

六万学者关注了→ 语言学心得 2024-02-19







AAAL 2024

The 2024 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) will be held in Houston, Texas, at the Hyatt Regency Houston, March 16-19, 2024. The theme of the conference is “Thinking Otherwise, Acting for Change.” We are increasingly witnessing not only rapid technological advancements involving AI but also unsettling challenges that threaten our environment, human rights, as well as social, economic, and emotional wellbeing. Under these circumstances, applied linguists’ concerted engagement with thinking and doing research differently has potential to make a positive difference in various social and institutional domains. The 2024 conference invites presenters to share innovative research toward a transformation of hope.

The annual conference of AAAL attracts diverse presenters both nationally and internationally to exchange comprehensive and stimulating discussions in the forms of one- or two-hour colloquia, paper, poster, and round-table sessions. It also offers thought-provoking plenary presentations, excellent book exhibits, and plentiful opportunities for networking.

The Call for Proposals is now open!

Submission Deadline: July 13, 2023, 4:00 pm EDT

Acceptance/Rejection emails will be sent out in October 2023.


You must have a AAAL Account to submit a proposal. Current members, past members, and past guests may log in here. If you are new to AAAL and would like to submit a proposal without becoming an AAAL member, please click here to create a guest account. Please note: Initial AAAL.org account setup requires email verification according to our association management system’s digital security protocols. This process can take up to 24 hours. Compliance with these protocols requires that access to the proposal system be given after the verification process has been completed. Please email info@aaal.org if you are having difficulty creating your account, logging in, or need additional assistance with account creation. Proposals can be submitted here.

二、Keynote Speakers


You must select a primary strand for your submission. This is the strand in which your submission will very likely be reviewed and grouped. If applicable, please choose a secondary strand that also characterizes the submission. This will help conference organizers in preparing the conference program and in some instances, balancing the size and coherence of strands. You must choose a primary strand; the selection of a secondary strand is optional (but recommended).

四、Submission Policies

Submissions are welcome from AAAL members as well as non-members, and from scholars based inside and outside the United States. Graduate students are also welcome to submit.   All proposals must represent original and unpublished work that is not yet available to the AAAL membership (with the exception of material from publications in press).AAAL 2024 accepts four types of proposals: individual papers, posters, roundtable discussions, and colloquia. An individual will only appear once as a single or first author-presenter on the program, as per the following submission rules:1.Number of submissions New! Individuals may submit a maximum of one abstract as a single/first author, whether a paper (including papers presented in a colloquium), a poster, or a roundtable discussion. They may play an additional role as a colloquium organizer or discussant or conference workshop presenter. No individual’s name should appear in more than three proposals of any type in the regular academic sessions.2. Language(s) of the proposal New!Abstracts for individual papers, posters, roundtable discussions, and colloquia shall be submitted in English with the option to also submit them in one additional language. An abstract in a language other than English should be uploaded as a PDF document. At the top of the PDF document, indicate in English which language is used. Please note that the system automatically re-names your PDF file once you submit it. You will also be asked to type the name of the additional language of your abstract.3. Language(s) of the presentation New!At the conference, individual papers, posters, roundtable discussions, and colloquia may be delivered in the language(s) or combination of languages of the presenters’ choice. At the time of proposal submission, proposal submitters will be asked to indicate which language(s) they will use during their presentation. If the proposal is accepted, this information will appear in the program to assist the audience in choosing which presentations to attend.In the case of colloquia, the entire session or any individual papers within the colloquium can be delivered in language(s) other than English. The colloquium organizer is responsible for indicating the languages of presentation for papers within the colloquium.4. Ensure anonymity of the proposal submitter(s)Proposals for all presentation formats will be double-anonymous peer-reviewed. In order to minimize reviewers’ bias and increase fairness during the review process, please ensure that any reference made to your previous work does not include self-reference information that clearly identifies yo

五、Registration Upon Acceptance Policies

If your proposal is accepted, you will be asked to register for the conference in order to confirm your participation in the program. You must register for the conference by the date to be announced in order to have a session slot saved for you.For accepted proposals with more than one author, all authors are encouraged but not required to register, attend the conference, and share in the presentation of co-authored research. For each accepted multi-authored presentation, at least one author must register.Accepted presenters who know that they cannot attend the conference are asked to withdraw their proposals as soon as possible to give another presenter a place on the program.The author’s confirmation of attendance and presentation signifies that the author will present the paper on the day and time assigned by the conference program committee. AAAL will not respond to or consider requests for a specific time slot.


Proposals are invited for individual papers, colloquia, posters, and roundtable discussions. The deadline for proposal submission is 4:00 p.m. on July 13, 2023 (EDT; UTC-4). To submit a proposal, you must hold your current status as an AAAL member or you must create a guest account if you are not a member. If you need to renew your membership or create a guest account, you should do so at least 3 hours before the submission deadline to allow for changes to take place in the system. Requests relating to membership or guest accounts later than this may mean that you are unable to submit your abstract by the deadline.Abstract submissions for our conference, March 16-19, 2024, are invited from June 1 to July 13.INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Papers are formal presentations on a contribution of original knowledge by one or more authors within a thirty-minute period, including 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.POSTERS: Posters are especially effective for information that can be presented visually (e.g. charts, graphs, tables, diagrams). Prospective presenters are encouraged to consider posters, because of the opportunity they provide for extended discussion with other researchers.ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS: Roundtable discussions provide opportunities for informal and in-depth discussions between presenters and attendees on a specific topic. They are particularly well suited for works-in-progress. They are not meant to be formal paper presentations but rather opportunities for stimulating conversations and networking among participants on shared research interests.New! Each roundtable session is scheduled for 60 minutes, during which three presenters present their work consecutively for 10 minutes each around a table. The remaining 30 minutes are used for the three presenters and the attendees to engage in a group discussion. There will be a time-keeper assigned to each roundtable discussion.COLLOQUIA: Colloquia allow for extended discussion on a particular topic, achieved through the organization of individual presentations that are clearly linked to the colloquium theme and to each other. A number of colloquia are invited by the conference chair, but most are proposed by AAAL members. Proposals for colloquia can be for either a one-hour or two-hour block of time.Two-hour colloquia: The number of presenters, the length of each presentation, and the format or structure of the session are left up to the discretion of the colloquium organizer, as is the decision to include one or more discussants. Generous time allowance should be made throughout the colloquium for extended audience discussion of the papers presented. Colloquium proposers should, in addition to describing the content to be discussed and the coherence across the individual papers/presentations, state how time will be allocated across paper presentations, discussant remarks (optional), and audience discussion; this should be done without identifying presenters by name in order to preserve anonymity.One-hour colloquia: One-hour colloquia is a shorter version of the two-hour colloquia. Although the number of presenters, the length of each presentation, the format or structure of the session, and the inclusion of a discussant are left up to discretion of the colloquium organizer, they typically consist of three individual papers that are closely connected to the same topic. The colloquium organizer should be one of the presenters. Like two-hour colloquia, ample time should be provided for audience questions and discussion of the papers presented.For both two-hour and one-hour colloquia, their organizers are responsible to submit the proposal on behalf of all colloquium participants and they serve as the liaisons between participants in the colloquium and the AAAL conference program committee. They are also responsible for all communication among the presenters and discussants.


















刊讯|SSCI 期刊 《语言教学》 2023年第1-2期


稿  约|《第二语言学习研究》征稿启事





审    核:心得君







六万学者关注了→ 语言学心得

