
鲁科版五年级下册英语全册教案及教学反思 | 可下载

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Unit 1 Winter holidays
Lesson 1
本单元的话题是寒假 ,本课讲的是三个好朋友 Wang Hong, Li Ming, Peter在新学期开学初围绕寒假生活展开谈论的故事 .从语法的角度来继续学习一般过去时
,特别是 What 的特殊疑问句和 Did 的一般疑问句的表达及相应的回答 .
1.知识 ,技能目标
1)能在文本语境中听懂 ,会说 ,认读 ,拼写单词 holiday, difficult, place;
2)能听懂 ,会说 ,认读单词和短语 :Beijing Opera, a little, went, enjoy, 并能结
3)能听懂 ,会说 ,认读句型 :"What did you do in the holidays?" "I learned
Beijing Opera." "Did you swim in the sea?" "Yes, I did." "No, I didn't." 能运用所学语
,乐于与他人交流的品质 .
能听懂 ,会说 ,认读句型 :"What did you do in the holidays?" "I learned Beijing
Opera."" Did you swim in the sea?" "Yes, I did." No, I didn't."能运用一般过去时谈论
CD-ROM, 单词卡 ,PPT.
Ⅰ. Warm-up
1.教师与学生交流问好 ,拉近师生距离 ,营造良好的英语学习氛围 .
2Quick mouth: PPT呈现动词的原形 ,学生快速说出相应的过去式 .
do, go, is, are, have, take, visit, learn, play...
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Ⅱ. Presentation
1T: Welcome back to school. "How were your holidays?"
1)教授单词 "holiday", summer holidays, winter holidays, the Spring Festival
2)引导学生回答 "Great." "Wonderful!" 随后请学生互动交流 .
2.出示 Li Ming 的图片 .
1T: The winter holidays are over, how were our friends' holidays? What did
they do? Let's watch the CD-ROM.
2T: "How were your holidays, Li Ming? What did you do in the winter
holidays?"教授核心句型 .I learned Beijing Opera."
3)教授 Beijing Opera, a little difficult,图片练习
Beijing Opera is fun. Beijing Opera is interesting. Beijing Opera is a little difficult.
4)总结 : What did you do in the holidays?
I learned Beijing Opera. It was fun, but a little difficult.
3.出示 Wang Hong的图片 .
1T:"What did you do in the holidays, Wang Hong?"学生自己阅读第二段找
2S: I went to Hainan.教授 went.出示海南的图片 .
3"beautiful place."教授 place.
4T:"Did you swim in the sea, Wang Hong?" S: "Yes, I did. I had a good time."
5)总结 : What did you do in the holidays?
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I went to Hainan. I swam in the sea.
4.出示 Peter 的图片 .
1T: "Did you enjoy your winter holidays, Peter? " 教授 enjoy.
2T: "What did you do in the holidays?" 学生自己阅读第三段找答案 .
3S: "I went back to Canada. I visited my friends and took many pictures."
4)总结 : What did you do in the holidays?
I went back to Canada. I visited my friends. I took many pictures.
Ⅲ. Practice and production
1Listen and repeat.模仿跟读 ,注意语音语调 .
2Let's talk 部分的内容 .通过转盘游戏播放图片 ,学生分组操练并展示 .提示学
Talk about your winter holidays.
Unit 1Winter Holidays
Lesson 1What did you do in the holidays?
Wang Hong: I learned Beijing Opera.
Li Ming: I went to Hainan. I swam in the sea.
Peter: I went back to Canada. I visited my friends. I took many pictures.
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Unit 1 Winter holidays
Lesson 2
1Studentscan listen and repeat the new words like: ice hockey, ski, go dog
sledding, go ice fishing, in Ottawa. New phrases: I didn't ski. I went dog sledding. I
played it with my friends.
2Students can listen and repeat the sentences:
Where did you take them? I didn't ski. I didn't go ice fishing. I got a fish. I went
dog sledding.
1How to use the past tense.
2They can speak the expressions correctly.
Students speak freely the sentences:
1I didn't ski. I didn't go ice fishing. I got a fish. I went dog sledding.
2Where did you take them?
Pictures, CD
Ⅰ. Warm up
Revise the words learn Beijing Opera, swim, take pictures, practice the dialogue
with the words.
A: What did you do in your holidays?
Now boys and girls in the winter holidays, I didn't learned Beijing Opera. I didn't
go to Hainan. I didn't play football. But I went to Harbin. Show them the pictures.
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1T: I went ice fishing, went dog sledding, and played ice hockey.
Ice hockey
Ice fishing
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Dog sledding
Then learn the new words: ice fishing, dog sledding, ice hockey, ski. Help the
students say like:
Ss: I went ice fishing.
2Look at Peter, What did he do in the holidays? Where did he take the
3Watch the CD, learn Listen and say
Ⅲ. Practice
1Read the dialogue after CD, find out the new words, go ice fishing, go dog
sledding, play ice hockey, ski. Students repeat like:
S: I went ice fishing.
I didn't go dog sledding.
2Watch the pictures on Let's talk, practice like:
S1: I went ice fishing in the holidays.
S2: I didn't go ice fishing.
But I went skating.
3Look at Let's do, using the table, make a dialogue with their own life.
A: Did you visit your friends?
B: Yes, I did./ No, I didn't.
Ⅳ. Production
1Show some pictures, get the students to make some dialogues.
T: I went ice fishing in the holidays.
S: I didn't go ice fishing.
But I went skating.
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2Let's do.
Get the students to make a table about their winter holidays. or their photos
about winter trip. Talk like:
Visit friends Take pictures Play football Go skating

