
PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit4 Then and now微课视频+音频MP3朗读+练习



dining hall 饭厅   grass 草坪  gym 体育馆  ago 从前   cycling 骑自行车运动  go cycling 去骑自行车

ice-skate 滑冰  badminton 羽毛球运动


....year ago (几)年前   ...months ago (几)个月前   last year 去年  last month上个月  

play badminton玩羽毛球


1.There was no library in my old school.

2.Tell us about your school , please.

3.How do you know that?

4.There was no computer or Internet in my time .

5.Before , I was quiet. Now I am very active in class.

6.I was short , so I couldn’t ride my bike well.

7. Now I go cycling everyday.

Unit 4  Then and now

Part A 第一课时


1. easy      (       )                2. before     (       )

3. look up    (       )               4. Internet    (       )     

5. ago       (       )               6. change     (       )  

7. took      (       )               8. at all      (       )  

9. star       (       )               10. time      (       )      


(     ) 1.  Tell me about your new school, please.


A. The teachers office is on the second floor.

B. There was no gym in my time.

C. There is a new library in it.

(     ) 2.  Could you see stars at night?


A. Yes, I can.

B. Yes, I could saw them on the hill.

C. No, I could. I liked stars.

三、阅读短文,判断正 (T)  (F)

This was my school five years ago. There was no library or gym in my old school.

There were no computers either. I was in Grade 1 and we had to have PE class in the

classroom because there was no playground outside. Now our school has changed a

lot. I love the new school.

 (    ) 1. My school has changed a little.

 (    ) 2. There were some computers in my school five years ago.

 (    ) 3. Im now in Grade Six.

 (    ) 4. There was one small playground in my old school.



一、1. 简单的   2. 之前   3. 查找   4. 网络   5. 之前   

6. 改变   7. 花费   8. 一点也不   9. 星星   10. 时代

1. C    2. B

三、1. F    2. F    3. T    4. F

Part A 第二课时


1. d __ n__ __ g   h__ __ l   餐厅     2. g __ m 体育馆

3. g __ as __草    4. __ g __ 以前     5. m __ n __ __ 月


1. 去年 _________     2. 六年以前 _________     3. last month _________ 

4. four days ago _________     5. 两个月以前 _________ 


1. 我以前的学校没有体育馆。

There _____ _____ _____ in my old school.

2. 我们学校有一个新的体育馆。

Now there_____ a _____ _____ in our school.

3. There w_____ many people in the d_____ h_____.

4. 十年前我们村都是小房子。

  _____ _____ small houses in my village ten years ago.

5. 那时候们不会使用网络

At that time, people _____ use the Internet.


1. There _____ a gym and ten teachers office ten years ago.

A. was               B. were            C. is

2. People couldnt ______ the computer in the Tang dynasty.

A. played             B. use             C. used

3.  Is it time for lunch?   — ________.

A. No, thanks.         B. OK.            C. Yes, lets go to the dining hall.

4. He couldnt _______ his book yesterday.

A. find               B. look for         C. found

5. There ______ a lot of people in the gym.

A. is                  B. was            C. were





1. dining hall   2. gym   3. grass   4. ago    5. month   

二、1. last year  2. six years ago  3. 上个月  4. 四天以前   5. two months ago

三、 1. was no gym   2. is new gym  3. ere  ining  all  4. There were  

5. couldnt

四、1. A   2. B   3. C   4. A   5. C

Part B 第三课时


1.have(过去式)____________   2.are(过去式)____________

3.is(过去式)____________   4.can(过去式)____________

5.fell(过去式)____________ 6.drink(过去式)____________




1There ____________ (are) many people at that time.

2I ____________ (have) a rave yesterday.

3Mike can____________ (run) very fast.

4Why____________ (be) I so slow now?

5He could ____________ (win) the race.

6There were many ____________ (animal) in that race.


    1. ________ animals can run very fast?

AWhat         BBecause        CWho

    2I ran like ________ cheetah.                                                                  Aa             Ban            Cthe

    3I ________ some water and ran again.

Adrink          Bdrank         Cdrinks

    4I gave Amy some ________.

               Aa water        Bwater          Cwaters

     (     ) 5. There  ________ a football game next Sunday .

              A. be              B. will be          C . is


1There were many people there. ____________________________________

2It was all a dream. ______________________________________________

3. 他的爸爸跑得非常快。_________________________________________


1. had  2. were  3. was  4. could  5. felt  

6. drank  7. thought  8. tipped  9. his  10. some

1. were  2. had  3. run  4. am  5. win  6. animals

1. A  2. A  3. B   4. B  5. B

1. 这曾经有许多人。

2. 这简直是个梦。

3. His father ran very fast.


