
老板要招人啦 | 晨读笔记08

立里 场市英语 2021-02-10
  • 泛读精句

1. 把球交出去之前,我们先尽力跑到最远。(把工作分配出去之前,我们先自己尝试做到最好。)

2. 你可以通过招人来摆脱这种情绪,或者通过学习。

3. 他们创造一个职位或者头衔来把人才留住,但是他们就只是坐在办公室里——呆在一个不重要的岗位,做着不重要的事。

4. 他们避开一些严肃的讨论和有争议性的观点。

5. 人们刻意说好话而不是提出质疑,这种说好话会给公司带来麻烦的。

1. We ran with the ball as far as we could before handing it off.

2. You can hire your way out of that feeling or you can learn your way out of it.

3. They invent a position or a title just to lure the talent in. And there they'll sit——parked in a position that doesn't matter, doing work that isn't important. 

4. They shy away from serious conversations and controversial opinions.

5. People appease instead of challenge. That appeasement is what gets companies into trouble. 

  • 精读01- 虾扯蛋的简历

1. 简历都是夸大的,谁都可以创造出一份很好看的简历。

2. 如果一个人给几百个公司发同一封简历,警报该响了。

3. 相信直觉。

1. Resumes are exaggerations. Anyone can create a decent-enough resume. 

2. If someone shotguns a resume out to hundreds of potential employers, that's a huge red flag right there.

3. Trust your gut reaction

  • 精读02- 招写作好的

1. 如果要在几个人里面招一个,选择写作最好的。写作能力会有回报的。

2. 清晰的写作代表着清晰的思考,他们善于高效沟通,为其他人着想,知道什么该说什么不该说。

3. 如今,写作又卷土重来。写作就是好想法的代名词。

1. If you are trying to decide among a few people to fill a position, hire the best writer. Their writing skills will pay off.

2. Clear writing is a sign of clear thinking. Great writers know how to communicate. They make things easy to understand. They can put themselves in someone else's shoes. They know what to omit. 

3. Writing is making a comeback all over our society. Writing is today's currency for good ideas. 

  • 表达积累

be in your element, be out of your element 开心,不开心

in tune with, out of turn with 理解同意,不理解不同意

pass on 传递信息,传染疾病,转移成本

verify these claims 核实查证

