
逸仙电商正式收购法国Pierre Fabre集团旗下高端美妆品牌Galénic

逸仙电商 2022-09-25

逸仙电商正式收购法国Pierre Fabre集团
10月30日,中国美妆集团逸仙电商与欧洲最大的皮肤医学及护理集团之一——法国Pierre Fabre集团达成协议,收购其旗下高端美妆品牌Galénic,此项收购将于2020年11月1日生效。收购后,Pierre Fabre将持有Galénic品牌10%的少数股权。
上世纪70年代末,法国著名的药剂师、“医学护肤”理念之父Pierre Fabre先生在法国和其他欧洲市场推出了高端美妆品牌Galénic。只在高端药房销售的Galénic,凭借着在化妆品活性成分及药学研究方面的持续突破与创新,成为了法国经久不衰的经典美妆品牌之一。
逸仙电商表示,公司将持续支持该品牌在欧洲市场的发展,同时也会把Galénic引入中国这个全球最具活力的美妆市场,未来还将进入其它亚洲市场。在此过程中,逸仙电商会保留并发扬Galénic独有的法式品牌基因及内涵,同时与Pierre Fabre集团合作研发及生产Galénic的产品。
对于本次与Pierre Fabre集团合作,逸仙电商表示很有信心,通过融合其在产品研发和品牌建设上的强大实力和丰富经验,能进一步提升研发生产实力、加速产品创新迭代,并打造更加丰富的品牌矩阵。
逸仙电商创始人、CEO黄锦峰表示:“作为一个正在高速发展的年轻美妆集团,逸仙电商非常荣幸能够与Pierre Fabre集团建立战略合作伙伴关系。长期以来,法国品牌的优雅、时尚、精致,以及领先的研发技术,都深受中国消费者认可及喜爱。我们坚信,携手Pierre Fabre集团优秀的团队并结合其领先的能力,一定能够助推逸仙电商未来的发展。”
Pierre Fabre集团CEO Eric Ducournau亦表示:“对于Galénic品牌来说,逸仙电商是最理想的收购方。从Pierre Fabre集团战略角度而言,此次交易后将专注于医生处方级与病理性肌肤护理的品牌和产品研发。Galénic由我们集团的创始人Pierre Fabre先生亲手创办,在法国市场拥有悠久的历史和强大的品牌实力。我们相信逸仙电商会在中国市场延续这一切,并将品牌带入一个全新的高度。”







关于Pierre Fabre集团


2019年,Pierre Fabre集团的营业额达24亿欧元,业务遍及130个国家/地区。该公司的业务主要分为两个板块:医疗保健类及医学护肤类,前者针对皮肤病理学及肿瘤学,后者医疗护肤类则有雅漾(EAU THERMALE AVÈNE),护蕾(DUCRAY),康如(KLORANE),以及馥绿德雅(RENÉ FURTERER)等全球品牌。


Pierre Fabre集团86%的股权归属于由政府认证的公益基金会:Pierre Fabre Foundation,占股比第二的是其国际员工股权激励计划。在2019年,独立机构ECOCERT Environment根据ISO 26000对于可持续发展的标准,测试评估Pierre Fabre集团的CSR政策,将其评定为ECOCERT 26000卓越级。



Chinese beauty company Yatsen acquires

iconic skincare brand GALENIC from French group Pierre Fabre

Guangzhou (China), Castres (France); October 30, 2020 - Chinese beauty company Yatsen has acquired GALENIC, an iconic skincare brand, after reaching an acquisition agreement with French pharmaceutical and dermo-cosmetic group Pierre Fabre. The take-over will be effective on November 1st, 2020. Pierre Fabre will own a minority stake of 10% in the affiliate created by Yatsen to host Galénic assets in Europe.
GALENIC is a premium French skincare brand that was introduced in France and other European markets in the late 1970’s by Mr. Pierre Fabre, a renown French pharmacist and galenic genius who invented and expanded the dermo-cosmetic category worldwide. Over time, GALENIC has acquired iconic status in France through selective distribution in high-end pharmacies and a regular flow of breakthroughs in cosmetic actives and galenic innovations.
Yatsen will continue supporting the brand in Europe and will launch it in China, the most dynamic cosmetics market in the world, and in other Asian markets. Yatsen intends to capitalize on the French identity of the iconic brand in its communication and will entrust Pierre Fabre with the manufacturing of GALENIC products and the development of its future innovations.
With this move, Yatsen intends to improve its research & development capabilities, boost product innovation and benefit from Pierre Fabre’s rich experience in product development and brand building.
David Huang, Yatsen Group founder and CEO, provided the following statement on the deal: “As a young and rapidly growing beauty group, Yatsen is very honored to reach this strategic partnership with Pierre Fabre. Over the years, French brands have been popular among Chinese consumers for their elegance, fashion, refinement and leading R&D efforts. We firmly believe that with Pierre Fabre’s unique and leading capability and excellent team, Yatsen will be empowered for future growth.”
Pierre Fabre CEO Eric Ducournau also commented on the deal: “We could not have thought of a better acquirer for the GALENIC brand that was created by our founder, Mr. Pierre Fabre. GALENIC has very strong roots in France and we are confident that Yatsen will bring the brand to the next level by leveraging these roots with Chinese consumers. As far as Pierre Fabre is concerned, this divestiture is consistent with our strategy to focus our investments in skincare on brands relying on the dermatologist’s prescription and targeting skins suffering from pathologic conditions which is not the case of GALENIC.”

About YATSEN Group

Yatsen, founded in 2016, is a leader in the rapidly evolving China beauty market. With three fast- growing, successful color cosmetics and skincare brands: PERFECT DIARY, LITTLE ONDINE and ABBY’S CHOICE, Yatsen together serve over 20 million consumers in China. Through a digitally native and technology-driven omni-channel direct-to-consumer (“DTC”) business model that is new to China’s beauty industry, the company focus on deep customer engagement, innovative product development and personalized services.




Pierre Fabre’s turnover reached over € 2.4 billion in 2019 spread over 130 countries. The company’s is structured around two main divisions: Medical Care with a focus on oncology and dermatology and Dermo-Cosmetics with a portfolio of global brands including EAU THERMALE AVÈNE, DUCRAY, KLORANE, A-DERMA and RENÉ FURTERER.

Pierre Fabre is 86%-owned by the Pierre Fabre Foundation, a government-recognized public-interest foundation, and secondarily by its own employees through an international employee stock ownership plan. In 2019, Ecocert Environment assessed the Group’s CSR policy according to the ISO 26000 standard on sustainable development and awarded it the ECOCERT 26000 “Excellence” level.


