
43人教新起点5年级下 Unit6课文单词音频+视频

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五年级下 Unit6课文
五年级下 Unit6单词

Unit 6 Growing Up 成长

Get ready. 准备一下。

Do you like their growing-up stories? 你喜欢他们的成长故事吗?

was born 出生

started to speak (过去式)开始说话

learned to walk (过去式)学走路

learned to ride a bike (过去式)学骑自行车

went to kindergarten (过去式)上幼儿园

went to school (过去式)上学

learned to swim (过去式)学游泳

Joy, tell us one of your growing-up stories and talk about your photos. 乔伊,告诉我们你的成长故事之一,谈谈你的照片吧。

I was born on May 15th, 2004. 我出生于2004年5月15日。

I started to speak when I was ten months old. 我十个月大开始说话的。

Lesson 1 第一课

A Listen and match. 听和匹配。

Joy, please tell us one of your growing-up story? 乔伊,能不能告诉我你的成长故事之一?

I was born on May 15th, 2004. 我出生于2004年5月15日。

I learned to speak when I was ten months old. 我十个月大开始说话的。

My first word was Mama. 我说的第一句话是妈妈。

What about you, Andy? 你呢,安迪?

I went to kindergarten when I was three years old. 我三岁的时候去上幼儿园。

The first day I cried, but the most day I had fun. 第一天我哭了。但是大部分时候我都很开心。

Lily, tell us your story. 丽丽,告诉我们你的故事。

I learned to ride a bike when I was four. 我四岁的时候开始学骑自行车。

It was easy. 很简单。

And you, Yaoyao? 你呢,瑶瑶?

I went to school when I was six years old. 我六岁的时候去上学。

I really liked my first teacher, Miss Wu. 我非常喜欢我的第一个老师,吴老师。

Bill, you're next. 比尔,你接着说。

I learn to walk when I was one year old. 我一岁的时候学走路。

It's your turn Binbin. 到你了,彬彬。

I learned to swim when I was five years old. 我五岁开始学习游泳。

I really like the water. 我非常喜欢水。

Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and number.  看,听并标数。

Bill: When did you start to use a computer, Joy? 你什么时候开始用电脑的,乔伊?

Joy: When I was four. What about you? 四岁。你呢?

Bill: I started when I was six. 我六岁开始的。

Joy: When did you start to buy things, Bill? 你什么时候开始买东西的,比尔?

Bill: When I was five. I bought an ice-cream. 在我五岁的时候,我买了一个冰淇淋。

It was delicious. What did you learn to do when you were five? 很美味。你五岁的时候在学什么?

Joy: When I was five, I learned to swim and started to study English. 我五岁的时候,开始学游泳和英语。

Bill: When did you go to kindergarten? 你什么时候去的幼儿园?

Joy: Oh, I went to kindergarten when I was three. 哦,我三岁去的幼儿园。

Bill: Me too. 我也是。

Lesson 3 第三课

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

My name is Nancy. I was born on April 5th, 2004. 我叫南希。我出生于2004年4月5日。

I learned to speak at six months old. 我六个月的时候开始学说话。

I learned to climb when I was eight months old. 我八个月的时候开始学爬。

I climbed out of my bed and hurt my head. 我爬出了床伤到了头。

I learned to walk when I was one year old. 我一岁的时候开始学走路。

One day I walked out of my home and into the street! 一天,我走出家门走上街。

I learned to eat with chopsticks when I was three. 我三岁的时候学习用筷子吃饭。

I got food all over my face! 我把吃的弄了满脸。

I learned to swim when I was four, but I only went swimming in the bath. 我四岁的时候开始学习游泳,但是我只在浴缸里游泳。

When I was five I learned to wash clothes, but I got myself all wet! 我五岁的时候学习洗衣服,但是我弄湿了一身。

In grade four I learned to cook - I cooked eggs, but they tasted very bad! 四年级的时候我学习做菜——我做鸡蛋,但是味道很不好。

Now I'm in grade five. 现在我五年级了。

Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。

sp sports体育 spring春天 speak讲

sk skate滑冰 ski滑雪 skirt裙子

B Listen, circle and repeat. 听,画圈并重复。





C Listen, write and say. 听、写并说。

In spring, I play sports. 春天,我做运动。

Mary is wearing a new skirt at the party. 玛丽在派对上穿着新裙子。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

I love winter sports. 我喜欢冬季运动。

I love to skate and ski. 我喜欢滑雪和滑冰。

But now that spring is here. 但是现在是春天。

There are no winter sports for me.我做不了冬季运动。

Fun Time 欢笑时间

A Good to know. 了解一下。

A human baby does not walk until he or she is around one year old. 人类宝宝大约一岁的时候才开始走路。

