

DJSER 地建师 2022-12-14

June Thematic








Urban Regeneration 

■ No.010


Covering an area of 8.63 square kilometers, the new Shougang park is the largest ongoing urban renewal project in the world, and a new landmark of urban revitalization in Beijing. The core of this project are Sangaolu Museum and Exhibition Hall D, which were born with unique aesthetics of industrial waste land. The design respects the interpretation of industrial history, gives a time express, awakes the past memories, as well as creates a wonderful experience between in the natural landscapes and industrial heritage with a charming garden-style line, completing the religious interpretations of the base, and reshaped a 'shougang people' spiritual home.





Sited at the northwest of Shougang Park, the project is the most distinctive and stunning area with highest density of ironmaking equipment, as the starting of enterprise construction a century ago. The Park suspended production because of 2008 Summer Olympics, which remained silent until the announcement of the 2022 Winter Olympics. Nowadays, the meritorious blast furnace is open to the public in a more stunning image.

俯瞰三高炉©王栋Photographed by Dong Wang
项目西接石景山和秀池,北依冬奥广场,东侧是首钢大道和与之遥相呼应的一二号高炉。水下车库31,380平方米,涉展总建筑面积18,425平方米,其中高炉本体6,647平方米,附属建筑7,739平方米。The project is connected with Shijingshan and Xiuchi in the west, the Winter Olympics Square in the north, and Shougang Avenue and the corresponding No.1 and No.2 blast furnace in the east. The underwater garage covers an area of 31,380 square meters, with a total construction area of 18,425 square meters, including 6,647 square meters for the blast furnace itself and 7,739 square meters for the auxiliary building.

三高炉与冬奥广场的关系©王栋Photographed by Dong Wang
设计策略 >Design Strategy

设计核心策略为“封存旧、拆除余、织补新”。即留下工业遗存最醇厚的历史记忆;适当移除不必要的工业建筑,建构高炉和自然间的有效对话;为项目注入崭新的城市功能和梦想。The design focuses on preserving the collective memory exclusive to the site, removing unnecessary industrial buildings and constructing a dialogue between the blast furnace and nature, to inject new functions into the project.

总体布局 >General Layout

三高炉西侧的秀池是高炉冷却水的储水晾水池。设计因势利导在池底植入近900辆泊位的车库并恢复原有水域空间,解决工业遗存更新停车难问题的同时保持了自然肌理特征。结合车库疏散设置的安全疏散环选取了二号高炉的60m直径作为其尺度标尺,在宏观空间内实现了以群明湖大街为轴线,一、三高炉实体镜像及二高炉、疏散环虚实镜像的对位关系,与既有工业遗存呈现了潜在的“虚实相生”的空间逻辑。疏散环内部的水下展厅和通向高炉的甬道两侧的临时展厅是高炉展陈的特色补充。The Xiuchi pool on the west side of the three high pressure furnace is the water storage and cooling pool for blast furnace cooling water. According to the situation, the parking garage with nearly 900 parking spaces is implanted at the bottom of the pool and the original water space is restored, which resolved the problem of parking difficulty in the renewal of industrial remains while maintaining the natural texture characteristics. With the 60m diameter of No.2 blast furnace as its scale according to the safety evacuation ring set in garage evacuation, Qunminghu Street is taken as the axis in the macro space and the alignment relationship between the entity image of No.1 and No.3 high furnaces and the mirror images of No.2 blast furnace and the evacuation ring is realized, which shows the potential spatial logic of "virtual and reality supplementary to each other" with the existing industrial heritage. The underwater exhibition hall inside the evacuation ring and the temporary exhibition hall on both sides of the corridor leading to the blast furnace are the characteristic supplements of the blast furnace exhibition.


Scale Relation


Photographed by Dong Wang

高炉与秀池间布置ABC三个附属馆,功能由南而北分别为学术报告厅、临时展厅、纪念品销售和配套餐饮。秀池南道路西高东低令秀池东侧驳岸呈现了“悬湖”特征,三个附属馆以丘陵式地景建筑的形态柔和缝合了东西驳岸的高差并创造了面湖的亲水环道。附属三馆在高炉主体功能关闭时均可以独立对外运营,为城市生活提供了丰富的活力支撑。Three affiliated pavilions A, B, and C are arranged between the blast furnace and Xiuchi, with the functions of academic lecture hall, temporary exhibition hall, souvenir sales, and supporting catering from south to north. The South Road of Xiuchi is high in the west and low in the east. The east revetment of Xiuchi presents the characteristics of a "suspended lake". The three affiliated pavilions gently sew up the height difference between the east and west revetments in the form of hilly landscape architecture, and create a hydrophilic ring road of the lake. When the main function of the blast furnace is closed, the three affiliated pavilions can be operated independently, providing rich vitality support for urban life.

