan’s leadership.


People are now seem to be much more optimistic than before, and there are many talented, quantum physicists are working on building up the components of the quantum computers, and I’m just going to mention a few that come from our institute,their progress using diamond. I mean all these technologies -- they all have strengths and they have weaknesses. So they are not really saying that one is dominating the other.


So for example, the diamonds, I think right now the number of bits you can design and manufacture is smaller than the ion trap and the superconducting. But the diamonds have the property that can work in room temperature and it's solid. So therefore it makes it kind of remind us of the silicon. And so it has potential for development in the future.


And now the ion trap. First you have to you kind of produce the ions, and then you have the magnetic field to stabilize them and the line them up. And so they can work with qubits. And the ion trap, it’s good in some respect. It's very stable. The coherence time is now ten minutes. And so now I’m coming to the conclusion.


And the first one is that, I think that quantum computing is very exciting from the intellectual point of view aside from the utilitarian point of view. If we think about the quantum computing and classical computing that the classical computing the design principles are simple, logical and common sense.


And actually, I think the design principles can be appreciated, even by ancient scientists like Euclid, Archimedes, certainly Da Vinci. When come to think of it, perhaps the first scientific computer was not proposed by Turing, but actually by Euclid,I think the ancient Greeks. if you think that you can do geometry by using rulers and compasses, you can ask the question, what are the geometric things you can compute?


That really is a very beautiful system of computational theory. You can add, subtract, multiply and divide and actually take square roots. Now quantum computing is very different. It's based on the twentieth century modern physics. And its design principles are pretty opaque and are very non-intuitive. It's exciting intellectually, because in a sense, we are getting a second opportunity as Turing.


I think that the time of Turing and Church and Kleanie, they were -- those were great, big times. Kurt Gödel just published the incompleteness theorem and what is a computation becomes a question that seems to be in the air. And it's a great time for researchers to think about what's the meaning of computation – I mean such a huge concept.


The first time being doing research on. So it's immensely interesting it's like going to a virgin forest where nobody has been there before: any progress you can make is going to be important.


And now quantum computing gives us a second coming. So this is a second chance. And when you think about what can be done by quantum computers, you're going back to the drawing board. because potentially any physical device, any quantum device kind of experiment, process, is potentially a way for you to utilize and build quantum computers.


So that's why it's intellectually very -- as you can see there's immense possibilities -- just from the example I mentioned to you, you can think about the optical x-ray computer. And then you can think about how to utilize it to do extra computations, and what do you get. And so there is a very big intellectual space to explore.


And the second conclusion is that the progress in quantum computing is, I think the last fifteen or twenty years, I think it's remarkable. And now we are really talking about there are companies are making prototypes of up to 100 qubits. We are sort of into a mixture of the physics experiment and plus the engineering. Because the engineering aspect, say, when you're -- if you have to build superconducting quantum computers, you need a lot of electrical engineer to help you in order to do it.So engineering is starting to come into play.

Whenever engineers come into building something, I have immense hope and because I think that's a good sign. And another evidence for being optimistic is that there are many many countries that have put a lot of research money into quantum computing.

And even more tellingly, many of the leading IT companies are putting up a big quantum computing programs, so you can see that these are players who, I think, typically have good eyes.


And so it must be that they are also sensing that there is something on the verge of fruitful outcome. So, but we have to temper this with the caveat that building a really practical quantum computer, even though it could be entering the final stretch, but however it will be a really really tedious and difficult last mile. 


And finally, I’m going to go above quantum computing because you know that kind of computing has its own logic now that is going to happen sooner or later. And but we would like to lift ourselves a little bit more and intellectually and think about what is the position and the impact of quantum computing in the future of information science.

And in my view, among other things, I think nature has two really outstanding achievements.


One is that nature designs a very intricate law, namely the quantum laws whose consequences are so difficult to figure out analytically, making the world so interesting with many intriguing phenomena. And the second thing is that the nature, through evolution, has created a species (the humankind) whose brain is among the most complex in the universe, has really really amazing power to create and to make inferences.


And now let's see that how well we are on our way to sort of try to catch up with nature. If we are successful in building a quantum computer with a very large scale, then it means that that we finally have the ability to solve quantum equations. And it means that the physical laws as we know it -- we can actually also create things by making use of that knowledge, like nature.


So I think that we are entering the phase where we can hope certainly in the rest of the century, we will be able to make great progress. And what about the other one? Are we able to create intelligences that have the deviance ability like human minds? And now, actually there are computer scientists working hard on this.


I think it's called artificial intelligence. And so, I mean it's not exactly the brain’s intelligence, but is it possible for us to build up systems that would match the human brain? And so if in the next -- in the rest of the century, we make tremendous progress, then it'll be really nice that we also can claim ourselves that we can make things that match the nature in that regard. And we are making some progress on it, but we are still far from it.


And now, I mentioned that quantum computing and AI are two of the hottest trends there. And the question that really is inspiring for us to ask is that is there a chance through the progress of AI and quantum computing, if we can combine quantum and AI together so that using quantum algorithms to understand or to create new intelligence, maybe we can go beyond nature. 


If we can do that, then we have succeeded in building some super-intelligent systems

that nature has so far been unable to create. And I don't know how much that will be successful, but I think that is always good for us to have ideals so high up in the sky 

that we will keep ourselves humble and strive to improve ourselves.


Thank you very much.




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