
新闻速递 | 重组和资本解决方案合伙人战略加盟富而德香港,助力本所亚洲业务持续发力

富而德 富而德律师事务所 2023-08-25

富而德律师事务所(“富而德”)宣布任命Daniel Anderson(安鼎翔)为合伙人。安律师将常驻香港。Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer ('Freshfields') has appointed Daniel Anderson as a partner. He will be based in Hong Kong.

在加入富而德之前,安律师曾任职于瑞格律师事务所(Ropes & Gray),主管亚洲重组和特殊情况业务。安律师尤其擅长处理重组和资本解决方案(特殊情况)业务。他的加入标志着富而德在亚洲提供重组和资本解决方案业务领域迈出重要一步,同时也是对富而德在欧洲和美国重组和资本解决方案业务领域战略投资的积极补充。
Daniel joins the firm from Ropes & Gray, where he led the Asia restructuring and special situations practice. He has particular expertise in both restructuring and capital solutions (special situations). His hire marks a significant step for Freshfields’ Asia restructuring and capital solutions offering and complements strategic investments by the firm in Europe and the U.S. in this space.


“It’s an honour to take up the opportunity to join the Freshfields partnership,” said Daniel. “Both globally and within the region, the firm has an enviable reputation and market position, and provides a fantastic platform to serve some of the world’s leading investment funds and special situations investors. I look forward to supporting them on their most challenging regional and cross-border mandates.”

Asia Managing Partner Thomas Ng said,

吴东耀(Thomas Ng)

“合伙人团队欢迎安律师加入富而德。安律师在香港乃至整个亚洲区享有盛誉,拥有为债权方提供法律服务的深厚资历以及办理各类重组和资本解决方案项目扎实的执行能力。在本所亚洲重组业务和私募资本业务持续增长之际,安律师的加入可谓恰逢其时。我深信安律师将会使我们在亚洲区的客户服务能力更加充实和丰富。”“Our partners are pleased to welcome Daniel to Freshfields. He brings a strong market profile, impressive creditor-side credentials, and proven execution capabilities across a broad range of restructuring and capital solutions mandates, both in Hong Kong and the wider Asia region. His hire could not be more timely as we continue to grow our restructuring practice and private capital bench in Asia, and I have every confidence that Daniel will enrich our client offering across the region.”


新闻速递 | 富而德晋升四名大中华区顾问律师

新闻速递 | 富而德任命30位新合伙人



本文仅载列一般资料,并非旨在提供法律意见。 本文提供者为国际律师事务所富而德律师事务所有限责任合伙制机构(Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP)(一家根据英格兰及威尔士法律组建并受英国律师监管局规管的有限责任合伙制机构)(下称“英国有限责任合伙制机构”)以及在一系列司法管辖区以富而德律师事务所(Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer)名义执业的英国有限责任合伙制机构的办事处和联属实体以及富而德律师事务所美国有限责任合伙制机构(Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP)(在本文中合称“富而德”)。关于监管信息,请参阅网页www.freshfields.com/support/legalnotice。

