
游说美国大学校长反 S.386 实战【9月23日更新】

反S386志愿小组 复旦美国校友会 2019-12-08

为了给CUNY的说客(lobbyists)提供数据支持作为反对S. 386的证据。恳请各位拥有美国大学任何学位的朋友,点击此篇微信文章最左下角的“阅读原文”(Read More),填写调查问卷。


Academic degrees obtained from colleges and universities in the United States (U.S.) are considered some of the most prestigious degrees all over the world. Academic institutions that offer degrees in the U.S. attract not only domestic students, but also a considerable number of international students. Maintaining a diverse student population at U.S. colleges and universities is a benefit to all students as it provides them cross-cultural experiences and prepares them to become potential leaders in a global society. Holding a degree from a U.S. institution also provides economic and social mobility not only to U.S. students, but also international students, as well.

Due to pressure from industry leaders, the far-reaching impact of U.S. education is under threat. Certain industries are lobbying U.S. congress to pass Bill S. 386. Once Bill S. 386 is passed, it will motivate and encourage the outsourcing of labor to individuals who do not have U.S. degrees and will do so out of interest in paying them lower wages. This legislation will start in certain industries, though it is projected to expand to other industries throughout the U.S..

Passing Bill S. 386 will make all students who have degrees from U.S. colleges and universities less competitive in a global job market. Moreover, it will undermine the diversity of U.S. college and university campuses by endangering future opportunities of international students. The following YouTube video will explain what is S. 386 and its consequences.



我在“博士和硕士研究生全体会议”开始前,City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center 校长在旁边坐着,我去试探了他对于S386的口气:强烈支持我反对 S. 386




我说现在包括City University of New York (CUNY)在内的美国大学就读的国际学生都很焦虑:就因为S. 386法案。很多国际学生都给美国的参议员们打了电话,写了邮件。我自己本人给66位目前没有支持S. 386议案的参议员写了邮件,也打了电话。


我担心S. 386法案通过后,我在美国的学历在求职市场上没有竞争力。因为美国公司宁愿雇佣便宜的外包员工,而不愿意雇佣在美国接受高等教育的人才。


第一,如果S. 386法案通过了,美国公司都把工作外包给在美国没有接受高等教育的人,美国大学的学历会不会贬值?

第二,如果S. 386法案通过了,是不是损害国际学生、美国校园、移民的多样性?










Dear AAA,

Thank you and President BBB for meeting us at DSC meeting today.

This is Zhuo Yin. I am Program Representative for Physics and I am also aninternational student from China at GC. Right now, a lot of GC internationalstudents and international alumni are worried about Bill S386 - Fairness forHigh-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019 will pass at the senator. I wrote 66 separateemail to 66 US senators over past two days. The following email is the emailexample I wrote to New York State Senator Kirsten Gillibrand this morning.

Right now, Senator Mike Lee is going to bring S386 to the floor on nextTuesday (September 24th, 2019). Once this bill passed, it will hurt Americanuniversities and international students at these universities. I am availablefrom Monday to Sunday 7:00 am - 11:30 pm and I can collect signatures andpetitions to oppose bill S386.

I am curious about what kind of help we can get from Graduate Center or CUNY?

My cell phone number is (XXX)XXX-XXXX.
Zhuo Yin


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Zhuo Yin <Zhuo Yin’s email >
Date: Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 11:02 AM
Subject: Please vote NO on Bill S386 – Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Actof 2019
To: <casework@gillibrand.senate.gov>


Dear Senator Kirsten Gillibrand,

Please vote NO on Bill S386!

Once Bill S386 passed, a lot of international students whois on H1B work visa will have to wait additional 7-8 years to get their greencard. In that case, most international students will not see opportunities topursue their career in USA. They will choose to pursue their career or schoolin UK, France, and Australia instead of USA. International students make hugecontributions to both American Universities and American economy by spending theirmoney in USA. Once this bill passed, international students will not pursuetheir study in USA, it will be horrible situation for American Universities andAmerican economy.

Zhuo Yin

Physics PhD student at the City University of New York (CUNY)

[Phone number]



为了给CUNY的说客(lobbyists)提供数据支持作为反对S. 386的证据。恳请各位拥有美国大学任何学位的朋友,点击此篇微信文章最左下角的“阅读原文”(Read More),填写调查问卷。

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