

刚刚,北京冬奥会自由式滑雪女子空中技巧决赛,中国选手徐梦桃 夺得金牌!


Medals update: Xu Mengtao wins emotional gold in Beijing 2022 freestyle skiing women's aerials


After missing out on the gold in the mixed team aerials Xu Mengtao wins the women's aerials with defending champion Hanna Huskova this time claiming silver and USA's Megan Nick flying in for the bronze.

在错过了混合团体空中技巧的金牌之后,徐梦桃赢得了女子空中技巧的冠军,卫冕冠军汉娜·胡斯科娃(Hanna Huskova)这次获得了银牌,美国的梅根·尼克(Megan Nick)获得了铜牌。


自由式滑雪空中技巧 freestyle skiing aerials

自由式滑雪空中技巧混合团体 freestyle skiing mixed team aerials

1)aerial /ˈerɪəl/ 作形容词,表示“(尤指从飞机上的)空中的;空气中的”,英文解释为“in or from the air, especially from an aircraft”举个🌰:Meanwhile, the massive aerial bombardment/bombing of military targets continued unabated. 同时,对于军事目标的大规模空袭仍在猛烈地进行。

2)作名词,指的就是这个空中技巧,空中特技,英文解释为“a type of freestyle skiing in which the skier jumps from a ramp and carries out manoeuvres in the air.”

Defending champion

defend作动词,可以表示“卫冕”,英文解释为“When a sports player plays in the tournament which they won the previous time it was held, you can say that they are defending their title.举个🌰:

The defending champion will play her first match of the tournament tomorrow.

卫冕冠军将在明天进行她在此次锦标赛中的第一场比赛。(From: LearnAndRecord)

📍同样在体育比赛中,还可以指“防守,防卫”,英文解释欸“to try to prevent the opposing player or players from scoring points, goals, etc. in a sport”举个🌰:

In the last ten minutes of the game, we needed to defend.


📍而在法律上则可以指“(在法庭上)为…辩护,当…的辩护律师”(to act as a lawyer for someone who has been accused of something in a court of law and try to prove that they are not guilty),如“被告”就是defendant:A defendant is a person who has been accused of breaking the law and is being tried in court.

此前在EDG是什么?文中卫冕冠军用的是:the reigning champions "DWG KIA"。

📍reigning /ˈreɪnɪŋ/ 表示“(冠军)本届的;现任的”,英文解释为“The reigning champion is the most recent winner of a contest or competition at the time you are talking about.”举个🌰:

She's the reigning champion at Wimbledon.



表示“获得;赢得;取得”,英文解释为“to gain, win or achieve sth举个🌰:

She has finally claimed a place on the team.


An emotional Xu Mengtao screamed repeatedly with delight on winning gold in the women's aerials event at the Genting Snow Park on Monday (14 February) receiving not only love from the crowd but from her competitors too.

周一(2月14日),情绪激动的徐梦桃在云顶滑雪公园(Genting Snow Park)的女子空中技巧比赛中赢得了金牌,她不仅得到了观众的喜爱,也得到了竞争对手的青睐。

In the final, Xu went into the lead, with a score of 108.61. Caldwell was part of the US team who won mixed aerials gold to deny the People's Republic of China the much-wanted gold on home snow. This time, the positions were reversed when Caldwell fell on her run to leave her in fourth place (83.71), behind teammate Megan Nick who claimed bronze (93.76). The defending champion from four years ago, Belarus's Hanna Huskova this time claimed silver with a score of 107.95.

在决赛中,徐梦桃以108.61分领先。考德威尔是美国队的一员,他们赢得了混合团体空中技巧的金牌,使中国在主场雪地上失去了渴望已久的金牌。这一次,风水轮流转,考德威尔摔倒了,排在第四位(83.71分),落后于获得铜牌(93.76分)的队友梅根·尼克(Megan Nick)。四年前的冠军得主、白俄罗斯(Belarus)选手汉娜·胡斯科娃这次以107.95分的成绩获得银牌。


表示“不允许;剥夺;拒绝”,英文解释为“to not allow someone to have or do something”举个🌰:

Her request for time off work was denied.



表示“(使)反向;(使)倒转;彻底改变;推翻”,英文解释为“to change the direction, order, position, result, etc. of something to its opposite”举个🌰:

The new manager hoped to reverse the decline in the company's fortunes.


Two-time world champion Laura Peel struggled with her landings throughout the competition and was unable to muster the form that brought her the 2021 world title. The Australian finished fifth (78.56). Xu's teammate Kong Fanyu, who suffered a nasty fall, came in sixth (59.67).

两届世界冠军劳拉·皮尔(Laura Peel)在整个比赛过程中都在为自己的落地而苦苦挣扎,未能保持为她带来2021年世界冠军的状态。澳大利亚人获得第五名(78.56分)。徐梦桃的队友孔凡钰摔倒了,获得第六名(59.67分)。


此前在金钟大承认恋情 | 微软正式终止支持Win7一文中刚出现这个词。

1) muster sth (up)表示“找寻,聚集,激起(支持、勇气等)”,英文解释为“to find as much support, courage, etc. as you can”举个🌰:

We mustered what support we could for the plan.


2)表示“集合,召集,集结”,英文解释为“to come together, or bring people, especially soldiers, together for example for military action”举个🌰:

The troops mustered.


3)表示“赶拢(牛、羊)”,英文解释为“to gather together sheep or cows”


熟词僻义,表示“(参赛者的)竞技状态,良好状态”,英文解释为“A competitor's form is their ability to be successful over a period of time.”举个🌰:

After a bad year, she has regained her form.



作名词,熟词僻义,表示“(竞赛、体育比赛的)冠军”,英文解释为“[C] the position of being the winner of a competition, especially a sports competition”如:the world heavyweight title 重量级世界拳击冠军。


1)表示“差的;令人厌恶的;令人不悦的”,英文解释为“very bad or unpleasant”。

2)表示“不友好的;恶意的;令人不愉快的”,英文解释为“unkind; unpleasant”,如:to make nasty remarks about sb 说某人的坏话。

3)表示“危险的;严重的”,英文解释为“dangerous or serious”,如:a nasty accident 严重事故。

4)表示“无礼的;污秽的;下流的”,英文解释为“offensive; in bad taste ”,如:have a nasty mind 思想肮脏。

📍此前,在“你是个糟糕的记者,这就是我想说的”文中,NBC记者在向特朗普提问时,就被说,“这是个恶心的问题(it’s a very nasty question)。”

The next freestyle skiing events take place Tuesday (15 February) with the women's slopestyle final, men's slopestyle qualification and men's aerials qualification.



Slopestyle is a winter sport in which athletes ski or snowboard down a course including a variety of obstacles including rails, jumps and other terrain park features. 坡面障碍技巧是一项冬季滑雪运动,在这项运动中,运动员在各种有障碍物的赛道上滑雪或单板滑雪。

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