But many animals learn to get around much faster. 但是很多动物学习走路更快。

A baby elephant can stand as soon as it is born. 大象宝宝出生的时候就能站立了。

It can walk, too, but very slowly. 它还能走,但是很慢。

A new baby deer can stand up. 一个新生小鹿能站立。

Deer must run fast to be safe. 鹿必须跑的快才能保证安全。

Baby deer can run soon after they are born. 鹿宝宝刚出生就能跑了。

Baby birds can't fly when they are born. 小鸟出生的时候不会飞。

They spend their first few weeks in the nest. 它出生后前几周都在巢里。

Then they learn to fly. Soon they can find their own food. 然后他们学会飞。之后他们就能自己觅食了。

Every animal is different, and all are interesting. 每个动物都是不同的,所有动物都很有趣。

C Let's sing. 一起唱吧。

This is my grandpa. 这是我祖父。

He is old, 他上了年纪,

But he was young like you. 但是他和你们一样年轻。

He learned to walk when he was one and speak when he was two. 他一岁的时候学习走路,两岁的时候说话。

He went to school when he was six and learned to swim at three. 他六岁的时候去上学,三岁学游泳。

Now my grandpa's sixty-four, 现在我祖母64岁了。

And now he teaches me. 现在他教我。

Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and match. 听和匹配。

I am Lucy. I was born on June 1st, 2004. 我是路西,我生于2004年6月1日。

I started to buy things when I was seven. 我去岁开始买东西。

I bought some tomatoes for my mum. 我给妈妈买了一些西红柿。

It was exciting. 很令人激动。

My name is Nancy. I was born on April 5th, 2004. 我叫南希。我生于2004年4月5日。

I can ride a bike very well. 我骑自行车骑得很好。

I learned to ride it when I was five years old. 我五岁的时候开始学它。

Hello, I'm Bill. I was born on December 31st, 2003. 你好,我是比尔。我生于2003年12月31日。

My favourite sport is swimming. 我最喜欢的运动是游泳。

I can swim very fast. 我能游得非常快。

I learn to swim when I was four years old. 我四岁的时候开始游泳。

My name is Andy. I was born on July 5th, 2004. 我叫安迪。我生于2004年7月5日。

My parents was very busy when I was young. 我父母在我小的时候很忙。

I went to kindergarten when I was three years old. 我三岁的时候去上幼儿园。

I'm Joy. I was born on May 15th, 2004. 我是乔伊。我生于2004年5月15日。

I went to school when I was six years old. 我六岁的时候上学。

I like playing with my classmates at school. 我喜欢在学校和同学一起玩。

Story Time 故事时间

A Let's read. 一起读吧。

The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭

Once there was a mother duck. 以前有一个鸭妈妈。

She was sitting on seven little eggs. 她在孵七个小蛋。

One day, the eggs started to open. 一天,鸡蛋开始破裂了。

One by one, six little yellow ducklings came out of the eggs. 一个接着一个,六只小黄鸭从蛋壳里蹦出来了。

There was still one egg left. 还有一个蛋剩下。

The mother duck sat on that egg again. 鸭妈妈又坐回那个蛋上。

Two days later, out came a duckling. 两天后,出来一只鸭子。

But this duckling wasn't yellow. 但是这只鸭子不是黄色的。

It was grey, and it had a long, thin neck. 它是灰色的,它有着长长的、瘦瘦的脖子。

The other ducklings didn't like the grey duckling. 其它鸭子不喜欢灰色的鸭子。

They didn't want to play with him. 他们不想和他玩。

They said he was ugly. The little ugly duckling was sad. 他们说他很丑。丑小鸭很伤心。

Summer came. The ducklings all grew bigger, and the ugly duckling was the biggest. 夏天到了。鸭子们长大了,丑小鸭是最大的。

One day they went to a farm. 一天,他们去农场。

A chicken bit him, and the farmer kicked him. 一只鸡打了他,农夫踢了他。

The ugly duckling felt terrible. 丑小鸭觉得很糟糕。

The ugly duckling ran away. 丑小鸭逃跑了。

He went to the tall grass by the lake to live by himself. 他去湖边的高高的草坪里自己住。

He felt lonely every day. 他每天都觉得很孤单。

Autumn came. The ugly duckling got bigger and bigger. 秋天来了。丑小鸭长得越来越大。

He swam by himself every day, so he got stronger, too. 他每天自己游,所以他也变得更加强壮。

Then winter came. It was very cold, and there was ice on the lake. 之后冬天到了。天气很冷。湖面结冰。

The ugly duckling had no one to keep him warm. He felt very cold. 丑小鸭周围没有人温暖他。他觉得很冷。

Finally, spring came. One day, a little girl came to the lake with her mother. 最后,春天到了。一天,一个小女孩和她妈妈来到湖边。

 "Look at the swan," she said, "It's beautiful!" “看那只天鹅,”她说:“好美!”

The ugly duckling looked at himself in the water. 丑小鸭看着水里的自己。

He wasn't a duckling. 他不是丑小鸭。

He was a swan, a white swan with a long neck. 他是天鹅,一直有着纤长脖子的天鹅。

He wasn't ugly. He was beautiful! 他不丑。他很美!


was born       出生

started to speak       (过去式)开始说话

learned to walk         (过去式)学走路

learned to ride a bike       (过去式)学骑自行车

went to kindergarten      (过去式)上幼儿园

went to school       (过去式)上学

learned to swim        (过去式)学游泳

fifteenth(15th)       第十五

started to buy things     (过去式)开始学买东西

started to study Englsih     (过去式)开始学英语

started to use a computer       (过去式)开始使用电脑

all over         到处

out of        离开(某处)

into       进入

chopsticks      筷子

wet     湿的



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