
【学生作品展特辑】2019-2020-2 金融学专业篇

本学期在“互联网+教学”中两大合作院校紧密连接,中外师生线上线下互动,教学质量不掉线,作业形式多样化。经过一学期的努力学习, 金融学专业学生较好地完成了学业。本期小编精选了金融学专业2017级和2018级金融部分学生的作品,让我们一起来看看他们的学习成果吧。


Statement Defense


1. Group report (only 1 member need to submit)

2. 2 pages (content) in length

Font type: Times New Roman

Font type: 12a

Line spacing: 1.5 

Justified paragraphs (top/bottom/left/right): 25mm (1”)

3. references at least not including textbook. 

1 academic journal (referring to theory, not company)

Reference list

4. Due Date: 3rd April 2020 5 pm

点击边框调出视频工具条 https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?width=500&height=375&auto=0&vid=e3109ttpn3c  

31811192   Cai Xinru

31811193   Lin Bingbing

31811195   Cao Yuting

31811196   Zhang Shiyi

点击边框调出视频工具条 https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?width=500&height=375&auto=0&vid=a310950l4jf  

31811221 Lu Weiao

31811211 Shuai Wencong

31811228 Yu Jinzhe

31811213 Lv Shurong

点击边框调出视频工具条 https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?width=500&height=375&auto=0&vid=x3109ryx0g3  

31811181 Xu Jiayi

31811182 He Zhao

31811197 Zhou Yueheng

31811198 Wang Chen


Leadership and Facilitaion


Students who complete the course should be able to:

1. Explain and apply team facilitation theories and concepts, and explore their implications for the practice;

2. Draw upon and apply knowledge of teams to evaluate real teams critically;

Practice, reflect upon, and refine own team leadership skills;

3. Analyse interpersonal team interactions in the workplace, business, and social contexts.

 31811126 Chai Boyu 

 31811149 Chen Chao 

 31811131 Lyu Jiayue

 31811128 Wan Yidan 

 31811132 Jiang Jinsha 

31811133 Yin Qianwen 

  31811136 Gao Jie 

31811138 Cheng Ruodie 

31811122 Chen Yuyi

31811127 Zheng Xinyue

31811129 Wu Jiayi 


Investment 2


Students who complete the course should be able to:

1.  1. Write a 10-12 page report summarizing a comprehensive analysis of your chosen multi-national company. The report should be written in APA referencing style, and should include a title page and reference page. 

2. Your report should include Introduction,Financial positioning, Sector & Industry Analysis, Financial Analysis, Conclusion & Recommendation, Reference.

3. Your report should be written according to the following outline: Title page, Table of contents, Executive. 


31711193,Zhang Jiayu


Capital Markets and Institutions


Students who complete the course should be able to:

1.  Each group is expected to pick one of the given ten topics.

2. Identify Chinese capital markets,work out  a unique research report in a way that is comparable to lecture contents.

3. The research report is expected to be 10 pages or less excluding references and  appendix. 


31711217,Wu Zijing

31711219,Xu Jingwen 

31711221,Xu Yao 