高炉并置,近景为三号高炉©王栋Photographed by Dong Wang

The front hall of hall D is set on the west side of the blast furnace body to connect the main hall, underwater exhibition hall and access to the 9.7m exhibition hall. Permanent exhibition hall, temporary exhibition hall and special bookstore are set up in the blast furnace body. In addition, the semi indoor blast furnace show hall on the 9.7M taphole platform is a characteristic exhibition space full of industrial atmosphere.


Photographed by Zhi Xia

参观动线 >Visting Route

依循基地突出呈现的“工业”与“自然”二元并置的风貌特征,设计采用了正负双鹦鹉螺螺旋线的参观流线。参观者以浸入的方式游走于自然与工业、静谧和热烈之间,达成众多空间维度效果的反复关照和对偶。The design adopts two visiting circulations featuring nautilus shell spirals according to the prominent style of juxtaposing "industry" and "nature". Visitors can have an immersive experience here to closely appreciate the combination of nature and industry, silence and excitement.


Section Streamline Analysis

六组装置 >Six Groups of Spatial Device

六组空间装置©筑境设计Six Groups of Spatial Device


Walking along the willow embankment into the central of Xiuchi, visitors can walk down to the evacuation space. The walls of the passageway form a sharp contrast in texture. The straight wall adopts vertical boards chiselled by manual craftsmanship without polishing. The inclined wall on the other side is made of smooth fair-faced concrete. And the stone floor is made from self-compaction concrete combined with silicon carbide particle. Three interfaces form a striking contrast in material, gradually changing from delicateness to roughness. Together with the evacuation passageway of the underground exhibition hall, the first group of spatial device, the Wall of Honor, comes into view.

拾级而下进入湖中疏散环通道©夏至Photographed by Zhi Xia

水下环道内仰望视角中对高炉惊鸿一瞥©夏至Photographed by Zhi Xia


The Wall of Honor

第一组空间装置-首钢功勋墙手稿©筑境设计Hand Drawing
第二组空间装置——“首钢生命之火”位于水院中央,直径10m的静水面形心位置塑造了长明火焰,以原始聚落中“火塘”的概念展现首钢生生不息的企业精神,也为“首钢人”提供了一处温暖的心灵慰藉。设计初期的天然气火焰因安全问题调整为一组涌泉结合红色泛光,以红色涌动的水柱达成相似的空间表述。水面中央预留了60cm直径可开启式“烛台”装置,为燃油筒形灯柱的置入提供了硬件条件。“Fire of Shougang's Life” is the second group. Standing in the center of the water yard with a diameter of 10 meters, it has an image of long-lasting flame, embodying the thriving spirit of Shougang like a “Fire pond” in the original settlements and offering much solace to “Shougang people” who work in Shougang Group. At the early stage of design, the architects decided to use natural gas flame, but for the sake of security, it was replaced by a set of fountain with red flood lighting. The red running column expresses the same meaning of flame. At the center, the space of a “candlestick” device with a diameter of 60 cm is reserved for better installing the cylindrical lamp.


The Water Yard

阳光穿过水下展厅围合成的静水院上空开口,营造出万神庙般的空间神性©王栋Photographed by Dong Wang

设计手稿©筑境设计Hand Drawing

从“生命之火”指向高炉方向,设计导入了第三组空间装置——“首钢功勋柱和铁水光带”。铁水光带从水院出发,火红的灯光劈开地面一路奔涌流淌向东,抵达红色穿孔板包裹的功勋柱,柱内LED环幕上以滚动呈现的首钢员工花名册向每一位用双手塑造了企业辉煌的个体表达深沉的敬意。As the “Fire of Life” is pointing to the furnace, the architects set the third group of spatial device – “Pillar of Honor and the Melted Iron Light Ribbon”. Starting from the water yard, the red light ribbon runs straight to the east and stops at the Pillar of Honor wrapped in red perforated plates. Inside of the pillar, a LED screen displays the names of workers in Shougang, in order to show respect to every person devoted to Shougang.