Liu Mei×
Li Ming×

A: Did you visit your friends?
B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
1Copy the new words: ice hockey, ski, go dog sledding, go ice fishing, in Ottawa.
New phrases: I didn't ski. I went dog sledding. I played it with my friends.
2Read, listen and say the dialogue after school.
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Unit 1 Winter Holidays
Lesson 3
本单元的话题是寒假 ,本课讲述的是 JennyDanny跟随 Li Ming 去爷爷奶奶
.也解释了第二课 "Danny got a fish."的由来 .从语法的角度来说
1.能在文本语境中听懂 ,会说 ,认读 ,拼写单词 like;能听懂 ,会说,认读单词和短
: Lantern, parade, act, riddle, prize, the Lantern Festival, yangge dance, Monkey
King 并能结合句型灵活运用 .
2.能听懂 ,会说 ,认读句型 : "What did Danny do?" "He joined the parade."
"Everyone was happy that day." 能运用所学语言谈论彼此的假期生活 .
用句型 "What did Danny do?" "He joined the parade." "Everyone was happy
that day."介绍并询问彼此的寒假生活 .
CD-ROM, 单词卡 ,PPT.
Ⅰ. Warm-up
PPT出示寒假活动的图片 ,师生 ,生生互动交流 : "Did you in the holidays?" "Yes,
I did./ No, I didn't." "I didn't ski. I …"
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Ⅱ. Presentation
1.看元宵节的许多图片 .
1T: What Festival is it?教授 the Lantern Festival
2T: What did you do at the Lantern Festival? 请学生自由讨论 ,: visit
grandparents, take pictures, set off fireworks.利用图片教授 watch the lanterns,
guess a riddle, watch a paradeyangge dance.
2.出示一张题卡 ,请学生快速阅读文本 ,完成连线 .
3.呈现第一幅图 .
Li Ming joined the parade
Jenny visited his grandparents
Danny learned yanggedance
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1T: "What did Li Ming do at the Lantern Festival?" "What did they have for
2 ) 学 生 仔 细 阅 读 第 一 幅 图 的 语 篇 , 并 找 出 答 案 :Li Ming visited his
grandparents with Jenny and Danny. They hadyuanxiao for breakfast.
3T: "Yuanxiaois very nice."教授 very.
4.呈现第二幅图 .
1T: "What did they do then?"教授 parade
2T: "Did Jenny learn yangge dance from Grandpa?" 教授 yangge dance.
3)学生阅读第二幅图的语篇 ,并回答 :"No, she didn't. Jenny learned yangge
dance from Grandma"
5.呈现第三幅图 .
1T: "What did Danny do?"
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2)学生仔细阅读第三幅图的语篇 ,并找出答案 :"He joined the parade. He
acted like the Monkey King"教授 act like,提醒学生注意 "like" 在此处的意思 .
3)搭建图片支架 ,练习 act like.
6.呈现第四幅图 .
1T: "When did they watch the lanterns?"
2)学生快速阅读第四幅图的语篇 ,并找出答案 : "In the evening."教授单词
3T: "What did Danny do in the evening?"
4) 学生再次仔细阅读第四幅图的语篇 ,并找出答案 : "Danny guessed a riddle
and got a prize."教授单词 prize.
5T: "What was the prize?" Yes, it was a fish. So, Danny said, "I didn't go ice
fishing. But I got a fish, too."
7Listen and repeat.模仿跟读 ,注意语音语调 .
Ⅲ. Practice
1.请学生看 Let's discuss部分的内容 ,分组操练并展示 .提示学生第一个问题
2.请学生以小组为单位 ,选择喜欢的语段 ,尝试对语段内容进行复述 .
Ⅳ. Production
完成 Let's write 部分 .学生根据图片和单词提示 ,帮助 Li Ming 完成一篇日记 .
1.请学生认读提供的单词 .
2.请学生阅读日记内容 .
3.完成填空 ,将单词抄写在相应的位置上 .



