
不要做一朵塑料花 | 晨读笔记07

立里 场市英语 2021-02-10
  • 泛读精句

1. 你可以和一百个人讲理,但是要处理上万个愤怒的顾客,你需要防暴装置。

2. 不断的修改,解决问题,测试新主意,默默无闻能帮你保护自尊,保持自信。

3. 建立自己的听众群。当你需要发声的时候,你的目标人群已经在聆听了。

4. 所有事情在大公司里都需要经过律师的筛选,还有层层的繁文缛节。

5. 边缘化的故事可以很快变成主流。

1. You can reason with a hundred people, but you need riot gear to deal with ten thousand angry customers.

2. Keep tweaking. Work out the kinks. Test random ideas. Obscurity helps protect your ego and preserve your confidence. 

3. Build an audience. When you need to get the word out, the right people will already be listening. 

4. Everything at those big companies has to get filtered through a lawyer and go through layers of red tape

5. Stories that start on the fringe can go mainstream quickly. 

  • 精读01-向大厨学习,乐于分享

1. 大厨知道菜谱和技巧不足以让别人打败他。

2. 没有人能买他的食谱书,在隔壁开一家店面,然后打败他。

3. 向大厨学习,你在实践过程中有什么启发性、教育性、进步性的能告诉其他人的?

1. Chef knows those recipes and techniques aren't enough to beat him at his own game.

2. No one is going to buy his cookbook, open a restaurant next door, and put him out of business.

3. Emulate famous chefs. What can you tell the world about how you operate that's informatiive, educational, and promotional?

  • 精读02-没人喜欢塑料花

1. 别害怕展示你的不足。不完美才是真实的。这是为什么我们喜欢会枯萎的真花,也不喜欢一成不变的假花。

2. 展示出你真实的样子,毫无保留。

3. Wabi-sabi更加重视个性和独特,而不是一个美丽的假象。缺点和伤痕应该被接纳。

4. 一件事被过分打磨,就失去了灵魂。让美感留在你的作品里。

1. Don't be afraid to show your flaws. Imperfections are real. It's why we like real flowers that wilt, not perfect plastic ones that never change.

2. Show the world what you're really like, warts and all.

3. Wabi-sabi values character and uniqueness over a shiny facade. It teaches that cracks and scratches in things should be embraced. 

4. Leave the poetry in what you make. When something becomes too polished, it loses its soul. 

  • 和舞台相关的一些表达

behind the scenes 幕后的,私下发生的

set the scene 做好准备

steal the show/scene 抢风头

stage a comeback 卷土重来

under the spotlight 得到关注

经济学人在描述Steve Jobs和Tim Cook的时候用了这么一句话:While Jobs, the irascible creative genius behind Apple's bestselling products, stole the show, Mr Cook, who is both courtly and deeply private, plugged away behind the scenes to cement relationship crucial to Apple's soaring success. 

  • 同义表达


iron out, work out the kinks


grind out, churn out 

  • 积累表达

promote the idea 带节奏,推销主意

overnight sensation/success 一夜成名

