

Sadhguru Isha 2021-11-23


Sadhguru: The moment we were born as human beings,somehow our lives got complicated. If we had come here as any other creature on this planet, life would be very simple. Eating, sleeping, reproducing and die one day. Now we have to do all those things, but somehow, where you are right now, wherever you may be is not enough, isn't it? 


You want to be little more then what you are right now. If you know only money, maybe you are thinking of little more money. If you know only pleasure, maybe little more pleasure. Power, little more power. Everybody is wanting to be little more then what they are right now. The process of desiring is continuously going on.


Whether you are going to work, or you are going to the bar, or you are going to the temple, or  you are getting married, or you are having children, you are studying in university, all this effort of life, everything was in persuit of happiness, is it so? In the last hundred years, with the use of science and technology, we have changed the very face of this planet. Today we have the kind of comfort and conveniences that no other generation could ever even imagine. We are definitely the most comfortable generation ever on this planet, isn't so? But are we also the most joyful generation? So it's not worked. 


Every creature, from plant to animal to everything, including humanbeings, have paied an enormous price to create this comforts and conveniences and we are not even happy, what is the point? We have engineered the world today in many ways so that it functions better for us, isn't it? We have done nothing about ourselves. It's time to really look at it, isn't it? The last 24 hours, how many moments of joy have you had? When we were five year of age of a child, how many moments of joy did you have in 24 hours? The whole equation has gotten reversed somehow, It doesn't matter where you are. You are sitting in a palace or in heaven, but your inner situation is not good,  it doesn't matter, isn't it?


This mind could have been a source of ecstasy, but this mind has become a source of misery for most people —— tension, anxiety, depression, why? You just don't know how to handle it, isn't it? See there is only one problem with your life, life is not happening the way you think it should happen, that's the only problem. Is there any other problem? Nobody around you will happen 100% your way, isn't it so?  Yes? Nobody happens your way, it's OK. The problem is, this one is not happening your way, that is the point, isn't it? People have concluded that stress  is a part of their life. Stress Is not a part your life,  it is just that, you do not know how to manage your body, you do not know how to manage your mind, you do not know how to manage your emotions, or your life energies, everything is happenning accidentally.


So if things happen your way, you have to begin to understanding the world,  that you have to engineer it. The same with you. No inner engineering has been done for you, isn't it? Just by accident you are trying to happen. Now I'm talking about creating the right kind of chemistry within you, where to be peaceful and blissful is just natural to you.











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