“铁水”光带©夏至Photographed by Zhi Xia


Photographed by Zhi Xia

首钢功勋柱,对每个“首钢人“的深沉敬意©夏至Photographed by Zhi Xia
D馆序厅中的“折尺长梯”是第四组空间装置。附着于高炉本体西侧的巨大的空腹钢桁架中纵贯漂浮于地面上的游龙般长梯,引导视线和人流从主门厅蜿蜒到达9.7m主展厅。长梯下铺砌的材料选择了高炉炼铁矿石和水渣混搭的材料,结合桁架、梯台营造了矿山矿床与巷道的意向。渐变孔距的长圆形西向穿孔遮阳板在梯台上留下退晕状的光影,拉长了空间的距离感,也令向上的攀爬充满了期待感。The Folding Rule Staircase in D hall is the fourth group. A long dragon-like staircase is attached to the giant cavity steel truss on the west side of the Furnace, which winds from the main hall to the main exhibition hall, to guide visitors. The floor under the staircase is paved with ironstone and grain slag, combined with truss and half-space, which resembles mine and roadway. Long and circular perforated shading panels with holes of different sizes filter day lighting into the half-space, which expands the spatial distance while giving visitors more expectations of climbing higher.

D馆序厅中的“折尺长梯”蜿蜒而上,营造喧嚣到静谧的空间转换©夏至Photographed by Zhi Xia


Photographed by Zhi Xia


Photographed by Zhi Xia

Photographed by Banye Lin
高炉9.7m平台是主要展陈空间,作为生产周期内最重要的工艺平台——出铁厂平台汇聚了大量工艺遗存。在这里,“高炉和三组出铁摆动溜槽”成为第五组也是最具震撼力的一组空间装置。The 9.7-meter-high platform is mainly used as display area, which accumulates a large number of remaining crafts in the production period. Here, three sets of swing chute are the fifth group with the greatest astonishment.

Photographed by Dong Wang

时光的琥珀,高炉罩棚内©筑境设计Inside of Blast Furnace
13.6m参观环桥下西侧设置了新月形展示空间,主要展陈及后场功能均布局于此。该空间西向衔接D馆序厅,东向采用全通透落地玻璃面向高炉,令展陈空间和博物馆最重要的核心展品——高炉本体拥有了紧密的视觉联系。A crescent exhibition space is set under the visiting bridge, which integrates the main display area and other functional areas. It connects the lobby of D hall on the west side. On the east side, transparent glass walls enable the space to face the furnace directly, creating a closer visual connection between display space and the furnace, core product of the museum.





乘坐电梯到达72m标高,高炉东侧天车梁一端被置入玻璃栈台,营造了第六组、也是最高的一组空间装置。Taking elevator to the platform with the elevation height of 72 meters, one end of the overhead travelling crane connects the glass skywalk, which is the highest spatial installation.


Photographed by Dong Wang

72m天车玻璃栈台©筑境设计Glass Skywalk
三号高炉从一座宏大封闭园区内单一生产铁水的钢铁巨构,转变为面向城市展开怀抱的积极空间,它是一座铭记首钢百年历史荣光的工业建筑,是一座炼铁工艺的科普基地,是一个当代艺术和工业遗存结合的圣殿。No. 3 Blast-Furnace is transformed from a simple steel structure in the giant closed park into an open space welcoming the public. It's a historical industrial architecture, a scientific base of ironmaking crafts and techniques, as well as a holy space interpreting the combination of modern art and industrial heritage.

三高炉手绘草图©筑境设计Hand Drawing



Project Drawings:


Site Plan


First Floor Plan


Second Floor Plan





By reconstructing the industrial remains, could we reconcile with the past it represented, and bring our vision of what this site could be into its current life.



Originally stablished in 1919 under the regime of Republic of China, Shougang industrial park has reached its 100 years. As the storm of history propels, Shougang stood through up-and-downs during nationalization, the great leap, economic reform and industrial transformation. Entering the new century, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was a major push to assess public spaces and urban life in current context and the forthcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics led to another round of rethink of what this site could mean for this ever-growing city.


A massive 8.63 kilo-square meters, it is the biggest site ever going through an urban renewal. The density and scale of the industrial remains on site, such as the blast furnace, cooling tower, power plant etc, are equally monumental, both dimension wise and in symbolic sense. The turning of Shougang site into public space marks an important beginning, however while history progresses, it should never be rewritten.


