
Mustafa Emirbayer“比较历史社会学”课堂的五条“军规”

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03


The Emirbayer Rules


 (1) When you speak in class, please referexclusively to authors and texts we happen to be reading that day (or readearlier in the semester). Do not attempt to show off your intellectuality bydropping names or titles such as Wittgenstein, Althusser, or Hegel’sPhenomenology. Let’s stay focused.


 (2) Please try whenever possible torespond to the person who spoke right before you, rather than offeringsomething entirely disconnected. Let’s have a genuine conversation. If youaren’t able to maintain this continuity, then temporarily cede your place inline; we’ll return to you a bit later.


 (3) Please be relatively succinct andto-the-point in your remarks. Let’s be dialogic. It’s okay to be confused whenconfronting such challenging material, but I’ve found that confusion can mosteffectively be addressed when your comments are kept fairly brief, so thatothers can respond.


(4) Please do all the reading by yourself anddon’t share the reading assignment in a group division of labor. I’m lettingyou take your weekly examinations in an open-book/open-notebook format. Thisdoesn’t mean it’s okay for you to be consulting notes you’ve distributed amongyourselves.


One further comment: Sometimes a studenthas a point to make that’s so urgent, so necessary, so compelling, that he orshe can’t bear to wait in line. If and when this happens, raise both your handsat once, and I’ll (probably) call on you. Don’t overuse this privilege. Let’slimit it to (at most) one time per student per class meeting. (By the way, Isay I’ll “probably” call on you because sometimes, in the interest solely ofmoving the discussion along, I’ll ignore upraised hands. Nothing personal!)


译自:Sociology 753 (Spring 2010)
Comparative and Historical Sociology
Professor Mustafa Emirbayer from University ofWisconsin


