

高行云 社会学理论大缸 2022-06-09


Economy and Society

A New Translation

Max Weber

Edited and translated by Keith Tribe




By the later 1990s teaching loads were increasing, and when added to the routinisation of teaching associated with modularisation, the departmental response was to cut back and consolidate teaching on a textbook-based format.  The possibility of designing and developing interesting courses no longer existed at Keele, and so I left university teaching.

Living in Worcester and an active member of Worcester Rowing Club racing in eights and fours, I found a second, and far more satisfying, career as a rowing coach with King’s School Worcester.  The only teaching qualifications I have come courtesy of British Rowing. 


Tribe, Keith. 2012. “Max Weber: The Works.” Economy and Society 41(2):282–98.

 It certainly beggars belief that the MWG editorial group have made such heavy weather of reprinting these texts which are, rightly or wrongly, regarded the world over as Max Weber's central writings. Horst Baier was nominated as responsible for I/7 and I/12 in the 1981 prospectus, but seems to have made little progress in the modest task of preparing the existing ‘methodological’ texts for publication. The task has recently been entrusted instead to Johannes Weiß, who would have been a better choice in the first place. Likewise, progress in the editing of the Protestant ethicwas slow, and has now been taken in hand by Wolfgang Schluchter.


 And it is worth pointing out that Marianne suggested to Talcott Parsons that he translate the Protestant ethic, so that it was her initiative that led to the publication of this text in English in 1930. As Joachim Radkau ( p. 831) so astutely remarks, Weber, and not Sombart or Simmel, came to occupy the position he enjoys in the social sciences today to a large extent because Weber married such a woman, and they did not.





《Sociological理论大缸》的公开课:当代社会理论六讲| 吉登斯、布迪厄……