During the restoration and renovation of Blast Furnace NO.3 and Exhibition Hall D, the original structures were carefully conserved as cultural heritages, additional under ground spaces were thoughtfully put in, views created while visitors circle in the park, each designed to represent a page of important history of Shougang.


The core of this project are Sangaolu Museum and Exhibition Hall D, which were born with unique aesthetics of industrial waste land. The restoration work fully respects exisiting industrial heritage while adding a new identity to its rich history, creating a new space that display slices of multi-dimensional historical context. Entering the interior space is like entering the heart of a huge machine. Walking through the interior space is rather like going through a journey of visual commemoration. Emotions, memories, insearch of reconstitution, all of which have been endowed with muilti-dimensional perception and broader expressive tension.


Entrance of Underwater Exhibition Hall, Blast Furnace NO.3

Photographed by Xia Zhi

三高炉博物馆水下展厅分镜头 >

Our Vision for the Underwater Exhibition Hall at Blast Furnace NO.3


Iron and fire. 


Our vision for the under water exhibition hall at Blast Furnace NO.3 translates the imagery of molten iron runs through the furnace, while in this scenario, a continuous run of red led light cutting though the space, connecting the center of the glass embraced atrium to the Pillar of Meritorious with a strong sense of direction. The body of exhibition hall was built with cast concrete and enclosure forming an passage around it was cladded with coarsely textured cement panels.


Underwater Exhibition Hall. The enclosure marks Shougang's 100 years of meritorious.


Photographed by Xiazhi


From the wall of meritorious to under ground exhibition hall. The red led light gives a strong sense of direction.


Photographed by Xiazhi


From the passage to underground exhibition hall. Dramatic use of warm and cool lighting.


Photographed by Xiazhi


Red led light as a metaphor of molten iron runs into the round pool.


Photographed by Xiazhi


Canopy of the atrium frames the Blast Furnace, reflected in the pool.


Photographed by Xiazhi


Underwater exhibition hall. The pillar of Meritorious is visible though the glass from far.


Photographed by Xiazhi


Underground exhibition hall. A display of smooth concrete, glass and steel.


Photographed by Xiazhi


Red led light as a metaphor of molten iron runs out from the pillar of meritorious.


Photographed by Xiazhi


The pillar of meritorious engraved with history of Shougang. Interior of the pillar is covered with led screen and mirror for immersive display of shougang history in motion.


Photographed by Xiazhi


The mirror surface inside the pillar of meritorious.


Photographed by Xiazhi


The strong contrast between brightness and darkness and the multi-layered change of light create a film like narrative.


Photographed by Xiazhi

三高炉博物馆D馆空间分镜头 >

Our Vision for the Exhibition Hall D at Blast Furnace NO.3

“想象自己是一颗走向高炉内部的小矿石”。'Imagine being a piece of iron ore.'


Exhibition Hall D is a preface to the blast furnace No.3. CCTN architects designed an ascending curved enclosure attached to furnace, supercloud, the interior team put an angled staircase climbing up in zigzag. Lumia, the lighting designers integrated warm light under and within the staircase to make it light and floating.


Plan: Exhibition Hall D to the Blast Furnace No.3


Entrance of Exhibition Hall D


Photographed by Xiazhi


Reception, Exhibition Hall D.


Photographed by Xiazhi


Zig-zag Steel Staircase.


Photographed by Xiazhi


View to the Courtyard, Exhibition Hall D.


Photographed by Xiazhi


Cloak Room, Exhibition Hall D.


Photographed by Xiazhi


Cloak Room, Exhibition Hall D.


Photographed by Xiazhi


View from Top of the Staircase.


Photographed by Xiazhi


View from the Staircase.


Photographed by Xiazhi


Site Plan:


Plan: Underwater Exhibition Hall and Exhibition Hall D


Underwater Exhibition Hall, the Passage, and the Pillar of Meritorious


B1 plan


Elevation: Underwater Exhibition Hall


Detail Lighting Drawings


Plan: Exhibition Hall D








Project Information

Project Name: Shougang Three Blast Furnace Museum

Project Location: Beijing

Owner: Beijing Shougang Construction Investment Co., Ltd.

Land Area: 6.5 hsqm

Floor Area: 49,800 sqm (11,600 sqm above ground and 38,200 sqm underground)

Indoor Area: 4,532 sqm




Architectural Planning

Designer: CCTN Architectural Design Co., Ltd.; CCTN Shougang; CSGI

Principal: Hongtao Bo

Team Member of Designer: Pengfei Liu, Ke Jiang, Dandan Fan, Qi Kang, Zeng Wang, Mingxu Zhou, Zhixue Zheng

Team Member of Structural Mechatronics: Facheng Guo, Xueyu Cui, Chao Wang, Xiangrong Wang, Meng Wang, Cuijuan Hu, Hao Zheng, Le Zhou, Yue Sun, Zhiyong Jiang, Lixin Zhang, Wenjing Su, Yungen Li, Mingsong Yu

Cycle of Design: 2016.10-2017.04

Date of Completion: 2019.12


Interior Design

Conceptual Designer: Hongtao Bo (CCTN Design), Maggie Xu (Supercloud Studio)

Team Member of Conceptual Design: Pengfei Liu, Ke Jiang, Dandan Fan, Qi Kang, Mingxu Zhou (CCTN Design)

Team Member of Project Design and Detailed Design: Maggie Xu, Yuqing Yang, Qiangsong Cui, Ruwei Chen, Zhen Xu

Construction Drawing Designer: Beijing Tsingshang Architectural Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.

Team Member of Construction Drawing Designer: Lei Yu, Shuangqiu Huang, Peng Li, Yuxiao Li, Qinglong Yao

Cycle of Design: 6 months

Date of Completion: 2019.06

相关设计单位/结构设计团队:侯俊达、袁文兵、陈罡、宁志刚、殷永刚 、吉永平、张秀震、陈喜雷 、李洪飞、于立峰景观设计:北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司景观设计团队:朱育帆、姚玉君、田锦、孙宇彤、于淼、吕回、佟思明、易文静‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍景观照明设计(三高炉及秀池):清华大学建筑学院张昕工作室、同原(北京)照明设计有限公司‍景观照明设计团队:张昕、韩晓伟、赵晓波、宋栢宜、王丹、周轩宇、牛本田、陶龙军室内照明设计:Lumia Lighting Design 优米照明设计室内照明设计团队:庞磊、李畅、张俊室内标识设计:Sure Design 烁设计室内标识设计团队:张烁、王小阳、陈雅安、梁培华

Other Design Consultants

Team Member of Structure: Junda Hou, Wenbing Yuan, Gang Chen, Zhigang Ning, Yonggang Yin, Yongping Ji, Xiuzhen Zhang, Xilei Chen, Hongfei Li, Lifeng Yu

Landscape Designer: Beijing Tsinghua Tongheng Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd. (THUPDi)

Team Member of Landscape Designer: Yufan Zhu, Yujun Yao, Jin Tian, Yutong Sun, Miao Yu, Hui Lv, Siming Tong, Wenjing Yi

Landscape Lighting Designer (Three blast furnaces and Xiuchi): Zhang Xin Studio, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; One Lighting Design Co., Ltd. (Beijing)

Team Member of Landscape Lighting Designer: Xin Zhang, Xiaowei Han, Xiaobo Zhao, Baiyi Song, Dan Wang, Xuanyu Zhou, Bentian Niu, Longjun Tao

Interior Lighting Designer: Lumia Lighting Design

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍Team Member of Interior Lighting Designer: Lei Pang, Chang Li, Jun Zhang

Interior Signage Designer: Sure Design 

Team Member of Interior Signage Designer: Shuo Zhang, Xiaoyang Wang, Ya'an Chen, Peihua Liang



城市再生项目 金奖


室内设计 金奖















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Long-term ContributionⅠ、Contributors: real estate developer; domestic and overseas design company; domestic and overseas architecture, landscape and interior association and academy; domestic and overseas design media and etc.Ⅱ、Content: domestic and overseas regeneration projectsⅢ、Requirement: The details of project in Chinese and English, including design illustration, owner, design company, design team profile, project scale, project location, project cycle, completion time and etc; The brief introduction of project is no more than 200 characters in Chinese, 600 words in English; The realistic pictures of project are no less than 10.Ⅳ、Contribution Method: All the material and graphic are packaged into a Zip file; The Zip file is to be named in company name+project name+sending date; Send the Zip to ur.china@zamchina.com






